My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1941: Captain Hammer!

After Wang Jiuxiao took the position of the emperor of the Red Wall Palace, one of the first projects to be undertaken was to build a national emergency force network. This requires training enough armed forces, otherwise it will not be possible to cover the whole country. This requires a lot of capital and personnel, and is a huge project. At that time, Wang Jiuxiao proposed it, which was opposed by many people, but he still did it. Now that more than a decade has passed, this power network has been formed, and the benefits have been constantly revealed.

Because in the past ten years, there have been too many chaotic events than in previous years. Fortunately, the national power network built by Wang Jiuxiao can make the emergency forces of the Red Wall Palace dispatch immediately to prevent the chaotic time and protect people. The national order was maintained without falling into chaos.

Therefore, Wang Jiuxiao's achievement is enough to convince people. He has the majesty and demeanor of the king, has the overall vision of the emperor, and has a long-term vision. He is very suitable for leading the increasingly chaotic land.

As soon as the fire in the village occurred, after the report was reported, the Red Wall Palace immediately dispatched local forces to investigate, track and protect. These powers are not simple powers, they are all superpowers cultivated uniformly by the Red Wall court, and then dispatched to various places to garrison. In addition, these forces are equipped with weapons of Shenji Technology, which may be lower in small places, but they are also incomparable to ordinary troops.

Every superb person selected by the Red Wall Palace will feel preferential treatment, in addition to family subsidies, unique personal training, and equipment configuration. This is not just a problem that can be solved with money, because Shenji Technology's weapons cannot be bought with money.

Because of this, these super-powerful personnel trained by the Red Wall Palace can be competent in solving various unusual cases. For example, those cases of super-scientific power, or directly major deification matters.

At this time, the Red Wall Palace Super Power Team that rushed to the village that was burnt down was a group of four people, with one captain. They were originally stationed in the prefecture-level city to which this village belongs, but now they have arrived at the village where the accident occurred. The cultivation of superpowers is very difficult in terms of personnel selection, so currently it only covers prefecture-level cities, and only a small number of them at county level. Nevertheless, the super teams of prefecture-level cities can also quickly rush to various parts of the city for emergency work. After all, they are a super power team, super power shows that it cannot be measured by common sense.

At this time the village had all been burned down, and the scorched corpses were faintly visible, a very cruel picture. But the super team still has to check to see what power the fire is.

They investigated all the burned villages and found that they were all destroyed by the same fire force. So, the murderer is the same person. Next, you need to find out who did it. In this regard, Shenji Technology has a powerful "Shenji Tianyan" system covering various places. Shenji Technology called up the surveillance, and immediately found a man who could turn into a flame, the fire spirit under the beast of Suzaku.

However, there was one thing that surprised Shenji Technology. Then they didn't know where the fire spirit came from. What could explain this was the place where the fire spirit came out. The power was very powerful and interfered with the Shenji Tianyan, making it impossible to monitor the Shenji Tianyan. In this way, behind this flame man, there are other powers.

In any case, the flame man must be stopped first, and he can no longer cause tragedies.

The Shenji Technology Headquarters controlled the Shenji Sky Eye, quickly locked the position of the fire spirit, and sent it to the super team. After receiving it, the Super Team immediately went to deal with Huo Ling.

However, this decision was too hasty. Although they estimated the power of Fire Spirit, they did not estimate it accurately. Because in the estimation system, as long as it is a person with superpowers, it is very simple to destroy a village. This is the powerlessness that ordinary people feel under the power of the true god. Between waving hands, maybe a village is gone. Even members of the super team can probably do this. Therefore, the Super Power Team now thinks that it can solve the fire spirit, and after getting the position of the fire spirit, they immediately go to deal with it.

But the fire spirit is not a simple super-powered person, he is a demigod created by the Vermillion Bird beast with flame essence. Now that the true **** has not come, to people, he is a god!

Therefore, his strength is self-evident.

His power naturally surpassed the members of this prefecture-level super team. Therefore, when the super team chased him, he was only a little surprised, but surprised that these people could actually find his location. As for the other things, he is totally not a super team.

Then, the Super Power Squad was wiped out and died terribly.

Huo Ling wakes up from a long sleep, full of violence, has a great hatred of humans, and likes to slaughter humans to vent his inner resentment and desire for destruction. No grass grows wherever he goes. The divine beast Vermillion Bird in the Flame Mountain had no control over this, probably because she felt that the Fire Spirit was more than enough to deal with the current humans, and no human would be Fire Spirit's opponent.

There are demigods, only humans, who is the enemy?

This is not the world of cultivating immortals thousands of years ago, human beings can become immortals. If you become an immortal, although it is not as good as a god, your strength should not be underestimated. There is no problem with killing a half god. Especially, there are people who are sheltered by the power of the true gods Wang Fuxi and Nuwa, and humans can do many incredible things.

The Shenji Technology Headquarters paid attention to the super power team's dealing with the fire spirit. After a short time, the monitoring screen disappeared, and then heard the screams, and then found that the vitality of the four people in the super team was gone. The army has been wiped out.

Less than five minutes.

Shenji Technology headquarters realized that the enemy this time was beyond imagination!

This kind of thing must allow the Red Wall Palace to arrange more powerful enemies. The scene that I watched at the Shenji Technology Headquarters is the captain of the Super Power Team from the Red Wall Palace, that is, he is Red The boss of the Wall Palace superpowers all members.

This is a very strong man who doesn't pay much attention to the trimming and shabby beard. He stood with his hand held down, the highest in the audience, looking at the spent instant teleportation screen, silently, holding a cigar in his mouth, very powerful.

Among the high-tech operators present, there were quite a few young and beautiful women, who were rather disgusted with smoking. But this powerful looking uncle ignored him. He had a charm of his own. He took off the cigar from the corner of his mouth, flicked it, and flew without seeing it, just falling into the trash can. He just said, "I'll go and meet the adults."

After all, the very powerful uncle turned and left. It can be seen that he is a practical person. There is courage, but I don't know how strong it is.

His name is Hammer, and everyone else calls him Captain Hammer. And he is Wang Jiuxiao's comrade-in-arms.

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