My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2073: Shenlong shocked!

Now that everyone has made up their minds, it is time to start capturing the divine power plan. This will be a very symbolic thing, with a huge impact on success or failure. If it succeeds, it will let the world know that even if it is divine power, they humans can deal with it. And if it fails, it means that the day when the true **** descends is the time when mankind will perish.

Of course, because of some cognitive problems, if the Suzaku beast can be killed, many people may not think that humans can defeat the gods, but will feel that they have committed things that are intolerable to the world and blasphemed the gods and will be condemned by the gods.

There is no way for everyone to understand this kind of thing. I am afraid that people will only wake up when the true **** descends and is slaughtered by the true god. Only then did I know what to do. After all, many people still have a kind of respect for the true god. It is very difficult to abandon faith.

But no matter what, Tang Ye will carry on this plan. Now the recruits made up their minds, and Tang Ye was about to conduct combat training on them. Although several people have reached the level of the holy way, but to deal with Suzaku in this way, without any experience, it is tantamount to death.

Although it was to open up wasteland, Tang Ye also had other resources to use, such as Shenlong Spirit. Shenlong has existed in this earth for too long, even if it is in the age of true gods, it is very clear. Among the four great beasts, Shenlong is one of them. But Shenlong Spirit is not. The spirit of Shenlong hadn't died before, so where could it be compared with the four great beasts, it wouldn't just be a beast. Even the four great beasts must crawl in front of it to show respect.

Therefore, now Tang Ye wants to take everyone to find the Shenlong Spirit, and let the Shenlong Spirit shape the environment of the Suzaku, so that everyone can feel the feeling of fighting against the Suzaku in advance.

Of course, Shenlong Horror had no such powerful power, so Tang Ye would help with the creation of the Vermillion Bird Fantasy Realm. His strength alone may not be as good as the Vermillion Bird Divine Beast, but the strength close to the Divine Body is enough to train the Phoenix Pearl Curtain.

Tang Ye said to everyone: "Since you are all sure, then follow me and let you feel the power of Vermilion Bird. Although it is not true, you should treat it as true."

Everyone knew that Tang Ye had something new for them to train. They didn’t know why Tang Ye had so many resources, and this was what made them more and more convinced that they didn’t understand Tang Ye’s identity. the reason. If it is not a strong, well-deserved person, how can these resources be possible?

When Tang Ye took them to the place where the dragon looked up, they vaguely guessed that Tang Ye was about to create an illusion. Because the last time he challenged the inner demons, Tang Ye brought them here.

Last time Tang Ye only brought Wuwang, Tang Zisang, and Miao Yu'er. At that time, he had not recruited so many people. Last time, Tang Ye was able to meet Shenlong Soul, and they didn't know what was discussed. Now, they are not going to hide this. Because they want to encourage everyone, if they know that their boss can talk to the spirit of Shenlong and let the spirit of Shenlong help each other, then they will definitely increase their confidence and be sure to hunt down the beast of Suzaku.

Is Suzaku the mascot? But why does Shenlong help to hunt it? Therefore, what is going on now is fundamental to the survival of the human race, and nothing is firmer than this position.

Everyone knew that the place where the dragon raised its head possessed the power of the dragon, and this was where the dragon veins were. However, they were surprised at the things that Tang Ye came to say. Regardless of whether it was the Red Wall Palace or the power of Shenlong's protection, it seemed that they would not attack Tang Ye.

They have to suspect that Tang Ye has someone in the Red Wall Palace!

However, there are people in the Red Wall Court, and the only one who can enter the place where the dragon's head is raised is the emperor. Could it be that the Lord of Heaven is towards Tang Ye?

Even if they entered here by jumping space, since they have arrived, the emperor of the red wall must know that there are other forces that have come to the dragon to raise its head. According to normal circumstances, the Red Wall Palace should immediately send someone to respond, and it is still the strongest force. Because of the dragon veins of the capital and the center of the earth, there must be absolutely no mistakes.

Our Lord definitely has something to do with the emperor of the Red Wall, otherwise how could it be possible to stay so quietly in the place where the dragon's head is raised!

Tang Ye stood on the top of the mountain, ignoring the thoughts of a few people. He raised his head and said, "Senior Shenlong, I want to ask you for help."

"Huh...?" Hearing Tang Ye's words, everyone was taken aback, Senior Shenlong?

They knew that the place where the dragon raised its head had the power of the Shenlong, but they didn't know that there was a senior Shenlong. Could it be that Shenlong itself? But this is too incredible, Shenlong still exists?

And, our Lord can actually see and talk to him?

Tang Ye knew that everyone was surprised, and said: "Senior Shenlong is indeed here, but you can't see it. But now we have a special plan. I need you to take it seriously, so let you see Senior Shenlong."

After all, Tang Ye waved his hand and lifted the barrier of Shenlong against people with insufficient power, so that everyone could see the spirit of Shenlong.

Then, everyone was stunned.

They saw a huge dragon floating in the air in front of them. There was no mountain in front of them, but under the dragon hovering and floating in the air, it looked like a huge mountain. If it weren't for the dragon's head to wind down, facing the place where the dragon raised its head, they would not see the dragon's head at all.

It was the first time they saw such a dragon with floating clouds. Among them, like Tang Zisang and Wuwang, they have all seen the black dragon. Even the black dragon could not give them such a shocking feeling.

Ancient Dragon, this is it! Ten thousand beasts supreme, who can match?

Mortals always feel small for it. The dragon in front of him is such a supreme existence.

The spirit of Shenlong was accompanied by the old Taoist priest, and he was willing to sacrifice to protect the earth. He fell to the earth and became sheltered by power, so there is a legend of falling dragons. The legend of Luolong refers to him. And because of that old Taoist priest, he knew Tang Ye very well.

However, even if he knew Tang Ye well, he didn't want other people to feel that he was casual in front of Tang Ye and he wanted to maintain his dignity. In fact, if he only meets Tang Ye alone, he is really casual, so he is comfortable, why should he be so shocking.

In front of Fengzhu Lian and the others, he still had to act out. He didn't shrink his body, he deliberately became so majestic and shocked, and then said to Tang Ye: "I didn't expect you to see me, yes, you are very powerful. In today's ancestral land, I recognize you. Then, you are What can you ask me for?"

What Shenlong Spirit wants to emphasize is that Tang Ye came here to ask for him! So he didn't help casually, so Fengzhu Lian and the others knew that your lord was not someone who could move him casually!

The power of the dragon, no one can just scream!

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