My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2121: It's all effortless!

Unexpectedly, the twelve koi that had been seriously injured and acted on the vitality given by Tang Ye would protect the lord again!

Where can the current twelve koi have the power to resist such a powerful attack by Xuanwu?

Tang Ye and Feng Zhu Lian both expressed doubts about this.

Wang Cangcang did not expect that the twelve koi would protect her. She was very moved, but very worried. The Koi, which was already badly injured, would definitely be beaten to death if it resisted the attack of Xuanwu.


Xuanwu's attack rushed and hit the twelve koi, making a violent collision. To everyone's surprise, the twelve koi actually blocked the Xuanwu attack!

"This..." Tang Ye and Feng Zhulian were stunned. Is the power of these twelve koi so powerful? It seems that my own power, or Suzaku's divine power, is not as good as the power of these twelve koi?

What is the origin of these twelve koi?


On Xuanwu's side, seeing the twelve koi blocking its attack, he was very angry, and the giant python's head immediately sprayed out a huge wave, attacking the twelve koi again.

This time, the twelve koi couldn't stop it. After resisting for a while, the twelve koi began to retreat, and the power of Xuanwu continued to oppress Wang Cangcang's side.

At this time, Tang Ye and Feng Zhu Lian were still being pressed by the power of Xuanwu, and they did not get out, unable to go to help Wang Cangcang, and Wang Cangcang fell into a life crisis again!

At this time, the twelve koi that had been connected to swim and resisted the huge waves of basal force suddenly moved, and they moved towards Wang Cangcang. They gave up the great wave of divine power to resist the Xuanwu, and when they approached Wang Cangcang, they were swallowed by the great wave of divine power.

Wang Cangcang is very sad, isn't the twelve koi dead? The twelve koi wanted to return to her before they died, she was so reluctant to give up.

Because of this move of the twelve koi, Wang Cangcang was not afraid that the huge waves of Xuanwu might hit her. She was not afraid of death anymore, she ignored the divine power giant wave and stretched out her hand, trying to catch the twelve koi carps swallowed by the divine power giant wave.

Tang Ye and Feng Zhulian were very worried, and both wanted to protect Wang Cangcang, but they couldn't get out, they could only watch Wang Cangcang being swallowed by a huge wave of divine power.

This was really bad for Wang Jiuxiao, and also bad for the Wang family. Tang Ye was very angry and annoyed, and then a strong killing intent broke out in an instant.

Xuanwu killed Wang Cangcang, he was going to kill Xuanwu!

The Fengzhu curtain next to her could not help being shocked. She had never seen such a powerful killing intent by Tang Ye, but she was shocked. If she was not about to escape from the attack of the mysterious waves of Xuanwu, she would be afraid that she was lost because of this. And was injured by a huge wave of supernatural power.

Both Tang Ye and Feng Zhulian weakened Xuanwu's divine power giant wave in one breath, and then turned aside, avoided the divine power giant wave, and got out. But when they looked at Wang Cangcang, Wang Cangcang had already been swallowed by a huge wave of divine power, and it was too late to save him.

However, just when Tang Ye and Feng Zhulian thought that Wang Cangcang had been killed, they suddenly felt a powerful breath that belonged to Wang Cangcang. Then, they saw Wang Cangcang coming out, a colorful bubble shrouded in Wang Cangcang's body, like a bubble spit by a carp. However, the twelve koi that came back to Wang Cangcang just now are swimming around Wang Cangcang's body, but the twelve koi are already transparent, as if only souls remain, indicating that they are dead or transformed into Other forms.

Wang Cangcang was not killed. What was that colorful bubble? It was so powerful that it could actually block the attack of Xuanwu. Tang Ye and Feng Zhu Lian were shocked when they saw this scene. What is the secret between Wang Cangcang and the twelve koi?

Both Tang Ye and Fengzhu Lian were paying attention to Wang Cangcang's situation. At this time, they saw that the twelve koi, which had been transparent, were connected into a circle in the colorful bubbles, swimming, very beautiful. Then, the twelve koi separated and swam towards Wang Cangcang's chest. Once there, the twelve koi carps merged into Wang Cangcang's chest, and then a pattern was formed on Wang Cang's pale chest!

The twelve koi carps merged into Wang Cangcang's chest one by one. In the end, the pattern formed by the twelve koi carps was like a simple basalt beast!

"That is!" Seeing this, Feng Zhu Lian exclaimed in excitement.

Tang Ye was equally astonished when he saw this scene. Unexpectedly, since there is such a subtle coincidence!

Wang Cangcang is the melting pot of the divine power carried by the basalt beast!

This is really an exciting thing. With the Xuanwu power melting pot, you can deal with Xuanwu!

Right now, Tang Ye understood what Wang Jiuxiao told him before. Why does Wang Cangcang play through the twelve koi? The phoenix curtains of both he and the Suzaku divine power holder cannot deal with Xuanwu, because there is no basal power melting pot, and Twelve Koi can help deal with Xuanwu. In the current situation, it was the twelve koi that helped Wang Cangcang regain the physique of the divine power furnace, which also let Tang Ye and Fengzhu Lian know. It can be said that the twelve koi helped them and told them how to deal with Xuanwu!

"Protect Wang Cangcang, and then you take Wang Cangcang to the place where the dragon heads up to find the Shenlong. I will stay and delay the Xuanwu!" After knowing that Wang Cangcang is the melting pot of Xuanwu divine power, Tang Ye immediately made arrangements to let the phoenix curtain protect Wang Cangcang. , Take Wang Cangcang away.

At this time, the twelve koi were fully integrated, and Wang Cangcang's body suddenly showed a blue light. And the huge wave of basaltic power that originally hit her was absorbed by the fusion pattern of the twelve koi on her chest!

The twelve koi patterns seem to have become a bottomless pit, absorbing the huge waves of basalt power in one breath. Who can imagine that huge domineering waves will be absorbed by small patterns.

In fact, this is exactly what Wang Cangcang's physique as a divine power melting pot awakened and absorbed the divine power of Xuanwu. After absorbing the huge wave of divine power, Wang Cangcang not only was not injured, but his strength was improved.

However, now she just regained the physique of the basaltic power furnace, absorbed the power of the basal power giant wave, and was still controlled by twelve koi carps, so at this time, Wang Cangcang was not suitable for direct war with basaltic power. For this reason, Tang Ye wants to take her to Shenlong to train, and also train other players. Once you are familiar with Xuanwu's abilities, you can start hunting Xuanwu.

Tang Ye is now in a very good mood. She was worried that Wang Cangcang would be killed, but she didn't expect Wang Cangcang to be a melting pot of profound martial power. This is great news. There is a feeling that you can't find a place to step through the iron shoes, and you have no time and effort. In this way, the plan of hunting Xuanwu can begin.



At this time, Xuanwu made two roars in succession, one with the head of the giant python and the other with the head of the black turtle. At this moment, I also knew why Xuanwu suddenly attacked Wang Cangcang, and it was so fierce that it was all powerful. Because it knows that Wang Cangcang is the melting pot of the divine power it carries. The melting pot of divine power is its greatest threat. If the melting pot does not die, an accident like Suzaku might happen. Xuanwu would never accept that he was killed by humans like Suzaku!

Xuanwu no longer had any reservations, and began to use all his strength to kill Wang Cangcang!

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