My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2120: Protect the Lord again!

To allow Wang Cangcang to continue to the north is to make Wang Cangcang's situation more dangerous, which does not conform to Tang Ye and Feng Zhulian's arrangement. However, Tang Ye couldn't help but shake when he saw Wang Cangcang's grief and the tenacity of the twelve koi.

Koi will die, and the last thing they want to do must be done by them. Completion is a kind of noble character... Tang Ye estimated that he could keep Wang Cangcang safe, so he could do it if he continued north.

"These twelve koi can no longer swim and need some strength." Tang Ye whispered to Wang Cangcang.

Wang Cangcang was taken aback and looked up at Tang Ye with a rather helpless expression, but he seemed to have caught the straw. Seeing hope, he said to Tang Ye: "Can seniors help them?"

Tang Ye can indeed help the twelve koi, as long as it releases the strength of the dead wood to meet the spring. Koi are seriously injured and can no longer be rescued, but it is still possible to give them vitality and maintain a period of action. However, Tang Ye didn't want to do this, thinking that he might be aware of Tang Sheng's identity by Wang Cangcang if he uttered the power of withered trees and spring.

However, now that the Koi is seriously injured, there is probably no time to take into account the observation of air luck. Wang Cangcang's eyes were so longing, Tang Ye felt soft and helped her. He approached Wang Cangcang, converted his power, and sent out a force of dead wood to spring into the twelve koi. Gaining vitality, the twelve koi that had been severely injured suddenly regained their vitality. They turned over and swam one after another, reaching the side of the colorful tank shaped by Wang Cangcang, as if they were about to swim out.

Wang Cangcang was very surprised when he saw this. He didn't expect the Void Lord to have this kind of power. She just felt a vigorous force, which was right from the Void Lord. However, it is said that the Void Lord possesses huge dark magic power and is the embodiment of evil, but how can there be such a natural vitality?

Wang Cangcang didn't use the power of the twelve koi carps, so he didn't feel that the vitality was Tang Sheng's power. She was just very surprised, this Void Lord is really mysterious.

"Thank you, senior!" Although surprised, thanks are necessary. Wang Cangcang returned to his senses and immediately thanked Tang Ye. Seeing the koi in her hand eager to go to the sea, she put them down and let them go north.

After the twelve koi entered the sea, they made a moving action. They lined up in an orderly manner and jumped and fell to Tang Ye, as if they were saluting and worshipping.

Wang Cangcang was taken aback when she saw it. She knew that the Koi was psychic and had received Tang Ye's help, and she would thank Tang Ye. But she didn't expect that the twelve koi would pay such a big gift to Tang Ye. It's like pilgrimage, Koi will only do this to dragons. Perhaps the Void Lord is as powerful as a dragon, but it is not a real dragon. The position of the dragon among the beasts cannot be replaced by humans.

Others are curious about the identity of the Void Lord, and now Wang Cangcang is also very curious. I haven't been in contact before, but I heard what others said. Now that she was in contact, her curiosity about Tang Ye greatly increased. Sure enough, the Void Lord has too many extraordinary things, which always makes people want to see clearly.

Now the twelve koi were heading north, Wang Cangcang wanted to follow, and he would not observe Tang Ye. She also couldn't observe, without the ability of twelve koi, she couldn't deduce what a person is like.

"Senior, I want to follow them to the north." Wang Cangcang said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye nodded and said, "Go, I will help you clear the way. But Xuanwu's attack is very terrible. You have to act accordingly. If you can't stop it, I will take you away. Koi will not control your life. important."

"Yeah." Wang Cangcang nodded softly. She always felt that the Void Lord had taken care of her a little bit. Why?

At this time, the twelve koi took advantage of the vitality injected by Tang Ye and quickly headed north. In fact, they paid such a big gift to Tang Ye just now because they knew Tang Ye's identity. Koi is psychic, and it is still great. Tang Ye gave them power, they must know Tang Ye's identity.

Wang Cangcang followed the twelve koi, but at this time the attack from Xuanwu came again. However, Feng Zhu Lian rushed up immediately, using Vermillion Bird's supernatural power to block Xuanwu's attack.

But at this time, the Phoenix Pearl Curtain had already consumed a lot. When she resisted the Xuanwu attack, she shouted to Tang Ye: "Master, please hurry up, we can't stop it for long!"

Escorting Wang Cangcang to the north was not a planned plan. Now the pressure on Fengzhu Curtain is very high, and she doesn't know how long she can last.

At this time, another wave of Xuanwu attacks arrived, and Wang Cangcang was definitely unstoppable, and the twelve koi had no such power, so Tang Ye had to resist. Tang Ye directly drove to the fifth dead door, if it still doesn't work, he can only reach the limit of sixth. Fortunately, resistance is also weakened. After blocking, let Wang Cangcang stagger the position, and then stop forcibly dissolving it, so that it does not need to spend so much effort, and the requirement for strength is lower.

Tang Ye and Feng Zhu Lian were like this, and they received wave after wave of Xuanwu attacks. The twelve koi and Wang Cangcang finally approached, and from a distance, you can see the basalt like a big mountain.

Just like the heads of black tortoises and giant pythons on a large mountain, the heads of giant pythons can always absorb the sea water and send them out with divine power, forming violent impact waves, like a cannon, constantly firing. And Xuangui's ability is probably to perform absolute defense, so that others cannot break it, and cannot get close to it, so the python's attack will not be interrupted. In this case, the overall power attack of Xuanwu is like a fort that will not be destroyed, others can only let it bomb. So how is its opponent?

Seeing the twelve koi and Wang Cangcang approaching, Xuanwu's attack became more violent, and the giant python was yelling. Even Xuangui's head, which had been motionless before, also lifted up and looked around. Then he looked cold and solemn and made a sound. He seemed to be talking to the python head, asking the python head to quickly kill Wang Cangcang.


At this time, the giant python's head suddenly roared, and Xuanwu's body sank. The sinking of Xuanwu caused turbulent waves, and the impact on Wang Cangcang and Tang Ye also needed a lot of strength to resolve. However, this was just a huge wave, without supernatural power, it was not difficult for Tang Ye and Fengzhu Lian.

The stormy sea was quickly resolved by them, but Tang Ye was even more worried about what Xuanwu sinking wanted to do. At this moment, Xuanwu reappeared again, and there was another stormy sea. The difference is that the giant python's head has grown a lot, and its mouth is bulging, as if it was filled with an excessive amount of water.

Then, the giant python's head sprayed huge waves to attack, and it sprayed three huge waves in a row. They all faced Wang Cangcang. In this way, Wang Cangcang was very dangerous, even if Tang Ye and Fengzhu Curtain could block two of them, one of them could kill Wang Cangcang.

The attack came in an instant, Tang Ye and Feng Zhulian were very anxious, and went to resist the huge waves of divine power. However, there was another thing that they couldn't stop, so Wang Cangcang was afraid that he would be killed.

However, I never expected that at this time the twelve koi carps were linked in an orderly manner, jumped and rotated, and then formed a shield to resist the basal power of Wang Cangcang!

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