My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1788: roll!

Suddenly, huge power interrupted the golden light dragon to devour Tang Zisang's poisonous saint power. In this case, Tang Zisang naturally thought that someone had come to save her. But she didn't know who saved her. She is familiar with the power of all the strong people on the Red Wall Court, and the power to save her is not the Red Wall Court.

If it is a power she is unfamiliar with, it may be weak, which is impossible. Can weakness interrupt the devouring moves of the Golden Light Dragon? Therefore, the person who saved her is very strong. Being able to fight Jinguang Zhenlong screamed so badly, the strength is probably higher than her.

Looking in the direction from which the force came, Tang Zisang was startled, very surprised. Because over there, it was the faceless and weird person who came when the assassin in the shadow regiment came to assassinate her.

The faceless man stood on the roof, because he couldn't see his face, maybe he didn't have a face. Now that the power of the true **** is restored, it is possible that such a weird person will be born. I can't see the face, so I don't know the expression, which is very mysterious. Tang Zisang is very confused about the Faceless Man, is this an enemy or a friend?

This faceless person is naturally Tang Ye. For him, since he appeared with the assassins of the Shadow Regiment at the beginning, Tang Zisang took him for granted as an enemy. But now, he tried to save Tang Zisang again, and Tang Zisang was really puzzled.

Mu Wuling couldn't even think of Tang Ye's situation. He had noticed Tang Ye standing on the top of the building, but like Tang Zisang's initial thoughts, he felt that Tang Ye wanted to kill Tang Zisang. But now, Tang Ye actually rescued Tang Zisang, what kind of situation is this?

What made Mu Wuling horrified was that this faceless man was so strong, and just sending out a force interrupted the poisonous saint path of the golden light dragon devouring Tang Zisang. Then this strength is superior to the golden light dragon!

"Who are you?!" Mu Wuling's calm expression finally changed. He looked at Tang Ye and shouted coldly. To seize Tang Zisang's holy way and achieve his own holy way is his goal for decades. Now he has finally succeeded, he does not allow anyone to destroy it!

Tang Ye still stood on the roof without any movement, watching the situation in the yard in a faceless state. Now there are Tang Zisang, Mu Wuling, Lao Luo and Lao Zhu in the yard, as well as those shadow group assassins who were eliminated by Tang Zisang. Tang Ye mainly looked at Tang Zisang, he found it incredible. Tang Zisang and Mu Caisang are so alike, if it weren't for Tang Zisang's youthful aura of a young woman, people would really think it was Mu Caisang.

"This is my great-granddaughter." Tang Ye felt a little complicated when he thought of Tang Zisang's relationship with him. When I met Mu Caisang a hundred years ago, Mu Caisang was already a shaofu, and he was still known as the best shaofu. That article Zhongyuan was obsessed with her, and even because of her, he killed Wen Dingmo by mistake. It's an amazing thing. However, that is probably an arrangement of fate, and this must happen. It was because he killed his grandfather that Wen Zhongyuan awakened and became the strongest body combining the blood demon and the co-lord of Xuan Huang. Unfortunately, after all, he lost to Tang Ye.

How could Tang Ye let his great-granddaughter have an accident. At first, he didn't make a move because he wanted Tang Zisang to break through his strength and achieve the holy way. Because he also felt it, Tang Zisang had the opportunity to make a breakthrough. However, he did not expect that the opportunity for Tang Zisang's breakthrough would be so sad.

It must be painful to be betrayed by the most trusted and respected person. Seeing Tang Zisang's anger and grief, and then his hostility broke out, Tang Ye pityed her very much, and didn't know what to say. He didn't know what Tang Zisang thought about him, Grandpa Zeng. He guessed that it must be that even if it can't be said of hate, he definitely doesn't love. After all, a long time away, and what he left behind, has good and bad for Tang Zisang. If Tang Zisang is obsessed with power, that's good. But if Tang Zisang is not obsessed with power and just wants to live an ordinary good life, it is bad. Many people, I am afraid, want to live a normal life.

Many things are uncertain, and Tang Ye never thought about running out to reveal his identity. Therefore, he still helped Tang Zisang with a faceless mysterious person. He could see that Tang Zisang was a very determined person, but because of many things she had encountered in her heart was more rejection. These problems can only be changed slowly in the future. In short, I want to deal with those who want to kill Tang Zisang now.

Since it was here to kill Tang Zisang, these people didn't have to live anymore.

It will definitely not survive.

This was Tang Ye's idea from the beginning. Those who attacked Tang Zisang had long been sentenced to death by him. His protection of shortcomings is not blown out. However, he did not intend to kill those people directly. Since you want to act as a faceless person, use one approach.

It is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

Can help Tang Zisang gain stronger strength.


Tang Ye came down from the roof, her figure erratic and flickering like thunder, and she was instantly between Tang Zisang and Mu Wuling. This made Mu Wuling and Tang Zisang both take a step back and make defensive moves. His speed was too fast, so fast that Mu Wuling and Tang Zisang could react instinctively.

Seeing Tang Ye's speed, Mu Wuling and Tang Zisang were even more surprised. Sure enough, with extremely strong strength, what exactly does this mysterious faceless man want to do?

Tang Ye reached the ground, did not pay attention to Mu Wuling, looked at Tang Zisang, and said, "Are you behind Tang Sheng?"

Tang Zisang frowned, not knowing what Tang Ye wanted to do, but everyone knew the answer to this question. She had nothing to hide, and snorted coldly: "Yes!"

Although Tang Ye saved her, she couldn't lift her guard, so her tone was not good. Even if it was normal, Tang Zisang's tone was arrogant.

Tang Ye said to Tang Zisang again: "Since you are Tang Sheng's descendants, why can't you even beat a phantom dragon? What's more, you have achieved a holy way. It is really shameful to be suppressed by a phantom dragon."

"You..." Tang Zisang was very angry, she didn't want to be said by someone who knew nothing!

Tang Ye talked to Tang Zisang like this, just to help Tang Zisang become stronger, and continued: "Tang Sheng's blood is so extraordinary, you can't even stimulate Tang Sheng's blood power, how can you not be weak?"

"What are you talking about?" Tang Zisang was very curious, his blood still has power, why didn't he know?

Mu Wuling behind saw that Tang Ye was doing this to Tang Zisang, and he felt bad. Isn't Tang Ye just trying to help Tang Zisang? This won't work. This will affect your plan. Is it possible that you can't even capture the power of the Poison Holy Path?

Never allowed!

Mu Wuling shouted to Tang Ye in a low voice, "Although I don't know who you are, if you do this, you are against me, so don't blame the old man for being rude!"

After drinking low, Mu Wuling launched an attack on Tang Ye. He stretched out a hand, and suddenly a dark purple blade appeared on the palm of his hand, and he slammed out towards Tang Ye.

"Be careful!" Tang Zisang yelled when he saw it. Mu Wuling's strength was formed by poison art and turned into a weapon. It was the realm that the poisonous holy wood picked mulberry only reached a hundred years ago. Tang Zisang never expected that Mu Wuling's strength was higher than she had usually seen, and he was indeed a person who had been hiding for decades!

"There's nothing to do with you here, get out!" However, facing Mu Wuling's attack, Tang Ye didn't turn his head back. After a cold snort, he waved back and directly repelled the poisonous blade that Mu Wuling had hit. He went back and knocked Mu Wuling away.

Mu Wuling crashed into the ground, plunged into the dirt, and slid out a long distance.

"This..." Tang Zisang saw this, staring at Tang Ye dumbfounded.

So powerful?

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