My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1731: Star King candidate!

The power of the star tree's punishment was issued from the ancient stone monument array. When the magic power king halberd rushed up and reached the eighth heaven, the end point was the ancient stone monument array.

It happened that Shana and Nu En Chong were both present, the two most representative people in the Eightfold Heaven. One represents the astrological house and the other represents the royal power.

After the Magic Overlord Halberd broke through the ancient stone stele array to the Eighth Heaven Astrology Palace, it flew a long way up the sky, and then turned around and suddenly dived down, with no reduction in speed and power.

This is an artifact of self-awareness, knowing what to do. And at the moment when the Magic Overlord Halberd rushed into the Eighth Layer, the huge dark magic power carried by the Magic Overlord Halberd immediately made all the practitioners of the Eighth Heaven tremble.

The cultivators of the Eighth Layer were at least the strength of the Profound Fairyland. You can feel such a huge dark magic. The cultivators felt such dark magic power, and they were all panicked and terrified. They knew that the human demons rushed up, but Shana and Nuen Chong had already dealt with it. Now that the Eighth Heaven has such a huge dark magic power, that is to say, Shana and Nu Enchong failed to prevent the Human Race Demon from coming to the Eighth Heaven?

What can I do now!

Most cultivators are scared, although they are masters above the Profound Fairyland, they are not as powerful as Saye, Shana, and Nu Enchong. Now that Saya, Shana, and Nu En Chong have not been able to stop the human demon, how can they?

After a while, many cultivators don't know how to do well. They can only wait, waiting for Nu En Chong to send orders. A leader is needed at this time!

Nu En Chong is not dead, all many people are counting on and waiting for Nu En Chong to issue orders. However, at this time, Nu Enchong could not immediately react, leading the many practitioners of the Eighth Heaven to deal with the attack of the human demons. Because the magic king halberd quickly swooped down, attacking him and Shana!

Although the Magic Overlord Halberd consumed a huge amount of power in the process of rushing to the Eighth Layer, and even used up the dark magic when laying a dark magic channel for Tang Ye, the Overlord Halberd itself was very powerful, and it was integrated at this time. The power of seven pieces of debris, even if it is a master facing the mysterious fairyland, there is no fear.

Shana and Nuen Chong faced the attack of the Dark Overlord Halberd, stood side by side, and resisted together. Although there is only Magic Overlord Halberd, they don't want to suffer because of underestimation, so both of them have done their best.

Nu Enchung raised his hands up, and then a golden sword appeared in his hands. The golden sword, also called the golden sword, is a symbol of the highest royal power and a powerful artifact. It's just that this artifact, compared to the Overlord Halberd, the artifact that was once used by the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms, it was naturally a bit short. But its shape is not bad, it can be said to be very cool.

Shana also used her weapons. She has two weapons, one astrological orb and the other astrological staff. There are star patterns on the orb and the staff, full of the breath of the moon and the starry sky. The moon and the starry sky have always had an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, various rituals and so on.

Shana held the astrological staff in her right hand and held the astrological orb in her left hand. Both the astrological orb and the astrological staff were raised up, and then both the astrological orb and the astrological staff sent out powerful forces, and together with Nuen Chong's golden sword, resisted the magic king halberd.

Like Saya has the dark power of "death", Shana also has a special power, and her special power is the "starry sky". Her power comes from the starry sky where the head is invisible, and it can also be said to be endless. Whether the sky of the universe has an end, no one knows this, unless it is the ancient gods who opened the world.

On the side of the ancestral world, due to the development of human will and the passing of the age of true gods, it developed into the age of technology. For them, the starry sky is far away, but because of the development of technology, they can reach the starry sky. But is the starry sky the only starry sky there?

Not really. In the world of other planes, there are also stars. The real starry sky is the starry sky shared by all planes and worlds. Legend has it that there is a lot of power of the ancestors. There is the place where the most ancient true god, after opening the heavens and the earth, looked in the air and wanted to build a place of residence. There is also a name there, called "True God Realm." Probably, the place where the ancient true **** left the ancestral land and went is the True God Realm.

Being able to use the power of the True God Realm, Shana's power is self-evident. So even if she looked at just a little girl, her status was no lower than Nunn. The entire astrological house is centered on her. She is the most precious treasure in the astrological house and may become the star king!

There is not always a star king in the astrology house, just like a dynasty, when a king dies, there will be another king in the upper position. The star emperor of the astrology house is not such a successor, or a system where the strongest is in power. The star emperor cannot be inherited, nor can he become the star emperor without being the strongest in the astrology house. To become the Star Emperor, you must be approved by the Star Emperor Orb. The Star Emperor Orb is the highest magic weapon left by the original Star Emperor, and only those approved by it can become the Star Emperor.

A member of the Astrology Palace, no matter how powerful they are, it would be futile if they did not get the approval of the Star Emperor Orb and the power of the Star Emperor. There have been hundreds of years in the past. Since the death of the previous generation of star kings, there has been no star king in the astrology house. Those who had been hoped that they might become the Star Emperor were not qualified after being appraised by the Star Emperor Orb. But Shana, when she was learning astrology when she was very young, touched the Star Emperor Orb, and was not rejected by the Star Emperor Orb. Therefore, the elders of the astrology house hold great hope that Shana may become a new generation of star kings.

The elders of the Astrology Palace all waited for Shana to reach a certain age before conducting the Star Emperor Orb appraisal. Unfortunately, there is now a crisis of human demons. I don't know if I can wait until that day.

At the moment when the Magic Overlord Halberd broke through the ancient stone stele array, the people in the Astrology Palace had already acted, including the elders. They will definitely guard the house of astrology and protect Shana. If Shana can awaken as the star emperor, she can definitely fight this human demon!

Therefore, people in the astrological house have received orders from the elders to save Shana’s life even if the astrological house is destroyed. Even if the Eighth Heaven is invaded and controlled by the human demons, they have to live secretly to protect the day when Shana grows up. As long as Shana becomes the star emperor, she can definitely expel the human demons and regain the eighth heaven.

This is the worst plan. They can't fight the human demons, and the Eighth Heaven has fallen. They have lost their dominance.

Thinking about it is also extremely ironic. As the most ruling tribe, they actually fell because of a human race that emerged from a heavy sky. They lost their dominant position and needed to live in secret. Isn't this the life like the human race?


The magic king halberd struck down and collided with Nu En Chong's golden sword, Shana's astrological orb, and astrological staff, and the entire Eighth Heaven was shaken.

The two sides did not decide the outcome.

At this time, Tang Ye followed the dark magic channel and was about to arrive at the Eighth Heaven's astrological palace!

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