My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2269: New world!

The desert in the northwest is full of wind and sand, the vegetation is difficult to grow, and the environment is very harsh. Although the town was built outside the desert, it was still affected by the desert sand. Once there is a strong wind, there will be a thicker dust. At this time, all households locked doors and windows tightly. When the wind and sand passed, there was khaki everywhere.

Since the outbreak of a large-scale infectious disease here, there have been no people in the town. The infected people have either died or were brought to the treatment base by people from the Red Wall Palace for isolation and treatment. Because of preliminary suspicion, this disease is contagious and cannot appear outside, otherwise the disease will also break out.

People evacuated the town, the town looked even more desolate and desolate, like a place in the apocalyptic world, the environment is harsh, there is no one, the wind and sand blows, the garbage slips through... Tang Ye and Tang Zisang both wore a set of hoods to cover up. Clothes, play a certain hidden appearance effect.

In addition to covering the wind and sand, such a dress really has the purpose of hiding one's identity. Because the identity of the Void Lord has been revealed, this identity has no effect. However, as Tang Sheng, if you don't know him, it's okay, others won't care too much. If you are someone you know, you will definitely be surprised when you see Tang Sheng. Just like a star walking on the street to be recognized, it is inevitable that there will be trouble. Tang Ye didn't want to have such troubles, so it was good to dress like this first to cover it up.

Walking on the streets of the small town market, Tang Ye and Tang Zisang looked around to find the situation. They came to investigate the disease. If you want to stop the disease, you must find the source and come up with a solution. Tang Ye originally used medicine to enter the Tao, and he also used medicine to enter the world, so if it is a disease, it is not difficult for him to find out. In addition, the secret technique of withered trees in spring that he has mastered is the technique of vitality. Now the death and decay caused by disease are in conflict with this power, and can also be used for investigation.

Tang Zisang cultivated poison and was at the level of the holy way, so he was proficient in poison. The occurrence of this disease can also be said to be a kind of poison. She is also very good at finding the source of the poison or analyzing what it is.

"Not poison, but a kind of power." Tang Zisang said to Tang Ye after feeling it.

In this small town, Tang Zisang felt the power of poisoning, that is to say, the disease produced was not caused by a certain naturally occurring virus, it was directly caused by the power of poisoning. The power of natural poison is different from the power of poison. Natural poison is the poison produced by itself when the conditions are sufficient. For example, a dead animal produces a virus in the process of decay. The power of poison is extracted from natural viruses and refined into a power. Therefore, the power of poison is equal to the poison after post-processing.

In this way, the result was just like Tang Ye and the others had guessed. The sudden outbreak of the disease was man-made. And such a terrifying power is probably the hand of the gods. Judging from what Tang Ye had learned about the gods from Jiuzhongtian, it was probably the Plague God tribe who had released this poison technique.

Tang Ye also felt a wave of poisonous power, and was sure that this was done by the **** of plague. To solve this disease, there are two ways, one is to kill the plague **** who releases this kind of poison, and the other is to develop a formula to eliminate the disease if the plague **** cannot be killed.

Now the **** of plague doesn't know where to hide, so he can only use the second method first. This requires finding the root cause of the disease. Then Tang Ye needs to go to the isolation area to inquire about the situation. Then the two went to the treatment area arranged by the Red Wall Palace. After they got there, although their heads were covered with a hood, they couldn't tell who it was if they didn't look carefully. This kind of dress is a bit weird, and it is generally regarded as an enemy. At least it will guard against it. However, the two obtained the relevant documents from the Red Wall Court. As long as they show the Red Wall Court, they will know who they are, so that they will not be blocked, but they can also issue orders because they are directly appointed by Wang Jiuxiao. For soldiers, they have great power and can make arrangements and orders.

Enter the quarantine area, see people coming in and out, carry newly infected patients in for treatment, and then carry out those who have died. There is still no way to cure this disease. Patients who can't persist will die. There is no way.

Originally, entering the quarantine area needed to wear protective clothing and perform a series of disinfection and other tasks, but Tang Ye and Tang Zisang did not want to delay the time, they directly issued a force to generate a shield, covering their surroundings, and then told the people at the red wall palace. Clearly, you can come and go freely.

Entering the place where the patients stayed, they saw many blue decayed wounds on their bodies. These wounds kept bleeding, and the red blood quickly turned blue, like a mutation. The degree of decay of the wound is very fast. If it can't be stopped within a few days, it will become completely unrecognizable and die. There is not much time for medical staff to study, so it is even more impossible to match the antidote, and nothing can be done.

Tang Ye and Tang Zisang saw this situation. For them involved in the power of poison, they knew why the wounds of the infected person expanded rapidly. That was because the power of poison itself was working. If this layer of poisoning power is prevented, patients can hold on for a longer time.

Poison power can be offset, as long as the power mastered is strong enough. Tang Ye glanced at Tang Zisang and said, "Can you extract the power of the poison technique to offset the power of the Plague God?"

Tang Zisang said: "In order not to stimulate the poison, it needs to be matched with the corresponding poison power, which can also be said to be an antidote. To counteract the power of the plague god, the same level of power is required, and I cannot reach it temporarily. Celestial level..."

Tang Zisang was a little embarrassed, but her current realm of strength was only at the peak of the heavens and humans, and it was indeed a little short of reaching the **** level.

Tang Ye nodded, and said, "You are more proficient in cultivating poison art than I am. Then give me the power of poison art, and then let me use power to offset the power of the plague god.

"Okay." Tang Zisang was more pleased to do this, and she liked this way of working with Tang Ye to solve the problem. I don’t like things, but I like working with people. She used to be alone, alone. With people now, my mood has changed. This is beneficial to many aspects, including cultivation.

Soon Tang Zisang condensed a group of purple poisonous power, and then passed it to Tang Ye's hands, Tang Ye sent out with god-level power, spread it, and enveloped the patient, so as to eliminate the poisonous power left by the plague god.

The medical staff who were originally present saw this situation, but they were surprised and did not stop Tang Ye and the others. Because of the changes in the world, they have already explained. There is a kind of person with strange power, and they have also accepted and identified with it. Now Tang Ye and Tang Zisang are serious with them, they are people with strange powers.

To a certain extent, these singular abilities are indeed incomparable with scientific power. They need help to be obtained, and it is also excellent to use them.

The collision of the two forces began to change people's perception of the world, and a new world outlook began to form.

Including a new world is also taking shape.

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