My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1940: Burning the village!

The unknown blazing volcano, with blood-colored molten molten inside, the kind of high temperature, let alone getting into it, just getting closer, I'm afraid you will have to die.

A giant bird sleeping under the molten flame did not appear. It just opened its sleeping eyes under the molten slurry. The eyes were huge and blood-red, and their eyes were redder than the molten slurry, so they still looked. Get clear.

The eyes of this giant bird are as large as one or two meters, and you can imagine the huge body of this giant bird. And this is the Suzaku divine beast.

The Vermilion Bird was awakened because of the control of the princess. The fate of all things is linked together, as long as one moves one, it will affect the other, and then inexhaustible, and finally let the Vermillion Bird beast know this.

The Vermillion Bird now knows that someone is going to kill it, and this person should not be underestimated. As a beast that bears the power of the true **** and shoulders the peak of power recovery after the true **** descends, she will definitely not allow herself to have an accident. Because something happened to her herself, it means something happened to divine power. This will affect the grand plan of the true **** coming, which she cannot afford.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a thing as a divine power melting pot. It seems that we are also being targeted." After the Vermillion Bird was awakened, inside the Flame Mountain, it was a husky female voice.

"Huh, a mere human, he wants to do something to deceive God. This arrogant temperament really hasn't changed at all." Suzaku snorted coldly, angrily and despised.

"Then kill the furnace first. Kill your plan at the first step and see how desperate you are. Then, slowly torture you to death!" The Vermilion Beast snorted coldly.

After snorting coldly, the Vermillion Bird Divine Beast exhaled, and then under the molten slurry, in front of her eyes, it slowly condensed into a fire man.

"You go find the divine power furnace, and then kill it." The Vermillion Bird beast ordered the Burning Man.

"Yes, Lord Suzaku, Huo Ling will definitely not let you down!" Huo Ling responded to the beast. He is a powerful fire spirit created by the flame essence of the Vermillion Bird beast, which is equivalent to the power of a demigod. Such existence cannot be dealt with by humans. Therefore, Huo Ling is very confident, as long as he finds the human melting pot, it is easy to kill.

After the fire spirit responded, it turned into a ray of flame and flew out of the Flame Mountain, onto the volcano's crater, and turned into an unclothed man with strong muscles, mighty vigor, and a somewhat evil expression on his face.

Huo Ling stretched his body, and then muttered to himself: "It's been a long time since we haven't been out for activities. This world has become so barren. Heh, so how foolish it is to entrust humans to manage this land. Although the true **** Nuwa The status is lofty, but I still have to oppose this matter. Even..."

As he said, Huo Ling's expression became cold and evil, with a great killing intent, and continued: "If you want to kill the true **** Nuwa, I will definitely help. Those true gods, you must be up for it. This time, absolutely I can't lose to Nuwa and the King of People!"

"Now, let me kill a few humans to vent their hatred!" Huo Ling groaned and turned into a ray of flame, flying into the air, drawing a fiery red track.

Not long after, in a certain village, people used to live peacefully, busy with their own affairs, as well as children frolicking and old people sitting and chatting, which was a warm and fulfilling picture. However, suddenly, a flame fell from mid-air and hit the ground, causing a lot of ground vibration. The people in the village were taken aback, and then ran over to look at them curiously, especially the ghostly children.

A raging flame burning on the ground suddenly fell from the sky, which is indeed attractive. However, the flame suddenly stretched out a hand and directly grabbed a child, and then a young and strong man walked out of the flame. The man saw the child in his hand and smiled evilly and said: "Such fresh and tender, must be very delicious."


Then look at this normal man, suddenly resembling a monster, his mouth suddenly deformed and enlarged, becoming a big fish mouth, and then he ate the child he caught in one bite.

This scene happened so suddenly that the children or adults who originally ran to see the excitement were suddenly confused. Then "Ah" screams sounded, and then children and adults fled around. The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the originally quiet and peaceful village became noisy.

Seeing this situation, Huo Ling laughed and felt very happy, and said: "Fear, fear, small human beings, this is what you should look like, today, let me enjoy it first!"

Then the fire spirit's lower body turned into flames, floating and wandering around the village, constantly catching villagers to eat. At the same time, wherever he went, flames burned. Soon, the village was shrouded in flames. There are flame monsters eating people. The villagers can't believe this kind of thing, they must be dreaming.

But the pain of reality made them gradually realize that this is not a dream. Then, they fell into unprecedented despair. When faced with such a thing, where is there any chance of being alive?

Is this the end of the world?

The village that was noisy with screams and screams slowly subsided. Because the entire village was engulfed by flames, hundreds of people in the village died. The villagers died miserably, some were burned alive, some were killed by the fire spirit, and some were bitten by the fire spirit in half, or lacked arms and legs.

Such a picture is horrible.

And this kind of thing quickly alarmed the surrounding area, people called the police, and when the police arrived, they couldn't believe that it would happen when they saw this. Even if the village is not big or small, it is all burned by flames. Then this flame is too terrible, it must be a conspiracy!

Which crazy pervert was he who could do such a thing?

This kind of incident first alarmed the local government, then at the county level, then at the municipal level, and then at the provincial level. Finally, the Red Wall Palace at the highest leadership office in the country also knew about it.

And just after this matter was reported to the Red Wall Palace, the same happened in other villages. Then, Wang Jiuxiao immediately judged that this was not something ordinary people did, it must be a deified power.

Several villages were destroyed directly, and thousands of people died. Such a thing is extremely terrifying wherever it is placed. Wang Jiuxiao attached great importance to it and immediately sent relevant figures to investigate. He can only say that this kind of thing came at an untimely time, because he has arranged a round here and can close the net soon, so there is no time to take care of the sudden incident of burning the village.

But as the person most responsible for protecting this land, Wang Jiuxiao can't rest assured, he will never ignore the fire in the village. For this reason, he decided to arrange the power of collecting the net on his own side. As for the collecting of the net, he alone will take care of it.

I dare to do this because I have a bit of confidence. Everyone thought that Tianxiong Yuxi was finished, but if they were finished, they would know when they came.

"The fire burns the village. It's not easy to be able to achieve such a scale. Which monster is this?" Wang Jiuxiao snorted, it seems that the chaos of the world has been accelerated.

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