My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2167: Boom!

The darkened white tiger’s gluttonous swallowing power is manifested as strands of dark arrogance. This dark arrogance continues to expand, extending from the body of the white tiger, expanding to the entire mountain, and covering it completely. Will be sucked out of strength and vitality.

It's really the place where it's gone, no grass will grow.

The power of gluttonous gluttons, is this endless destruction and destruction, swallowing everything up, leaving nothing. In ancient times, I didn't know where the gluttonous glutton was born, nor did it know why it would die. It once became the head of the ten thousand monsters, bringing the heaven and the ten thousand monsters out of the barren land, sweeping across the land of Kyushu, and no one in the world could stop it. Even the extremely terrifying Zhuxian Sword of Heaven and Earth could only hurt it.

Taotie was injured and returned to Nanban. As long as he recovered, he could be dispatched again. At that time, everyone in the world would be spared. Then, descendants with Nuwa's power went to the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons to deal with the injured gluttonous food. In the end, he couldn't deal with it. In the end, he had to sacrifice himself, transforming into a statue of the town monster, standing in the abyss of the Ten Thousand Monster Cavern, confining the gluttonous food under the abyss. The power of Nuwa is immortal, and gluttony cannot be obtained.

This is a story recorded in mythological notes. Judging from the current situation, this story does not seem very true. Because if the gluttonous food is sealed, then why is there still gluttonous food appearing now?

However, in Tang Ye's view, such a myth may not be true. Because the present gluttony is not the original gluttonous body. Even if it were the four great beasts, he didn't think it was the first four great beasts. He believes that the current four great beasts, and the four great beasts, are nothing but the creation of the true god. They needed to ambush these four powers a long time ago, waiting for one day to return to the ancestral land, and use the remaining power to complete the opportunity to let the divine power of the heavens flow down, and their divine powers will all be restored to achieve the effect of perfect return.

The four great beasts and the four great beasts are fundamentally rooted. In fact, the status of the original body is by no means lower than some true gods. Even, they are stronger than true gods. In that world dominated by true gods, if you want to deal with ancient beasts, you basically have to dispatch a powerful enough true god. There is no way of restraint, even the true **** must be killed.

" can avoid my attack, but how do you avoid the gluttonous devouring power of greed?" The white tiger attacked Tang Ye, and Tang Ye avoided, it laughed loudly.

When Qiuya and Qiuyao go to help Tang Ye, Bai Hu will attack them. However, Baihu doesn't seem to want to kill them yet, and he coldly snorted to them: "You two traitors of the monster race, I will leave your lives to the ten thousand monsters, so that you might die as you are, and actually help a human being. !"

Qiuya and Qiuyao ignored Baihu's words and just attacked Baihu. Since they can't escape, they will do their best to deal with Baihu, maybe they can kill Baihu, so that they won't have an accident.

However, after protecting the power of gluttony, the white tiger's power was much stronger than before, and then under the influence of gluttony's greedy swallowing power, their power weakened, so they couldn't deal with the white tiger even more. Therefore, even if they took the initiative, they were beaten back by Baihu, and even hit the ground, causing minor injuries.

After a few rounds of fighting, Tang Ye joined Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao. At this moment, they both looked solemn and knew that the situation was not good. Qiuya bit her lip and said with a firm expression: "Honorable Lord, you and Qiu Yao are going to attack the imprisonment barrier, I will entangle the white tiger, break the barrier, you can leave!"

"I'm afraid it's not easy." Tang Ye said not optimistic.

"But there is no better way." Qiu Ya looked at Tang Ye and asked Tang Ye to say generally.

Qiu Yao was silent, she looked at Qiu Ya. In fact, she knew that Qiuya would not only entangle Baihu to help them delay time, but if necessary, Qiuya would sacrifice herself to help her and Tang Ye get the opportunity and time to escape.

Tang Ye looked at Baihu, feeling that Baihu's power was getting stronger and stronger, and said, "The power we lost has all come to Baihu?"

"Yes." Qiuya was very worried and said, "Because of this, this battle is doomed to lose. The power we lose is absorbed by the white tiger. In this case, the white tiger becomes stronger and stronger, and the more we The weaker you come, you will definitely be defeated."

Tang Ye nodded, and then said, "Then, how much power do you think Bai Hu can withstand?"

"Huh?" Qiu Ya didn't understand, looking at Tang Ye.

Suddenly, Tang Ye was in a daze. Seeing Bai Hu's silence, he ignored Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao. At this time, when the white tiger attacked, Tang Ye did not respond, still wandering. Qiu Ya was taken aback, holding Tang Ye's waist with one hand and Tang Ye quickly dodge.

"Honorable Lord?" Qiu Ya was very anxious. Tang Ye wouldn't be able to break the film at this time, right?

After avoiding Baihu's attack, Qiu Yao returned to Qiu Ya to help Qiu Ya at any time. She was very speechless to Tang Ye, rolled her eyes, and hummed, "Master, are you more reliable?"

Tang Ye returned to his senses, and he expressed great apologies. Unexpectedly, just the blink of an eye would be so dangerous. However, he seemed to be happy and smiled.

"Do you remember that I just said that I had an idea?" Tang Ye said to Qiu Ya and Qiu Yao.

"Huh?" Qiuya and Qiu Yao were puzzled.

Tang Ye stared at the huge white tiger and sneered at them: "Since the white tiger can absorb power, I will give him power. But can he swallow my power completely? If not, it will die. Because it was swallowed. If the power is too saturated, it will explode."

Qiuya and Qiuyao were taken aback when they heard that they wanted to use their strength to burst the white tiger? How much strength is needed then!

"This method... is theoretically possible, but can't it be done...?" Qiu Ya said hesitantly. The white tiger is so strong, there are too many powers that can be accommodated, and they are not god-level powers, it is impossible to burst the white tiger with strength.

"It doesn't have to be to the point of bursting." Tang Ye said: "The shackles of heaven and earth are still there, which means that the world still has will. Although the fate has changed, the luck has not changed. Therefore, the shackles of the air. Still falling, if the white tiger's power exceeds the limit under the protection of the true god, it will also be constrained by the luck of heaven and earth. At that time, heaven and earth will naturally lower their power to deal with the white tiger. That way, even if the white tiger cannot be killed, it can be seriously injured. "

"This way..." Qiuya analyzed and thought, and found it feasible, and said to Tang Ye: "Honorable Lord, this method can be tried, then we must send out enough power to be absorbed by Baihu. However, there is a dangerous place. , After the white tiger’s power increases, it may kill us..."

Tang Ye said, "So I only need to give out the power. You are responsible for confusing and transfiring the space to avoid."

In fact, even if he had to use his strength to burst the white tiger, Tang Ye could do it. Because of his dark magic power, it is currently unlimited, enough to hold the white tiger to death!

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