My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2270: poor child!

Tang Ye's power broke through at the moment the shackles of Qi Luck were lifted. The power he accumulated was enough to reach the **** level, and at this time his strength was also in the realm of a lower level god. The power he played was enough to offset the poisonous power left by the plague god. The power of the God of Plague in the Celestial Tribe is mainly good at poisoning, and it is not a strong point in terms of power confrontation. Therefore, Tang Ye's power impact, coupled with Tang Zisang's poisonous skills, offset his poisonous skills.

This had the expected effect. After offsetting the poisonous power left by the plague god, the remaining problem for those patients was the simple virus invasion, so that their situation would not break out so quickly, so they would have more time to find out. Antidote. And to find the antidote, as long as you find the root cause, it is probably a virus-like mother, and then it is not difficult to match the antidote with Tang Zisang's ability.

The expert doctors present saw that the patient's condition had slowed down, and knew that Tang Ye and Tang Zisang did it. They were shocked by such a power, and then had a certain denial of their ability. They worked hard day and night, and they couldn't get a result and couldn't help the sick patients, but Tang Ye and Tang Zisang just showed their abilities like this, and they did it. So, what is the use of their existence?

This kind of thinking is very dangerous. No matter who it is, one cannot deny oneself and shake oneself, otherwise it is easy to lose oneself.

Tang Ye saw the expressions of the medical staff, thought for a while, and said, "You should be the first batch of scientists who have accepted and adapted to the existence of the abilities. Although you don’t have the abilities, you don’t need to feel depressed, or Unwillingness. You don’t need to envy these abilities, nor do you need to admire and pursue them blindly. You should stick to your abilities and the field of your own research. Because the knowledge you have is a kind of ability. If you play Using your own abilities, you can also defeat abilities."

"Even if I have abilities, I will not deny the power of scientific knowledge. Yes, I am using abilities, but I just treat abilities as an additional gift, which can be used when needed. It is a means to solve problems. Therefore, I will continue to insist on scientific knowledge and gain the power of science. In fact, supernatural powers often give people a short-lived feeling. This kind of power that originally did not belong to us suddenly came. , Who knows when it suddenly disappeared one day?"

Tang Ye said, looked at the scientists, and continued: "This is not nonsense. Before the situation of heaven and earth changes, where is the ability? Now that the ability appears on a large scale, it is just a sudden. If that day If the power body that caused this kind of ability to appear disappears, then the ability will also disappear. At that time, it is still dominated by scientific knowledge. And scientific knowledge, buried deep in our minds, is something we will never forget, unless we die . Therefore, knowledge is eternal ability. For this reason, you must not forget this kind of knowledge, and you cannot throw away this kind of knowledge for the sake of other forces."

"Hold on, one day, you will see the power of this kind of knowledge." Tang Ye looked at these scientists and said firmly, and raised his head slightly, the hood fell off a bit, everyone could see his face clearly.

When everyone saw Tang Ye's face, they didn't react at first. Then Tang Ye turned and left, and everyone reacted, knowing that it was Tang Sheng.

"It's Tang Sheng!" The person who recognized Tang Ye couldn't help exclaiming. Tang Sheng is the man with the largest statue in the heroic cemetery under the construction of the Red Wall Palace, even covering the emperor of the Red Wall. Therefore, Tang Sheng's weight is first-class in the Red Wall Palace.

Tang Sheng's return undoubtedly violated scientific theory. Because Tang Sheng existed a hundred years ago, a hundred years later, he is still so young, this is a kind of power that science cannot currently do. But despite the violation of scientific theory, scientists also hold the greatest respect for this human saint. Tang Ye's weight is also extremely important in their hearts.

It is Tang Sheng who encourages them not to give up their intellectual power, and not to deny their scientific ability when they see that their supernatural powers are very powerful. They believe it. Tang Sheng himself mastered supernatural powers, but he did not say that supernatural powers were the strongest, incomparable to scientific power. On the contrary, he said that supernatural powers have a lot of uncertainty, and to a certain extent they can't compare with scientific power. Even he is constantly learning and mastering scientific knowledge. Originally, these words were said at this time, which has a certain inspirational significance, but they are definitely not too big. However, when Tang Sheng's identity was revealed, the meaning of inspiration was not so slight.

Scientists who originally envied the abilities and denied them, immediately became excited, insisted on their opinions, and even had a fighting spirit, that is, to use their own abilities to fight the abilities, proving that the power of science is not inferior to the abilities. !

This is a very good fighting spirit. Only in this way can the scientific power be brought into play, and it will also make the scientific power develop faster. With threats, oppression, and competition, there will always be strong resistance, rise and competition!

Tang Ye and Tang Zisang walked out of the isolation area. Tang Zisang glanced at Tang Ye, hesitant to speak. Tang Ye caught a glimpse of her like this, smiled, and said, "You want to say, I'm good at fooling people?"

"No, what Grandpa Zeng said makes sense, and I was deeply touched and inspired, and I learned a lot." Tang Zisang said.

Tang Ye laughed and said, "You don't need to be like this, just say what you have. Why are you cautious with me?"

Tang Zisang moved his shoulders and said, "We all understand the great principles, but we can't do it. If you want to say something that fools you, many people will also say it, but it depends on who said it. Grandpa Zeng said it, just not same."

"Um..." Tang Ye was stunned, a little embarrassed. He didn't know whether Tang Zisang praised him or satirized him. Does it mean that what I said is very flavorful, or that I am fooling people with Tang Sheng's identity?

Tang Zisang saw that Tang Ye looked a little bit embarrassed, and couldn't help but laugh out loud, and even slightly covered his mouth, like an elegant and virtuous girl. She thought Tang Ye's reaction was too funny, and she didn't mean to laugh at Tang Ye at all, of course it was the kind of praise and envy. But Tang Ye's reaction was funny, and she couldn't help laughing. She put aside a lot of usual guards and pretenses, otherwise she would not laugh like this.

Few people must have seen Tang Zisang like this. But when Tang Zisang realized that she was like this, she became extremely embarrassed, feeling that she was gaffes, very embarrassing, she no longer dared to see Tang Ye, and walked towards the front with her head down. But she didn't know what caused her to change again, and snorted in a way that didn't fit her personality: "Grandpa Zeng hates..."

It's as if a girl is shy and deliberately gambled.

Tang Zisang like this is beautiful and very flavorful. But she always felt a little weird, because she had done this to Tang Ye, Grandpa Zeng, but both of them were probably past that age.

Tang Ye looked at Tang Zisang, sighed, and said, "Poor child, I didn't enjoy my youth."

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