My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1949: Full battle!

The members of the Ten Profound not rushing, and the third Feng Dong Liuli not rushing, does not mean that the things at hand can not be nervous. Some people are like that. They have seen through life and death, and there is nothing they must care about. Although he was in the Red Wall Palace camp, he was only doing his best to face problems. If this is not possible, they will face it calmly, including their lives.

Naturally not everyone can have such a mentality like them, so most people are high-spirited and determined. If you want to fight the enemies who come, it is best to kill them!

The Red Wall Palace has four gates, southeast, northwest, and now all four gates have enemies. Normally the enemy would never dare to appear so arrogantly and directly, so this time, they would go to war directly and attack in an all-round way.

The problem Wang Cangcang mentioned is a problem that everyone cares about. After paying attention to a few Ten Profound members, I still have to return to the topic after all. The war has already begun outside, although it is just a few small soldiers, but the big ones will definitely come later, and they must also be prepared.

Sitting on the stone table where the chess is placed, Wang Jiuxiao was silent, holding a chess piece in his hand, and after thinking for a long time, said, "You just keep your positions as I arranged before. As for the others, it doesn't matter. , I will solve it."

Wang Cangcang frowned, disagreeing with Wang Jiuxiao’s arrangement, and said, “My lord, this arrangement is not proper. We will guard the four gates of the palace. According to estimates, many enemies will enter it. You will face it alone. , Absolutely can't do."

Wang Jiuxiao's expression became cold and solemn, and said, "Don't do it before me. At this time, you are still willing to join me in the battle. I am very grateful, and I will not say much about your intentions. But I hope you believe it. I, I sit in this position, not just to worry you. Sometimes, I am not sure, I will not do it. I am very clear that I am responsible for this country."

To be sure, Wang Jiuxiao showed his majesty and did not allow Wang Cangcang to argue any more, nor did he allow Huatian, who were mostly concerned about his safety, to speak more. At this time, his words are commands, and he wants this authority to work.

Wang Cangcang wanted to say something but stopped. In this matter, she must have an affair. After all, the person who was going to kill by the hundreds of enemies outside was her father. But with Wang Jiuxiao's attitude, she couldn't say more, otherwise it would be hypocritical, and this is not where she should be hypocritical. For this, she can only do her own thing. She will not participate in direct combat for the time being, but will command as an intellectual brain. She can know the enemy's power distribution, and then divide the power. Her twelve koi carps will not show any false power, so it is impossible for the enemy to use methods such as slamming them to attract their main force and then kill Wang Jiuxiao.

Wang Jiuxiao had already made arrangements for this matter. Since Wang Jiuxiao didn't change his plan, it was still the original one, so everyone knew what to do, they left one after another and returned to their positions to prepare for the challenge. And those strange faces, people who were suspected of being members of the Ten Profounds, just glanced at Wang Jiuxiao, nodded, and then some bounced away, some still stood on the roof without any movement. They were really strange guys.

Wang Jiuxiao nodded slightly to them, and said, "Thank you very much."

Then Wang Jiuxiao continued to sit on the stone table, watching the chess game, calmly. After watching for a while, he reached out to play the chess game. Bringing half of the black chesses together and surrounding a white chess, the white chess seems very dangerous.

Swish swish, outside the palace of the red wall, black shadows kept flashing, jumped to the ground, and immediately jumped, crossing the high red wall, but immediately heard the cry of pain, and then the black shadow fell down. Originally not high from the ground, the people under these shadows would not have an accident, but they fell very badly, either seriously injured or died directly.

They were defeated by power. And what attacked them was the guardian power of the Red Wall Court. But it doesn't matter, they are just cannon fodder, the all-out battle has just begun. Standing on a high place and looking around, there is still a lot of power coming, even from the outskirts of the city.

A war that has been brewing for a long time and finally unfolded in full swing, unavoidable, has begun.

On the top floor of the Shenji Technology Tongtian Building, Murong Huansha and Mu Yue were both present, and they looked at the direction of the red wall palace, each thinking.

After a while, Mu Yue looked at Murong Huansha, and still said, "Miss, do we really need to help with that adult?"

Murong Huansha smiled lightly and said, "That kid Wang Jiuxiao must have his own arrangements. Let's watch it first. If it doesn't work, then go out. After all, we are also from the Ten Pros."

Mu Yue said, "Okay, miss. It's just that Xiong Yuxi's situation that day was really destroyed. If it is really destroyed, I don't think I can sense his power anymore. But now , His power is still there."

Murong Huansha is also thinking about the question Mu Yue mentioned. She knows what Mu Yue means, and this is also a question of many people. The dark magic power of that faceless man can actually invade the heaven and earth power of the Heavenly Bear Yuxi. So, is the power of the faceless man stronger than the power of heaven and earth?

This is ridiculous. The power of heaven and earth is the strongest. Unless, it is the original power above the true god. However, none of the true gods descended, and the power of the origin is absolutely impossible to appear.

Therefore, if this possibility is eliminated, there is still another possibility that the power of Tianxiong Yuxi will be invaded. That is, the Tianxiong Yuxi was invaded by its creator. If this is the case, if you create something you invade it with strength, it will not refuse. In this case, you can no longer use invasion, but join.

Tianxiong Yuxi was joined by a force.

Does this speculation mean that the faceless person may be the emperor who created the Tianxiong Yuxi a hundred years ago?

This is even more absurd.

"It seems that we have to go and see this in person. I am also very curious about how Tianxiong Yuxi's accident happened. It was too sudden, and it felt like a situation. However, various actions have made this matter. Be real. In the final analysis, the faceless person is still terrifying. Just doing this kind of thing, let a lot of things come together at once, and then burst out. In this matter, the faceless person is still It can be said that there is no position. Because the shaping appears in this situation, the red wall court may win, or it may be the attackers who win. No matter who wins, after the result, the land will be controlled by the winning party. In this way, can it be said that the disputes are eliminated and unified together? Isn't this a good result?" Murong Huansha tapped a finger on the table and said while analyzing.

There is already war outside, but many people are still confused in this predicament.

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