My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2168: Use it again!

With a way to deal with Baihu, Qiuya and Qiuyao were more at ease. If there is no way to deal with the white tiger, you can only evade passively, but knowing that you will lose in the end, it is quite a painful thing. Now there is a way to deal with the white tiger. Although I don't know whether it will succeed, it is good to try hard.

Goals and directions, even in the whole life, are indispensable.

Now, Tang Ye opened the sixth stage of the dead door limit, and the dark magic came out frantically, covering his whole body. If you get close to him, such a huge dark magic power is enough to suffocate people. This kind of power is the power of the dark demon. The purgatory world where the dark demon lives is not suitable for humans, and even most other creatures, so it will be unbearable. If the strength is weak, it will be directly affected to death.

The greater the force of the surging, the greater the influence of gluttony's greedy swallowing ability, which means more power will be swallowed. Bai Hu thought that Tang Ye suddenly released such a powerful force that he wanted to fight desperately and tried his best to kill him. If he didn't succeed, he would become benevolent. It sneered triumphantly, thinking Tang Ye was too naive. Because it continued to swallow its strength and strengthened, it was impossible for Tang Ye to kill it.

However, Tang Ye's intention was not like this. Tang Ye wanted to use his strength to "feed" the white tiger, let the white tiger eat and support, and cause the white tiger to be severely injured by the heavenly punishment. At that time, it would be quite easy to deal with the white tiger. And this intention, Tang Ye can't let Bai Hu know, so now his expression is resolutely gloomy, to make Bai Hu feel that he is going to fight to the death.

Bai Hu was a bit self-righteous, and Tang Ye cooperated with his self-righteousness, so Bai Hu could not find Tang Ye's intention, so he went on fighting with Tang Ye, and still said coldly, mockingly, and saying something to stimulate Tang Ye.

But it underestimated Tang Ye's disposition, Tang Ye was not affected at all, as soon as he had the opportunity to attack White Tiger, he would attack immediately, and everything else was evasive. But Bai Hu's attack was fast and powerful, and Tang Ye's evasion was somewhat dangerous. Therefore, Qiuya and Qiuyao will harass Baihu, and they will also use magic power to affect Baihu's judgment.

In this way, the three of them fought white tigers, and they couldn't tell the winner for a while. After fighting for a long time, the white tiger became a little impatient, and screamed up to the sky, summoning a group of little white tigers to deal with Qiuya and Qiu Yao, and then it could kill Tang Ye with all its strength. Without the help of Qiuya and Qiu Yao, two powerful foxes, Tang Ye's situation would be much more dangerous.

Qiuya and Qiuyao were originally worried, but Tang Ye's life-saving skills are quite a lot, and the trick of turning flames is enough, so he always has no dangers. Qiuya and Qiuyao are not so worried, and focus on destroying the young. White tiger.

"You can't hide for long!" Bai Hu became impatient, became irritable, and shouted in a low voice: "My strength is getting stronger and stronger. It is only a matter of time before you kill you, and it will not be a long time!"

The white tiger's attack became more and more fierce, and his secret skills were used to blow up the blow, as if the entire mountain was about to collapse at any time.

However, Tang Ye still calmly avoided. The dark magic power on his body has been so turbulent, even he actively controls the dark magic power and flies in the direction of the white tiger. Bai Hu thought that Tang Ye was going to attack it, but he didn't know that Tang Ye was speeding up and devouring him.

Bai Hu's power is getting stronger and stronger, and it is vaguely fettered by the current air luck after all, that is the level of the gods. Suddenly the sky and the earth were surging and the sky changed suddenly, and the densely covered dark clouds seemed to be about to rain. But there is no lightning yet, which means that the white tiger's power has not reached its maximum limit and cannot cause lightning.

Dark clouds obscure the sky, the wind surging, and the howling is just a warning. If the white tiger's power increases again, it may be suppressed by the power of heaven and earth.

The power of heaven and earth, also known as the source of origin, is mainly manifested in two forms, one is luck and the other is destiny. Qi luck and destiny should cooperate with each other, adjust all creatures, the weak and the strong eat, and achieve the balance of the biological chain. Qi Luck can change destiny, and destiny can also change Qi Luck. The two influence each other and work together to shape the wonderful life of all creatures. But now that fate has changed, the air luck can only be adjusted by superficial things. This superficial thing is the magnitude of power. If the strength is too great, the luck will be punished. If you can survive the heavenly punishment, you will become stronger if you get the approval of Qi Luck. And if you can’t survive the Heaven’s Punishment, then the cultivation base will be lost and everything must be re-started!

From ancient times to the present, there have always been few people who have survived the punishment of heaven, so the strong have only lost that.

Tang Ye saw the storm, dark clouds, and occasional lightning. Knowing that it was still a little bit short, Tang Ye would be fined. Boom, a flash of lightning struck suddenly, shocking everyone.

Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao and Tang Ye all knew that this scene would come, and this was how they wanted to deal with the white tiger. However, when this scene really came, they realized that they were actually afraid!

The majesty of the sky is unstoppable, and even those who become immortals are afraid of this power!

Seeing the dramatic changes in the sky, Bai Hu also knew that his strength was constantly increasing. However, it is not afraid of being seriously injured by the sky thunder, because it feels that it has a divine protection body, so it has no fear of being injured by the sky. Then, it was very happy. Because it can cause great changes in the heavens and the earth, it shows that its power is so powerful that no one can beat it, and it will be comparable to the true god. Under such power, why not kill a Tang Ye?

"Hahaha..." Baihu laughed loudly and shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice: "Tang Sheng, now you can no longer resist my power. If you want to hide, just hide, or you will be beaten by me once. Gotta die, haha."

Bai Hu was very happy, and felt that killing Tang Ye now had experienced a kind of hunting pleasure. Suddenly, it didn't want to kill Tang Ye so quickly, wouldn't it be more interesting to tease Tang Ye?

Thinking like this, Bai Hu played a lot with Tang Ye, his attack changed, and it was no longer so lethal. This made Tang Ye relax a lot. He looked at Bai Hu, his eyes rolled, and he couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

This one is really silly, it's a death.

Tang Ye was very happy about Bai Hu's changes, he continued to release dark magic power, and Bai Hu didn't care at all, and he didn't worry that it would let his gluttonous greed swallow the power to absorb. At this time, it only focused on how it became stronger, and didn't notice that Tang Ye's strength had basically not been reduced.

This is very deadly, and Tang Ye's power feeding will make it go to extinction.

The sky's drastic changes are still going on, from the original wind surging, dark clouds, to the current lightning and thunder.

Suddenly, a lot of intense purple lightning struck down, which meant that the white tiger's power was getting closer and closer to the limit of Qi Luck. The White Tiger still laughed. It felt that the more it was, the more it could prove its power. However, at this moment, Tang Ye looked at the lightning in the sky and fell into a little thought.

Then he thought of something and became excited, and then he immediately summoned through power to connect the two-headed python, asking the two-headed python to come quickly.

When the punishment falls, it can help the double-headed python get another trial and break into the dragon form!

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