My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1768: Get hit!

Yun Youlan is a legendary exorcist and one of the first "Ten Profound" members of the Red Wall Court. In the ancestral world, because people developed in scientific civilization, mythological civilization was diluted and finally even more negative. Therefore, as a figure in mythical civilization, the exorcist retired from the scientific trend and almost disappeared in the end. Yun Youlan was the first group of exorcists to stand out after the fetters of Qi Yun.

Although he was a rookie at the beginning, he became stronger step by step, and got help and guidance from Tang Ye, and was protected by Tang Ye's luck, and finally became a strong exorcist. Then, she coordinated all the exorcists and re-developed the exorcist faction to deal specifically with those monsters and demons. Because of this, evil demons cannot destroy this land.

Therefore, Yun Youlan, a hundred years ago, had an extraordinary position among exorcists, and he must not be offended. For Gu Youque, Tang Ye's identity is unknown now, and he is still a faceless person, quite evil, so it is an offense to mention Yun Youlan. Gu Youque stared at Tang Ye, as if to be with Tang Ye endlessly.

Tang Ye didn't expect Gu Youque to have such a big reaction. It seems that Yun Youlan has a very important position in Gu Youque's heart. Think Tang Ye finds it interesting. Has that rookie Onmyoji become so powerful?

For the people of the ancestral land, a century has been a long time, and it has grown to several generations. Now many people don't know the people and things of a hundred years ago. But for Tang Ye, he stayed in Jiuzhongtian, and he didn’t have a sense of belonging in Jiuzhongtian. Even if he did a lot of things for the human race, he still didn’t take the place of himself. , Remember very clearly. The so-called past events are vivid in our eyes, just as they happened yesterday.

Probably for Tang Ye, even if a hundred years have passed, the people and things he once had are still his only memories. So he remembered Yun Youlan clearly. It's just that, to the people of Ancestral Land, Yun Youlan is already a hundred years ago. In the school of exorcists, he is a legend.

Although Gu Youque was angry at Tang Ye’s words, because Tang Ye said the name Yun Youlan directly, rather than the title of respect and praise, Tang Ye was very rude and arrogant, but he was not good to deal directly with him. Tang Ye shot. Because Tang Ye is too strong, he might kill him if he makes a mess. Although it is suspected that Tang Ye's destruction of the devil was self-directed and acted, if Tang Ye really has such a strong ability, it is not difficult to kill him.

Tang Ye thought about Yun Youlan for a while, and then came back to his senses. Seeing that Gu Youque was not very angry, he felt amused. Although this kid is a little bit stunned, he has a good purpose, all for the people he respects. It just so happened that the person he respected was also the person Tang Ye loved. Therefore, Tang Ye doesn't have much opinion on him.

But Tang Ye's time of silent recollection was a bit tormented for Li Black and White and Li Wuchang. They thought that Tang Ye was angry, and Gu Youwei had another muscle. If Tang Ye were to act on Gu Youwei, it would be very difficult. They didn't doubt that they had directed and acted on the birth and destruction of the devil, and they felt that Tang Ye helped them destroy the devil, so they should be thankful. However, Gu Youque is their person and cannot help but help. Therefore, Li Black and White and Li Wuchang do not know what to do. Then, Li Black and White decided to stand up and persuade, to ease the atmosphere between Tang Ye and Gu Youwei.

But then Tang Ye spoke. He looked at Gu Youque and said, "Exorcist, is this already so arrogant?"

Although Tang Ye didn't have any opinion on Gu Youque, Tang Ye didn't state his position. He still had to act as a faceless person, so it was necessary to maintain the image of righteous and evil. He would not let anyone think that he was helping, so he still spoke rudely to Gu Youque.

Gu Youque must have a hundred dissatisfaction with Tang Ye's words like this, which also reached the limit of his endurance. He felt that Tang Ye despised their exorcist, and even despised their legend of exorcist, Yun Youlan a hundred years ago!

"I don't know who you are. Maybe you are really a friend of a certain heroic predecessor, who is also my predecessor. However, what you are now, how you are now, I doubt it. In that case, I will see if you have Such an ability can disdain our exorcists!" Gu Youque coldly snorted to Tang Ye, then rushed towards Tang Ye and launched an attack on Tang Ye.

As an exorcist, being despised by others really hurts self-esteem. Because the current exorcists are very scarce and their status is very high. This is formed by the environment. Since the shackles of heaven and earth's air luck were fully lifted, the resurrection of the age of the true gods, and the return of air luck, many monsters and ghosts began to form. Many demons and monsters resent human beings because they think that humans dominate the world for a long time. Because human beings grow up, they have no status, and they are even expelled, sealed, and obliterated. Therefore, they all have resentment towards humans. After they are formed, they mostly hate humans. Humans kill and destroy. Then, among the people who can deal with these monsters and ghosts effectively is the exorcist!

The exorcist only started to re-develop under the organization of Yun Youlan a hundred years ago. It took a long time to develop a genre, and only two or three generations would pass, so it was not too prosperous. It is also very difficult to train an exorcist. Therefore, as a person who mainly deals with demons and ghosts, the exorcist has a very high status. Even a simple exorcist can be highly regarded.

What's more, he is a powerful exorcist, even Yun Youlan, who revived the exorcism genre a hundred years ago, as one of the first "Ten Xuan". So disdain for Yun Youlan is really too much. It's no wonder that there is something we can't bear. Now he wants to see if Tang Ye has such a strong ability!

Li Black and White and Li Wuchang did not expect that Gu Youque was so impulsive, but it was too late to stop Gu Youque. However, they were also a little bit mindful of Tang Ye's words. Tang Ye really underestimated the exorcist. The exorcist's status is very high now, otherwise, they would not call Gu Youque such a stunned "sir". Just because he is an exorcist, he can be called an adult!

Gu Youque quickly approached Tang Ye. In the process of rushing, he could make knot prints with both hands, and chanting words at the corners of his mouth, that was casting a secret exorcism technique.

After making Jie Yin with both hands, when Gu Youque approached Tang Ye, his right hand suddenly punched out a force. That power formed the spell power of a yellow five-pointed star, with extremely strong momentum, and quickly rushed towards Tang Ye. The yellow five-pointed star became stronger and stronger, and the speed was so fast that it seemed difficult to avoid it.

If it is to deal with demons and ghosts, this power is very powerful. Li Black and White and Li Wuchang have already felt that this ancient flaw is worthy of being from the purest exorcist of Yun Youlan's school, and the power is really amazing. This is the reason why Gu Youque was reused by the Red Wall court and dispatched such an important task when he came out.

However, they thought that such an attack was very strong, but Tang Ye was indifferent, and was not afraid of hitting Gu Youque. He also flicked a finger gently, and then the power of the five-pointed star spell was resolved.

"Wh, what..." Gu Youque was indeed a little shocked.

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