My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1769: fear!

Tang Ye is not afraid of hitting Gu Youwei, he just wants to create a strong image, and then add the "faceless" mystery, others will stay away, or continue to guess. In this way, no traces can be revealed and there is no need to worry about being discovered. In addition, if you are both right and evil, you can maintain a neutral attitude. This will make people think that he is an arbitrary person, no one can guess, no one can control.

Gu Youwei casts a secret exorcism, and it is still a very strong secret exorcism. It is the power of the five elements created by Yun Youlan himself, and the form of expression is a golden five-pointed star. This trick is very effective against demons and ghosts. Many demons and ghosts, even if they are powerful, are afraid of the secret technique of this golden five-pointed star. A hundred years ago, Yun Youlan used a trick to eradicate the evil ways of the evil spirits, so that many demons and ghosts were so frightened that they felt a kind of jealousy when they saw the five-pointed star.

Therefore, with such a strong attack, it should work. However, it turned out to be too shocking. Not only was it lacking in ancient times, but Li Black and White and Li Wuchang also felt shocked. Because Tang Ye faced Gu Youque's attack, he still cracked it with a flick of his finger. Such an understatement, with ease, really has the ability not to put the exorcist in his eyes. The amazing thing is that the power of the exorcist is unique. It is protected by the aura of heaven and earth. To crack such an attack, you must have the same power, or the strength far exceeds the caster, otherwise you will be beaten. hurt. They didn't think that Tang Ye possessed the power of an exorcist, so they felt that Tang Ye possessed power far beyond what the ancients lacked.

The difficulty of training exorcists is due to the natural luck of heaven and earth. Anyone can try to become an exorcist, because anyone can have this talent. It is the sensitivity to the natural aura of heaven and earth. Only when you are sensitive enough can you touch the power of aura. And if you want to deal with monsters, you must have this kind of power. Unfortunately, although everyone can try, not everyone will succeed. For the talent of touching aura, one in a million is considered good. Therefore, the birth of the exorcist was destined to be scarce from innate, and the scarcity is the most precious thing.

In fact, there is another saying that the exorcist himself is a person who is protected by air luck, so his power and status are naturally higher. Then their power is quite different.

But this difference and advantage of the exorcist, at this moment, because of Tang Ye, was hit very thoroughly. Gu Youque used the magic spell secret technique inherited from Yun Youlan, but Tang Ye flicked his fingers to solve it. Gu Youqian couldn't help being stunned, and didn't know how to say this situation was good.

But this is not enough. Tang Ye's power can not only dissolve such a powerful five-star charm, but also continue to attack Xianggu Youwei!

Gu Youque wanted to continue to attack Tang Ye, but he didn't expect that Tang Ye's light attack would be so strong, and it was even hard to hit him, so he hurriedly avoided. But he couldn't turn his body in midair, so he couldn't avoid it, and he had to deal with it head-on. Reluctantly, he stretched out his hands and worked together to meet the strength that Tang Ye had laid.


When Tang Ye's power hit Gu Youque, Gu Youque was directly knocked into the ground, knocking through a big hole in the ground. However, Tang Ye's power hadn't dissipated yet, and Gu Youque had to carry it after breaking through a large hole on the ground. If things go on like this, it will be very dangerous if there is a lack of old. Once Tang Ye's attack could not be blocked, he might be killed by the shock.

Faced with this situation, why did Li Black and White and Li Wuchang worry? Gu Youque is theirs, and they don't want their own trouble. But Tang Ye, who behaves too weirdly, both righteous and evil, seems to be not hostile to them, but if he provokes him, he can be hostile at any time.

Facing such a person, you have to be more careful. It's best not to be an enemy, you can't be a friend, or an enemy, otherwise you will be a huge rival.

But now, even if they don't want to fight against Tang Ye, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang have to talk to Tang Ye. Because they continue like this, Tang Ye will kill Bai Youque. Bai Youque is their outstanding strength, it can't just be gone!

As a result, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang nodded at each other, and shot together, quickly rushing to Gu Youque's side, helping Gu Youque carry the power that Tang Ye had struck down together.

The three of them worked together, and they barely supported it. However, they just held on, and failed to crack it. In other words, after Tang Ye had broken through the five golden planets that were lacking in ancient times, the remaining power could still overwhelm the three of them.

This shock made Li Black and White and Li Wuchang, and Gu Youque deeply feel the power gap between him and Tang Yeong. It felt that Tang Ye was a thousand-year-old monster who came to bully these little people like them.

Two words, crushed.

Now the three of them no longer doubted Tang Ye's power. Even if he suspected Tang Ye's identity, he felt that Tang Ye possessed such a strong power, then it would be enough to destroy the devil. This greatly reduced Gu Youque's suspicion of Tang Ye. However, he knew that his behavior just now angered Tang Ye, and now Tang Ye has used his strength, unless Tang Ye helps, otherwise they will have trouble.

It seems a bit regretful, and wants Tang Ye to let go. But I felt that doing so was very shameless... at least, Gu Youque was shocked enough in his heart, and he didn't dare to be so rude to Tang Ye. If there is a chance, he will be polite.

There is no way to beg for mercy in ancient times, but Li Black and White can. Li Black and White felt that Tang Ye, a senior, was quite good at talking, at least Tang Ye had never been hostile to him. So now he wanted to try to persuade Tang Ye to let Tang Ye let go of Gu Youwei.

"Senior, we make you angry. Please forgive me, can you give us a chance!" Li Black and White shouted to Tang Ye.


However, Tang Ye did not immediately withdraw his strength. That force was pressed down again, and suddenly there was a shortcoming in the past, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang couldn't handle it.

"Senior!" Even Li Wuchang, who didn't speak much, became anxious and called Tang Ye.

Gu Youque looked at Li Black and White and Li Wuchang. He didn't want to hurt them because of himself. He gritted his teeth, looked at Tang Ye, and shouted, "Senior, I was wrong. Please let them go. Just do me a favor. Up!"

Tang Ye was in a state of "faceless", and could not see any fluctuations in his expression. Li Black and White and the others didn't know whether Tang Ye would let them go, they became more anxious.

At this moment, Tang Ye waved his hand to dissipate the power and no longer pressed the three of them.

"Cough cough, cough cough..." The three of them were relieved from the heavy pressure and couldn't speak immediately, so they coughed directly.

When they were relieved, they raised their heads to look at Tang Ye, and saw that Tang Ye was still the faceless person, completely unable to see Tang Ye, and they were deeply jealous of Tang Ye.

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