My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2029: Fear of suffering!

Zhang Tai'a and those powerful ascetics felt that Tang Ye was really unreasonable, didn't they want to talk about negotiations? Why did you do it suddenly? Let's do it with your hands, just fight with people, but if you do it, you will destroy the entire Zongmen headquarters, which is too big a gap.

Seeing that the power gathered in Tang Ye's hands is getting bigger and bigger, I feel that power is getting more and more terrifying, like a nuclear bomb, is it really going to destroy the entire mountain?

"Stop!" Zhang Tai A low shouted, and at the same time stopped Tang Ye in the past, but Tang Ye just made it difficult for him to approach by simply sending out his tentacles.

The other Xeon ascetics are also taking action, and this faceless person cannot destroy this place, otherwise the Taoist sect will be greatly injured. Destroyed and built up with painstaking effort, costing huge sums of money, and the sect headquarters of decades, it is just like being destroyed, how can it be so!

However, Tang Ye's antennae power seemed to be endless, no matter how many people came to stop, they were all stopped by the antennae power. This is the use of the strength of dead wood in spring, and it does not exist when it is exhausted. A steady stream, like the claws of an octopus that will rebirth infinitely.

So many powerful people can't stop Tang Ye. Seeing that the power that Tang Ye gathers is very strong, it will be gone without stopping the sect. In addition, once the sect is destroyed, it is by no means as simple as losing a hill. If you just lose the hill, then no matter how great the loss is, you can find another hill to rebuild. But what if the people here are also dead?

There are so many people in the sect, excellent disciples, if they die, they will be strong enough to receive so many people. Aside from this, they are unwilling to let so many innocent lives suffer such a disaster.

"Venerable Venerable Lord, please raise your hands high, and discuss things!" At this time, some of the dozens of powerful monks called out, and they were different from Zhang Tai'a's stubborn attitude, and wanted to negotiate with Tang Ye.

Tang Ye sneered and said, "In the Taoist school, what do you say is countable? If you can't, then don't waste my time. Since you don't want to solve what I said, then I will solve it in my own way. As for the innocence, I can’t help it.

Zhang Tai'a felt that Tang Ye was threatening him, so he still didn't lower his head. However, the other ascetics cannot accept this kind of thing. Speaking loudly to Zhang Tai'a: "Sect Master, you can't do this! If you have to do this and ignore the safety of the entire sect, then we can't let you be the Sect Master again, because you are not suitable!"

Putting one's selfishness first, this is certainly not suitable for being a suzerain. At this critical moment, those powerful ascetics all know this. They were also dissatisfied with Zhang Tai'a's attitude. The entire lobby was destroyed, and now the entire Zongmen headquarters was also threatened, which is still the case. They naturally understand some things about the contradiction between Taoist school and the void organization. Although their arrogance made them feel that they should not give in to Tang Ye, and even settle accounts to Tang Ye. However, they couldn't deal with Tang Ye at all. They were powerful, and Tang Ye was stronger than them, so their arrogance would either be let go or face the disaster.

Obviously, most people can choose to let go of their arrogance. The strong fists are harder, and whoever has a hard fist speaks. If you think of arrogance, destroy it. However, I don't want to destroy it. You can't have both fish and bear's paws. Of course, you choose to survive!

Zhang Tai'a was very angry. It was not about succumbing to this faceless man. He was unwilling, and shouted in a low voice: "Never succumb to this faceless man, otherwise even if the Taoist school still exists, it will no longer have the authority of the past. What is the difference between being and being destroyed?!"

"Of course there is a difference!" A cultivator argued with Zhang Tai'a, and shouted: "You can leave the mountains without worrying about firewood! Besides, our existence is not for authority, but for the inheritance of Taoist mystery and to protect the people. , In order to spread the righteous way of heaven and earth, not for a little authority and selfishness!"

"I said no or no!" Zhang Tai'a was still very stubborn.

"Sect Master!" Another cultivator argued with Zhang Tai'a, shouting: "You also know that there is no need to cause trouble between my Taoist school and the void organization. There are some things, why don't you admit it! I was on that day. The sect elder was killed, and he went to the South China Sea to do those things. It is normal to have grievances and grievances. If it is to affect the entire sect, even the lord, you are not allowed!"


"Sect Master, this is the case, I'm afraid you are going to give in." Zhang Tai'a wanted to drink again, but was stopped by a cultivator, "In the current situation, letting go is the best and the only choice!"

"Sect Master, this should be the case!"

"Sect Master, this should be the case!"

Then, a group of monks shouted like this, asking Zhang Tai'a to put down the contradiction with Tang Ye, accept the negotiation, and stop obstructing the Void Lord.

"You..." Zhang Tai's angrily, but seeing the sect people who persuade him one after another, he has to consider this matter. At the same time, he noticed that the power that Tang Ye gathered was very powerful, enough to destroy this place. Then if you don't think about it, it will lead to terrible consequences.

"You...stop it." Zhang Tai'a finally made a decision, her tone relaxed a lot, and she was about to compromise with Tang Ye.

Tang Ye looked at Zhang Tai'a, and said, "I am not very satisfied with your attitude and not sincere enough. However, I am too lazy to care about this. Your attitude is not important. The important thing is not to do anything that hinders me in the future. Otherwise, You know the consequences. Because if there is another time, I will never give you a chance to discuss with me."

After all, Tang Ye dissipated the gathered power, and the surroundings gathered calm. All he saw was the collapsed lobby, and everything else was fine.

Tang Ye did not stay here. His goal has been achieved. As long as there is no Taoist instigation and alliance, then other people will not have the guts to run to Luohua Cave in the South China Sea to disturb him. Therefore, he directly opened the space channel and left without emphasizing the agreement reached, even if it was only an oral agreement.

Demonstrated power and destruction is easy. Although it is verbal, it is based on hands. People who believe in Taoism dare not violate it. If you dare, you have to think about the consequences of invoking the Void Lord.

After Tang Ye left, the Taoist sect was quiet, even if a lobby was destroyed, they were not in a hurry to deal with it, they had to be quiet to digest the matter. Probably they have all felt one thing, no matter how high their status is, how arrogant and stubborn self-esteem they have, in the face of the huge power gap, they will eventually have to compromise.

This is a very deep blow.

Zhang Tai'a looked very embarrassed. He was planning to take someone to Luohua Cave in the South China Sea to find the void organization to settle accounts, but Tang Ye took the initiative to come to the door and made him afraid to go again. A feeling of being slapped by life, as the Sect Master, it is always very uncomfortable.

But Zhang Tai'a feels that evil is invincible, and things like the Void Lord will suffer the consequences one day!

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