My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1948: The third phoenix!

The Ten Profounds of the Red Wall Palace hadn't been dispatched for too long. The ten xuan inherits the power of the early ten xuan, and will hardly show up until the most critical moment of the red wall palace. Even so, the opponents of the Red Wall Palace are not ignorant of them.

They are all inheriting the power of the first ten xuan, as long as you understand the first ten xuan clearly, then you will understand them. Moreover, the inheritance of later generations is not as good as that of the first generations, so they are not incapable of dealing with it.

Since the attackers meticulously formulated this second century plan, then they must have understood the ten mysteries. Therefore, they have the power specifically aimed at the Ten Profounds.

In this way, the power of the Red Wall Palace, they all have countermeasures.

Originally, the Red Wall Palace had great power and many capable people. Sifeng, Ten Xuan, all major worships, garrison generals, and super teams. These forces cannot be dealt with by any organization or faction. What's more, the Red Wall Palace still has some sects' help, such as Buddhism Biyun Temple and Taoist School.

It's just that why the Red Wall Court is still in trouble? That's because these forces of the Red Wall Court need to be distributed throughout the country. If this distribution continues, there are not many forces that can guard the Red Wall Court headquarters.

In addition, this time the incident was sudden, and the people who had been summoned back to the headquarters for help were too late. Even if they are members of the Ten Profound Realms, some are in other places. So now with the influx of hostile forces from all sides, the Red Wall Palace feels a little bit lonely.

The loyalty can be seen by those who remain in the Red Wall Palace to challenge. Wang Jiuxiao is grateful for this group of people. Fighting to protect this country and this land is worthy of respect.

At this time, Wang Jiuxiao sat in the yard where he usually rested, still so alive. In front of him, there are powerful personnel from the Red Wall Court, waiting for him to arrange to fight.

Among these powerful people, there are members of the four phoenixes, worship of the older generations, super-powered personnel, and a few people standing in corners or on the roof of red wall tiles. They look calm and calm, as if Not at all afraid of this full-scale war. The biggest impression other people have of them is that they are unfamiliar.

They had never seen these people before, and never knew that there were still these people in the power of the Red Wall Palace. So soon, everyone thought about the identity of these people.

Ten Gen members!

Among these people, some are young, some are old, and some are masked and mysterious. And they are not enough, that is to say, even if they are members of the Ten Profounds, they will not be the complete Ten Profounds.

In any case, if it is a member of the Ten Xuan, it is the most attractive. The strength of the Ten Profounds is considered the strongest in the Red Wall Palace. And the strongest of the Red Wall Palace almost represents the strongest on this land. That is the power inherited from the original Ten Xuan of a hundred years ago. However, now that they are the strongest, naturally they can't, because a more mysterious and powerful faceless man has appeared.

Whether it is the strongest or not, it is definitely better than everyone else. Everyone was very curious. They all looked at the few strangers who were considered members of the Ten Profound. They wanted to remember them and were very curious about them.

Those few people didn't care about the gaze cast by everyone, they didn't seem to care much about everything around them. Even for Wang Jiuxiao, there was no etiquette. Probably this is the status of the Ten Profound, not equal to the emperor, but it seems to be equal to the emperor.

Everyone was waiting for Wang Jiuxiao to speak, but Wang Jiuxiao did not speak. The second of the four phoenixes, the daughter of Wang Jiuxiao, Wang Cangcang was very anxious at this time. Last time Huatian told her about Wang Jiuxiao’s situation, she was very anxious and went to find Wang Jiuxiao, but Wang Jiuxiao knocked her out and faced the problem alone. At that moment, she was really worried that Wang Jiuxiao would die, and she was so worried that she cried. come out. Although Wang Jiuxiao did not die later, he faced the current problems and the situation was not much better. So this time, she will never leave again, she must stay with Wang Jiuxiao.

She said to Wang Jiuxiao: "Father...sir, now there are some powers coming in from the dead door, what should we do?"

In addition to Wang Cangcang, a woman who has both beauty and temperament, is very prominent and conspicuous, there is another woman who is equally prominent, but that woman is relatively plain and quite, as if she has no desire to fight, whether it is against the enemy or herself. Side-up problem. She stood behind Wang Cangcang, letting go of her long hair, amazingly beautiful.

She is the third of the four phoenixes of the Red Wall Palace, Dong Liuli.

The Dong family was a powerful family a hundred years ago, and after the emperor a hundred years ago, the Dong family was in charge. Therefore, three generations ahead, it is the Dong family who is the emperor. In fact, the Dong family has something to do with Tang Ye. At the beginning, the first century-old plan, Wen Sheng Wen Ding Mo faction, has quite outstanding strength, many people are on his side. Therefore, among the teenagers who entered the palace of the Red Wall, they faced a problem of standing. Is he standing on the side of the original emperor, or on the side of Wenxiang Wen Dingmo.

The boy from the Dong family was hesitating. Then, because there was a close relationship between Dong Family Bodhisattva Dong Miaozhu and Tang Ye, although Tang Ye was of the same age, she was a sophisticated and powerful calculating ability, so she had something to say to the Dong family boy. The implied meaning is probably to stand on the side of the original emperor and oppose writing. This is because what the text does, although it claims to conform to the situation of the world, it does not meet the wishes of the people.

In this world, more attention should be paid to an orderly society established by human beings. It's not that people think highly of themselves, but that this world is indeed built and dominated by humans. Only when it meets the wishes of the people is the fundamental way.

Because of Tang Ye's words, after thinking about what Dong's boy said, he chose to stand on the side of the original son, and then played against him. Fortunately, Tang Ye helped deal with the Gorefiend, and they finally won. Then, a hundred years ago, the emperor retired, and the young man from the Dong family was tempered enough to sit on the position of emperor.

Therefore, Tang Ye directly affected the two emperors, and the latter also indirectly affected them. It is no wonder that his status is so high, even if a hundred years have passed, the influence is so great. Because of his influence, he has never left and has always been with this country.

Since the Dong family had a son of emperor, and had the tips of the inborn Buddha Dong Miaozhu, it has never declined, just like the Wang family. Although Dong Liuli was only called the third phoenix, she did not necessarily mean that she was only third in strength. The so-called Sifeng ranking is just an arrangement of outsiders. Some are too focused on identity, such as Tang Zisang Shoufeng. She is after Tang Sheng. On this point, who dares to rank her behind others? And Wang Cangcang's father was Wang Jiuxiao, the emperor, and those outside did not dare to say that she was weaker than anyone else. In this way, the ranking of Sifeng is not fair at all.

Like Dong Miaozhu a hundred years ago, Dong Liuli is very Buddha. Even more Buddha-like than the original Dong Miaozhu. So she is very calm, facing the current situation, not hurried.

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