My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1732: Endless!

The Magic Overlord Halberd fought against Nu En Chong and Shana alone and did not lose, oppressing Nu En Chong and Shana, the two sides fought together like this. This is the power of the overlord's halberd that is about to be complete with seven fragments.

This magical Overlord Halberd was so powerful because it was not made up, and it was not condensed by Tang Ye with the breath of Overlord Halberd purely by magic. Inside it, there is a real seven-section Overlord Halberd entity, with most of the power of Overlord Halberd artifact. That was a divine tool used by the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms, and it was not something that the small realm of Nine Heavens could resist.

Nu En Chong and Shana did not expect that they would have been suppressed by a single Overlord Halberd. They realized that the situation was more severe than they thought. When Tang Ye rushed to the Eighth Layer, the two attacked together, and they couldn't stop it.

"I summon all the masters of the Profound Fairyland to help here!" Nu Enchong shouted heavily to Shana. Now, he has no choice but to gather all the powers together, hoping to be able to cope with Tang Ye.

For this kind of thing, as a person in charge of the highest royal power, Nu Enchung is actually very difficult to accept. At the beginning, Tang Ye appeared in the first heaven and was valued by Shana and Saya, but he didn't take it seriously, so he didn't take action against Tang Ye. Later, Tang Ye moved forward more and more, and the noise made more and more loud. Knowing that Tang Ye had the blood of that adult, he took it seriously, but he didn’t pay too much attention to it, thinking that Tang Ye had that blood, but because The strength is too low to pose a big threat to him, and if he takes it seriously, he will send his hand to kill Tang Ye. However, he did not expect Tang Ye to grow so fast, or that he did not expect that someone had already paved the way for Tang Ye.

Tang Ye's promotion from True Wonderland to Profound Wonderland was completed overnight, because of Meng Li's help. Meng Li transferred all her strength and strength for a thousand years to Tang Ye, in order for Tang Ye to break through to the Profound Fairyland. This kind of thing happened to Tang Ye. Otherwise, if a cultivator wants to get from the true fairyland to the mysterious fairyland, it would be impossible overnight, not for ten years, and a genius type for decades. Unless it is a powerful inheritance like Tang Ye, it will be earlier.

Both Nu Enchong and Shanasaya have reached the Profound Fairyland, but they are not too old because they have inherited their power. Saya and Shana inherited the astrological palace, and Nuen Chong inherited the royal power. Even so, they have been tempered for a few months, so don't look at Nu En Chong's appearance in his 20s or 30s, but his actual age is much older.

No matter how unwilling to accept what is happening now, Nu Enchung can't delay. Compared to being trampled on self-esteem and authority, Nu Enchung wants to survive. If he doesn't prepare to deal with it, let Tang Ye come to the Eighth Layer, then he can't stop him, and he will inevitably be killed by Tang Ye. If he is killed, there will be nothing, so he has to summon all the master cultivators to deal with Tang Ye together. This is his best way now.

Even as the master of the realm, using the power of the realm, he couldn't kill Tang Ye. Shana's star tree punishment is the power of several realms, and they are useless. In this way, even if all the practitioners of the Eighth Heaven are summoned, it is useless. Together, the power of these cultivators can have a strong power?

Probably both Shana and Nu Enchong knew that that might not stop Tang Ye, so their expressions were grim and not optimistic.

After Nu Enchong sent out the summons, all the practitioners of the Eighth Layer of Heaven were in action. When they reach their realm, their experience and mood are better than those of the lower realm. Whether they succeed or fail, they have to face the human demons. They have personal leadership, so they won't say much. Now is the time to act, they gather towards the astrological house. However, the Eighth Heaven is also quite big, and they may not all be able to come, only people who are closer come to help.

Soon the masters of the Astrology Palace and the royal power came. Seeing that the Magic Overlord Halberd was fighting against Shana and Nu Eun Chong, Shana and Nu Eun Chong had not yet been able to win, so they all shot and all went to deal with the Magic Overlord Halberd. .

Suddenly, the Magic Overlord Halberd was attacked by various forces, failed to hold it, and was beaten out. However, the Magic Overlord Halberd was like a human being. It was shot into the air and turned around, continuing to attack Shana and Nu Enchong. Affected by Tang Ye's will, the targets of Magic Overlord Halberd were Shana and Nu Enchong.

However, at this time, a large number of practitioners arrived in the astrological house, including the elders and guardians of the astrological house, and various generals of the royal power. Originally, Tang Ye should have fought these generals one by one. Or, he has also assembled a group of people belonging to him and slowly fights against these forces. But because Tang Ye became too strong all of a sudden, and the magic of darkness came in endlessly after the demon was out of control, so even if he was alone, he could deal with these people, and there was no need to fight one by one.

After the Magic Overlord Halberd turned back, it continued to attack Shana and Nu Enchong, but now there are too many practitioners who have come together to suppress the Magic Overlord Halberd. The Magic Overlord Halberd was beaten out and received The impact was too strong to be reversed, and was thrown away like a person.

Shana and Nuen Chong saw this, knowing that it was an opportunity, and immediately sent the strongest force to strike the Magic King Halberd, wanting to destroy the Magic King Halberd. The other cultivator masters also helped, and they all gave out their strongest power, converged into a huge force, and hit the thrown magic Overlord Halberd.

If the Magic Overlord Halberd is impacted, it will indeed affect it. The seven pieces of fusion, being separated, will be greatly weakened in a short time.

Being able to weaken the power of the Overlord Halberd is very beneficial to Shana and Nu En Chong. In the face of such a strong Tang Ye, if they add an Overlord Halberd, they themselves feel that it is impossible to stop it.


However, just when the Magic Overlord Halberd was about to be hit, it was like a gust of gale coming from the lower realm that a force rushed out from the ancient stone monument, and after seeing it clearly, it was the dark magic surging throughout the body. Tang Ye.

The dark magic power on Tang Ye's body was so strong that the original dark chains creaked, and the dark chains were burning with dark flames. This kind of power, when it comes to technology, is a pretty cool special effect. Tang Ye looked like a big devil, a big villain.

Tang Ye rushed from the dark passage to the Eighth Layer!

After rushing up, Tang Ye approached the Magic Overlord Halberd and held the Magic Overlord Halberd in his hand. Suddenly, the dark magic power outside the Magic Overlord Halberd recovered and skyrocketed, and it seemed to burn several layers of dark flames.

After holding the Magic Overlord Halberd, Tang Ye waved it lightly, hitting the strength of Shana, Nu Enchong, and other cultivators.


Tang Ye used the power from the Magic Overlord Halberd to smash into that power and immediately dissolve it, and there was excess power to impact.

"Not good!" Nu Enchong was shocked, shouted in a low voice, and resisted with a golden sword.

However, many cultivators did not have time to resist, or could not stop them, and were killed by the dark magic on the spot.

Even in the Profound Fairyland, Tang Ye's power at this time, as long as there is a dark and empty endless magic power, the power seems to be endless.

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