My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2074: Mirage exercise!

To show the majesty of Shenlong, Tang Ye cooperated with him in acting, showing respect to him, showing a request.

"Senior Shenlong, I ask you to shape the illusion of the Vermilion Bird so that I will be familiar with it." Tang Ye respectfully said to Shenlong Spirit.

The dragon hovering in the air, still so majestic and shocking, he said: "You want to hunt the Suzaku? That is to attack the divine power, you human being, really bold enough. Don't you know that I am also a member of the beast. You want I help you hunt down our beasts?"

Tang Ye said with a high spirit, "Senior Shenlong protects my human race, and he certainly understands the situation of the world today. Hunting and capturing the divine beasts and powers are also due to the big plans of the human race. I believe that seniors will understand."

"What a talking human!" The spirit of Shenlong roared slightly, his aura suddenly increased several times, scaring the people behind Tang Ye's body tight. Tang Ye didn't move, he thought Shenlong was too involved in acting.

Shenlong continued: "It's not impossible to help you, but there are conditions."

"What are the conditions? Senior Shenlong, please say." Tang Ye asked. Only with conditions, even harsh conditions, can the power of the dragon be demonstrated. This is for everyone to see.

Shenlong swam around his body, and suddenly the wind roared. When the dragon moved, the world changed color. Then the Shenlong said: "Human, you are very strong, very suitable for being the melting pot of my soul. If I help you, then I will lodge the soul into your body afterwards to complete my resurrection. Would you like it?"

"Wh, what?" When the people behind Tang Ye heard Shenlong's request, they were very worried, and there was also some resentment in their hearts. By doing this, Shenlong was tantamount to taking Tang Ye's life. How could such a condition be promised, and how could Shenlong, as the sacred beast that protects the human race, make such a condition?

Tang Ye snorted: "No problem, but this requires Senior Shenlong you to expel my will and soul. If you don't succeed, don't blame Senior Shenlong."

"Haha." Shenlong laughed, like a joke about Tang Ye's arrogance and arrogance, and said: "Okay, that's it."

The Fengzhu curtain behind Tang Ye disagreed with this, took a step forward, and said to Tang Ye: "Honorable Lord, don't do this. Wouldn't you..."

Feng Zhulian said, Tang Ye raised his hand to stop her. He knows Fengzhu Curtain, including what other people mean. It must be disagreeing with his promise to Shenlong. But the "acting" between him and Shenlong is just to let everyone know the severity of this kind of thing, so that a few people can go all out, and there must be no slack.

Tang Ye stopped the phoenix curtain, looked at Shenlong and said, "Senior Shenlong, not only is it necessary to deal with Suzaku, but also the other three great beasts, and the four great beasts. When we finish solving them, I will fulfill the conditions with senior Shenlong. ."

"You are so confident that you can deal with the four big beasts and the four big beasts. Hmph, for so many years, you are the most arrogant human being I have ever seen. But this is quite interesting. I want to see what you can do. Degree. Okay, I will promise you." Shenlong said to Tang Ye, his tone contemptuously. Probably this is the attitude that arrogant dragons often have, so it seems normal.

Tang Ye expressed his gratitude to Shenlong with his hands and said, "Then, time waits for no one. I also ask Senior Shenlong to start helping to shape the red bird beast now. Only Senior, if you understand the red bird beast, it is troublesome for you."

Shenlong spirit no longer said more, he understood what Tang Ye meant. However, he was just a soul, too powerful power was gone, so in the realm of fantasy, Tang Ye's power was still needed.

Shenlong tossed its body, soaring clouds and mists. After a tumbling, the world changed. What changed was the world they saw by the Phoenix Pearl Curtain, and they entered the illusion of the Vermillion Bird shaped by the dragon. Here is a hot land with a tall volcano in the middle, spewing out magma from time to time, and falling hot stones. The temperature here is very high, even if it is a master, it may be difficult to stay for a long time.

In such a fantasy territory, it was very real, and everyone almost thought that this was where Tang Ye took them to the place where the Vermillion Bird inhabited. That kind of murderous atmosphere made several people more vigilant and ready to fight at any time.

Tang Ye appeared in front of a few people, looked at the volcano ahead, and said, "The Vermillion Bird is inside the volcano. You are waiting outside now, I will lead the Vermillion Bird out."

In this illusion, Shenlong used his rules to weaken the power of everyone. Because even he wanted to create an illusion with Suzaku's true strength, it was impossible. For this reason, he wanted everyone to feel the real Suzaku's power, that kind of gap, he could only weaken everyone's power, and then let Tang Ye's power help strengthen the illusion, to reach the power gap between everyone and Suzaku.

For this reason, a battle in this fantasy territory is equivalent to a battle with the real Suzaku.

Everyone obeyed Tang Ye's arrangement. Although it was acting now, it was very important. Even though all of the Holy Path Realm is the strongest existence for others, under the leadership of Tang Ye, the power facing them makes them feel that the power of the Holy Path Realm is worth bragging and showing off. This is Tang Ye's level. When others think that the Holy Dao is the most powerful, they don't know that in Tang Ye's eyes, the Holy Dao realm is nothing more than ordinary.

Tang Ye went to the volcano to draw the Vermillion Bird beast. In this case, it was like Tang Ye became the master T. What's more, they didn't want milk. This is a high-end team, just output. In fact, Miao Yuer can be treated. Although she uses poison, she can also be equipped with treatment drugs. However, even if treated, some minor injuries were treated. Facing such a powerful existence as the Vermillion Bird Divine Beast, if he was hit, he would be seriously injured or even dead. Then the effect of treatment is relatively weak.

And Tang Ye was ready to carry the meat all the way. While attacking, he will fully attract the firepower of the Vermillion Bird beast. After all, he possesses the power of withered trees and spring, which is equivalent to "recovering blood" by himself. His strength can drive the whole rhythm. As for the need for others, that is to make up for the "output" problem.

Soon after Tang Ye entered the volcano, with a loud bang, he heard a sharp call. Then the volcano trembled, as if about to erupt. A black spot appeared in the sky, the black spot getting closer and closer, it was Tang Ye coming back from the volcano and landing safely.

Bang bang bang!

Before a few people had time to say anything to Tang Ye, the volcano trembled more and more severely, and the ground began to crack.


Then I saw that the volcano erupted, and a burst of intensely hot magma erupted straight into the sky. And everyone saw that in the molten slurry, the outline of a giant bird emerged. After the outline was obvious, I saw that it was an extremely huge red bird, it was Suzaku!

Suzaku flew down from a high altitude, glared at everyone, and flew directly. This was a powerful attack!

In the opening battle, you must avoid the first move, otherwise you will be killed directly.

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