My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 2028: do not do that!

Zhang Tai'a's strength is definitely not better than Li Hongyi. Even the sect master of Taoism is outside the big world. It is difficult for anyone to compete with the gatekeeper who learned the Taoist skills left by the old Taoist priest. Therefore, Zhang Tai'a's strength, no matter how strong it is, is for the big world. In this way, Tang Ye didn't have any pressure to face him.

Therefore, facing Zhang Tai'an's powerful sword aura, Tang Ye remained unmoved. When the sword qi arrived, he just stretched out a finger, and blocked the sword qi with only his fingertips.

Then, with a flick of Tang Ye's fingertips, the sword aura was dissolved and dissipated in the lobby, with a simple buzzing sound, and then there was no more lingering sound.

"" Seeing this scene, no matter it is Zhang Tai'a or other cultivators, they all felt it was a dream. How could such a dreamy scene appear. This kind of thing will never be true. Who can do it! Even if the emperor of the Red Wall Palace used the power of the Tianxiong Yuxi, it was impossible to achieve this point.

Is this Void Lord really powerful to this point?

Many cultivators took a deep breath and took another deep breath. After seeing Tang Ye's strength, they didn't want to deal with Tang Ye anymore. Although there is a certain opportunity to join forces, the opportunity should not be great. Behind this Void Lord, there is not an organization, and the strength of those members is also no small thing.

After all, those members know a lot. For example, after Tang Zisang, the double sage. People outside couldn't understand why Tang Zisang would follow this faceless man, is it just because of the strength of this faceless man? However, Tang Zisang would not be such a person, how could he yield and betray because of being strong?

Many cultivators looked at Tang Ye at this time, feeling quite complicated. But Tang Ye didn't care about them, and said to Zhang Tai'a: "You have very strong power, just use such power, this magnificent lobby will be destroyed, so I will help you. In addition, I will kill you. , Very simple."


With that, Tang Ye disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Zhang Tai'a the next moment. He stretched out a hand and sent out several powers to entangle Zhang Tai'a and lift Zhang Tai'a up again.

Zhang Tai'a hadn't reacted for a while. When he reacted, she wanted to struggle, but she was still struggling. Tang Ye's strength was too strong, just like he became a child, facing the strength of adults, there was no way.

"Sect Master!" The other cultivators were very worried when they saw Zhang Tai'a being like this by Tang Ye, and screamed, and then wanted to save Zhang Tai'a.

Two cultivators rushed over, but Tang Ye waved his hand suddenly, they were beaten out and hit the pillar directly, the pillar broke, and they vomited blood.

In such a situation, I always felt that Tang Ye was a master, and they were just a few small soldiers, and rushing forward was nothing but cannon fodder.

Aware of this situation, these ascetics are less impulsive. Anyway, Tang Ye didn't want to kill Zhang Tai'a, so he shouldn't be anxious.

After no one came to hinder him, Tang Ye looked at Zhang Tai'a and said, "Really, I want to kill you. It's easy. I hope you can realize this and keep it in your heart. So, I want you to do something. Don’t bother me stupidly, otherwise you will die very quickly, just like those people who just went to the South China Sea and wanted to move me, dying meaninglessly, as if they never existed in this world."

"You..." As the Daoist Sect Master, Zhang Tai'a is like a martial arts leader, but his status is very high. The first thing that works is definitely that arrogance, how can he succumb to Tang Ye.

He glared at Tang Ye and shouted: "Don't you want me to give in, I won't..."

call! what!

Tang Ye directly penetrated Zhang Tai'a's body with a force of strength. It was not a fatal place, but Zhang Tai'a was painful enough and couldn't help but exhale in pain, as if she had been tortured for a long time.

"I'm all old, why bother to be so stubborn, can't you see the strength gap between you and me?" Tang Ye snorted coldly to Zhang Tai'a.

Zhang Tai'a was even more angry, and shouted: "So what? If you bow to an evil existence like you, wouldn't the righteousness of the day and earth be tarnished!"

Tang Ye shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "You still like to put things like justice in your mouth so much. It really makes me feel...boring, this is a very hypocritical thing..."

With that, Tang Ye let go of Zhang Tai'a, Zhang Tai'a quickly breathed and adjusted his physical condition, but he was also very scrupulous, not knowing what Tang Ye was doing.

This is Tang Ye walking up the sky step by step, as if there is a transparent ladder, and back to the sky again, looking at Zhang Tai'a and said: "Since you planned like this, then that means it will definitely hinder me again. So, today, I will let the Taoist school disappear, lest I have to spend time entangled with you."

"Wh, what...?" Hearing Tang Ye's words, some cultivators were shocked. The words of this faceless man, could it be that he wanted to destroy Taoism? Think about the terrifying power of this faceless man, maybe it is really possible, but it must not be allowed to happen!

However, at this moment, Tang Ye suddenly issued a force, slashed horizontally, and swept the entire lobby into the air. Rumble, and not long after, the entire lobby collapsed. When the dust receded, everyone remained in place, but the magnificent lobby was gone, and what was left was a ruin. Then the Taoist school disciples outside could see the situation inside, but they still don't know why.

This conference hall is the largest building in the Zongmen. It was the best built and spent a lot of money to build it. Now it is gone. This is a considerable loss.

The disciples of Taoism also rushed over, seeing the situation in the original lobby, still very confused. However, they saw Tang Ye in a faceless state and slowly realized what had happened.

Their Taoist school and the faceless man are enemies, because the faceless man killed their Taoist school people, ignoring their authority, and the Taoist school will settle accounts with the faceless man. But now it is, this faceless man appeared in the Zongmen headquarters. Could it be that the faceless man came to deal with Taoism?

Looking at Zong's opinion too, and those Xeon predecessors, there seems to be a small battle, this is really a war!

At this time, Zhang Tai'a and the dozens of strong monks still looked shocked, because they didn't expect Tang Ye to destroy the lobby suddenly, and it was still a move, simply and quickly. This kind of force, even if it was Zhang Tai'a's attack just now, could not do it, at most it could destroy part of it.

Therefore, this faceless man is not a joke when he said that he would destroy Taoism. To do it is also possible. what is this? Is it really going to destroy Taoism?

What a joke!


However, at this time, everyone saw that Tang Ye was brewing another power, even stronger than just now. If this is going down, I am afraid that a mountain is gone, destroying the Taoist school is not just talking about it.

"Don't do this!" a monk shouted. Of course, such a thing is unacceptable!

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