My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1714: Hold it up!

In order to kill Saya under Shana's interference, Tang Ye's most effective way is to open the fifth death gate of Huamo, and further increase the dark magic power. The power of a deadly door will be much stronger, and it will not be a problem to crush Saya at that time. And, Shana's lightning attack from the star tree can be carried directly!

Saya and Shana didn't expect Tang Ye to attack again suddenly, and they thought Tang Ye would concentrate on dealing with Xingshu's punishment attack. For them, even if Tang Ye dealt with the punishment of Star Tree, they knew that Tang Ye would not succeed. Because Tang Ye possessed the power of the Dark Demon Race, but he was not at the level of the Demon King, so Xingshu Punishment could definitely kill him. Unexpectedly, Tang Ye ignored Xingshu's punishment and went to deal with them.

Saya and Shana both felt that Tang Ye was paranoid, but they were not afraid, anyway, Tang Ye couldn't hurt them. This would be better. Now Tang Ye is busy dealing with them, and when Xingshu's punishment arrives, Tang Ye will die very quickly if he is not prepared to deal with it. If you start to prepare for it now, you may be able to survive the punishment of the star tree for a while.

"Such paranoia is the evil demons, so we must get rid of it." Shana judged Tang Ye's attitude in this way, and then drew strength from the star tree to launch a thunder and lightning attack on Tang Ye to prevent Tang Ye from hurting Saya.

Through the situation just now, she knew that her attack like this was very useful to Tang Ye, and Tang Ye didn't dare to force it.

With Shana's thunder and lightning attack, Saya was a lot easier, even if he watched Tang Ye rushing in, he didn't rush to avoid it. Because he wanted to avoid lightning attacks, Tang Ye's attack power would drop a lot.

Saya and Shana are not very worried. However, at this moment, Tang Ye opened the fifth door of death. Suddenly, more dark magic power surged from the magic power in his body, and the whole body changed again. The dark chains formed by the magic power are more pitch black and pure and larger, the demonization state is stronger, and the magic lines are more profound. Even the hair has slightly changed into some. And the pupils of those eyes, almost all turned black, like a dark hollow.

Tang Ye like this has almost no expression, and can't make an expression, just like the kind of walking dead, even more cold.

"What?!" Saya and Shana were shocked when they felt Tang Ye's changes. Tang Ye has become stronger again, and the dark magic power has improved a lot, but how could this happen, is Tang Ye still hiding power?

Tang Ye is now in this state, and his strength is more than twice as strong as before. Tang Ye was able to suppress Saya just now, but now it is twice as strong, and it can almost be crushed, so how difficult is it to kill her?

Saya was in fear, it was the feeling of being really approached by death. She was breathing a little irritably. The first time she faced this situation, she didn't know what to do.


Shana's star tree thunder and lightning hit Tang Ye, but the dark chains around Tang Ye's body stretched out, directly blocking the thunder and lightning. Shana's thunder and lightning no longer hindered Tang Ye. Tang Ye quickly came to Saya and swept directly with the Magic Overlord Halberd.

It wasn't until this moment that Saya reacted, quickly retreated, and resisted with the death sickle.

However, Tang Ye, who had more than doubled his strength, swept the Magic Overlord Halberd and went out. Saya couldn't hold it at all. He was beaten and retreated, hitting the ground and rocks continuously, and then rolled out for a long distance before stopping.

"Ahem..." Saya fell to the ground after stopping, vomiting blood directly.


At this moment, Tang Ye had already swept to Saye again. Saya wanted to stand still and stand up, but as soon as he was injured, he couldn't stand up, so he knelt on the ground and propped up his body with the death sickle. At this moment Tang Ye arrived in front of her, stood, looked down at her, expressionless. Suddenly, Tang Ye was looking down at Saya, announcing Saya's death.

Tang Ye raised the Magic Overlord Halberd to stab Saya. The injured Saya can't escape, she might really be killed. Tang Ye is so powerful that she can almost crush her.

Saye raised her head slightly to look at Tang Ye. At this time, Tang Ye felt that she was almost out of control. She was completely an evil demon. This kind of thing was something she had never thought about, she would be killed, because the human demon turned into a dark demon.

She felt particularly ironic. Coming so confidently and calmly, it would be the result now!

Tang Ye's eyes were filled with magic power, and the darkness was empty. Regardless of Saya's expression, he stabs the magic king's halberd against Saya.


However, at this moment, a burst of lightning power fell, hitting the Magic Overlord Halberd. This thunder power was stronger than those who blocked Tang Ye, obviously Shana had deliberately condensed it. This strand entangled the Magic Overlord Halberd, but the Magic Overlord Halberd could not be pierced for a while. At the same time, Shana continued to add new power to the lightning power, in order to counter Tang Ye and prevent Tang Ye from killing Saya.

However, Tang Ye's power is not something she can fight against by drawing the power of the star tree under the cross boundary. Even if she entangled Tang Ye with her strength, Tang Ye's strength was breaking through bit by bit, and the Magic Overlord Halberd continued to stab Saya.

Shana was shocked, she would never watch her sister get killed. This is something that I have never thought of. To deal with the human demon who just emerged, is it going to kill my sister?

What a joke!

"Sister, hurry up!" Shana held Tang Ye temporarily, and told Saya to leave through her thoughts.

But Tang Ye also knew this situation. The dark chain on his body pulled and stretched out to tie Saya, Saya could not escape.

"No!" Shana exclaimed in the Eighth Heaven Astrology Palace. Saya must not be killed like this. Damn it, Shana, who has always been gentle at this time, couldn't stand the anger. Saya is her sister, the only relative. Whoever dares to kill Saya, she must kill that person!

In anger, Shana's blue crystal eyes suddenly became blood red. I didn't know what power she had activated. Suddenly, the attack penetration speed of Xingshu's punishment accelerated, and then in Tang Ye, he could use magic power The moment the halberd stabbed Saya, the star tree punishment came to the fourth heaven!

Suddenly, the entire Quadruple Heaven seemed to tremble, and all the creatures were shocked. If such a powerful force penetrates the fourth heaven and explodes in the fourth heaven, the fourth heaven may be destroyed.

Therefore, the astrological palace of the Eighth Heaven and the royal power almost control the life and death of the lower realm. If the lower realm is not obedient, who would dare not follow such an attack of destruction?

If you don't follow it, you die! Or the death of the entire world of heaven!

The power of Xingshu's punishment poured down on Tang Ye's head. The locked Tang Ye was already affected and could no longer kill Saya. She shouted in anger, retracted the Magic Overlord Halberd, and then bounced from the ground and charged straight. Yunxiao.

When he arrived in the sky, Tang Ye faced the power of punishment from the star tree. That is a beam of power, the terrifying power that penetrates several heavenly worlds, can crush everything, who can resist it?

Tang Ye was very angry, his hostility rose, and the dark chains around his body turned, as if he was opening some taboo.

Tang Ye held both palms high, trying to hold up this power that would destroy him!

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