My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1789: Bloodline power!

Tang Zisang was really stunned, and Lao Luo and Lao Zhu on the other side were so shocked that their jaws were about to fall to the ground.

Mu Wuling is the three generations of the Red Wall Court, one of the highest ministers of the Red Wall Court. No one knows whether it is the hidden Ten Profound. But such strength will not be weak no matter what. Even if it is against those who have gained great power due to the rejuvenation of the true god's power, they cannot be beaten back at once. But the faceless man in front of him didn't even look at Mu Wuling. He waved his sleeve and knocked Mu Wuling away.

So, is this power one of the ten mysterious?

Mu Wuling slammed into the ground and withdrew, the ground was all broken. If you hit your body like this, you will inevitably get injured. Mu Wuling did not immediately stabilize himself, and did not see him for a while. It may take time to relax, or it may take the opportunity to leave, because Tang Ye is too powerful!

Tang Ye didn't pay attention to Mu Wuling's situation at all, no matter whether Mu Wuling was still here or ran away, he would not let Mu Wuling live tonight.

Tang Ye still paid attention to Tang Zisang, looked at her and said, "Why can't you send out the bloodline power of Saint Tang?"

"Wh, what bloodline power, I have never heard of..." Tang Zisang was still a little dazed, looking at Tang Ye a little dazed.

Tang Ye frowned slightly, she didn't even know the power of her bloodline?

Although his name is Tang Ye, he is actually a descendant of the Long family and his surname is Long. This Long Family was still after the Long Aotian who once ruled the Ten Thousand Realms. Therefore, in this dragon family bloodline, there is a kind of power that stimulates the potential, and the stronger the war. Even, he could use his blood to turn it into direct power, but he had to pay a little price, and then it was like entering a violent state. In this case, the strength will be greatly improved. Moreover, the longer you fight, the greater your strength and your physical strength. Just like the inborn **** of war, immortal!

Originally, this dragon family bloodline power was only a way of triggering power in battle, just like a passive skill in the game. However, before leaving the ancestral land a hundred years ago, Tang Ye changed this power with Qi Yun power, turning it into a power that can be used directly, just like an active skill in a game. Unleash the power of blood, enter the violent mode, and the more you fight, the more courageous you fight, the more fierce you fight, isn't it more powerful?

Tang Ye left this ability to his son Long Xi in Guwu Jianghu. Considering that there are still a group of reactionary doorkeepers in the profound realm, they are very powerful, in order to give Long Xi stronger power, he appropriated his luck and changed the power of the Long Family's bloodline. Because of the use of Qi Luck, it can be passed on by blood. Anyone who has his blood can have this ability, and it is innate.

But now Tang Zisang doesn't, and even knows from her answer that she doesn't even know the power of her bloodline.

Tang Ye frowned and thought for a while, but could only guess that Long Xi in the ancient Wu Rivers and Lakes had never told the power of such bloodlines to the outside world, so his descendants who were born in the outside world didn't know this. In this case, could it be said that Guwu Jianghu and the big world have not yet been connected?

Tang Ye had just returned to his ancestral land, and he didn't know a lot of things, so he could only find out afterwards. Since Tang Zisang didn’t know the power of bloodline, he told Tang Zisang and said: “Sage Tang is blessed by air luck, and he has tremendous potential. Among them, his bloodline can inspire a kind of power. And affected by air luck, his Descendants can also have this power. Since you are his descendants, you should have this power."

"How did you know?" Tang Zisang asked Tang Ye. She felt strange, how did this faceless mysterious man know something she didn't know?

Tang Ye said, "It doesn't matter how I know. Now I just feel that as a descendant of Tang Sheng, it is a pity for you to be like this. Don't ask who I am, I'm just doing my own thing as I want."

"But I've never heard of it!" Tang Zisang was still very puzzled. Suddenly a strange and mysterious person appeared and told her that she had any power to become stronger than she is now. She didn't believe it was such a thing. However, when Tang Ye talked about Tang Sheng's blood, she thought it might be true.

A hundred years ago, Tang Sheng was said to be the first person. As the first person, that power must be very strong. However, the Tang people suddenly disappeared, and there has been no sound for a hundred years. Then came various news that Tang Sheng was dead. Later, Tang Sheng never appeared, even if more and more demons appeared crookedly, Tang Sheng did not appear to help. Therefore, the emperor of a hundred years ago, when Tang Ye was really dead, he erected a tombstone on the cemetery of the heroes.

In fact, the emperor had known where Tang Ye had gone a hundred years ago, just as the heavenly daughter Lu Celadon knew. If you leave this world and go to another world, you don’t have to be dead, you may come back. The reason why Tang Ye was declared dead, and the tombstone was built in the Yingling Cemetery was because it wanted to gather a kind of belief power and gather the hearts of the people. This is also the proposal of the Celestial Girl Lu Celadon, which is very helpful to the Red Wall Palace.

After Tang Ye left, the power of the Red Wall Palace was greatly reduced, and the limits of Qi Luck's shackles expanded, and the power of the true **** began to be restored, and everything began to go into chaos, completely uncontrollable. Under this circumstance, the Red Wall Palace must make good use of every bit of strength. Since the celestial lady Lu Celadon suggested that, the prince of the Red Wall Palace also adopted it.

For this reason, the news announced by the Red Wall Court personally, everyone believed to be true. Then Tang Sheng is just a legend. People believed it a hundred years ago, and then a hundred years later, people even thought that Tang Ye was dead. So today, a hundred years later, even Tang Zisang, a descendant of Tang Ye, doesn't know much about him. All the understanding came from "heard", from my grandfather and father. As for his father, he still heard from his grandfather. And her grandfather, the son of Tang Ye and Mu Caisang, knew about Tang Ye, but he didn't hear it from Mu Caisang. Tang Zisang's grandfather had never seen Tang Ye himself, and the generations told him that the information was missing.

Tang Ye can understand these situations. Even, he has a rather pessimistic mood. That is, even if his identity is revealed, will his descendants recognize him? Will you understand him? Especially the situation like Tang Zisang. The glory and strength left behind by the ancestors, on the contrary, is a mountain of life, pressing her firmly. Being powerful is always regarded as the greatest goal. Without power, will you be laughed at or after the saint? Waste, garbage.

Therefore, not all births with high status are good. Mainly depends on the person's responsibility and pursuit. If Tang Ye's descendants are heartless and greedy for pleasure, then forget it. But unfortunately, his descendants are very pursued and highly responsible. This road is destined to not be so easy.

Although Tang Ye didn't know how to face his descendants, now he knew that all he had to do was to help Tang Zisang. First, let her know how to use bloodline power.

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