My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1713: Do not lose!

Peeping Mirror didn't have the effect of cross-border attack, but because of Shana's special ability, she could launch an attack on Tang Ye through Peeping Mirror.

Saya and Shana are both geeks in the astrology house. One who has mastered the terrible power of death, has also obtained the incarnation of the angel family, and gained the angel family power. And the other one, Shana, her ability, it can be said that she is a voyeuristic mirror. She can only stay in the house of astrology and use her ability to grasp the situation of the entire nine heavens. There is no problem below the eighth-layered sky. The nine-layered sky has too many powerful and mysterious areas, so it is difficult to snoop, and sometimes it will be injured.

Cross-border control is an ability of Shana, and it is also the basis for her to become an astrologer. In addition, she also mastered many other abilities that were extremely unreasonable to others. In battle, the ability to "foresee" is quite terrifying and unreasonable. No matter what the situation is, she seems to know the opponent's next move in advance. Therefore, it is almost impossible to defeat Shana. It's just that Shana never takes the initiative to attack others, giving others the image of being a kind pacifist. The irony is that many wars started from her.

Now, in order to save Saya, Shana uses the sky-penetrating mirror and also cooperates with her ability to "see the sky", cross-border force, and directly draw the power of the star tree to attack Tang Ye. The star tree punishment is also in progress, but the power of the star tree's punishment will not be weakened, because it has been absorbing the power of all circles to supplement it.

In this case, Tang Ye had to deal with Saya and Shana's joint attack, but also had to worry about the coming Star Tree punishment.

Tang Ye had already felt the tremendous power of Xingshu's punishment, and knew it was against him. Originally, after he wanted to kill Saya, he focused on dealing with this terrible force. But unexpectedly, he was suddenly attacked by force out of thin air. This must be a terrible ability, coming across and attacking out of thin air, even the previous Mengli could not do such a mysterious thing.

After Tang Ye leaped back, he stared at Saya calmly, and was also paying attention to the changes in the surrounding power, to guard against the sudden attack by that force out of thin air.

In this case, the situation is a bit tricky. Originally, it would take some effort to kill Saya, because if you stay in the current state, you can't kill Saya quickly without opening the fifth dead door. Now there is a powerful force to harass, even more so.

Is it going to open another dead door?

Not yet in time. Opening the dead door is to be left to resist the forced, unknown powerful force. Use it now, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it then. Tang Ye was calm, thinking and weighing all aspects. Based on this, it is normal to outperform others.

Tang Ye stared at Saya and sneered: "It seems that someone has been supporting you from behind, and I should have known since you got that new power. Nothing..."

Tang Ye remembered something, and looked at Saye and said: "In the beginning, you had someone behind you to support you. You said...that was the astrology house. But the astrology house is far in the eighth heaven. If it doesn't have any special ability, it must Can't do it. She is very powerful... is it your sister?"

Tang Ye made a guess based on some scattered information that Saya had said before, and then watched the changes in Saya's expression to prove his guess.

However, Saya didn't need to deny it, and directly told Tang Ye: "You are very strong, and you want me and my sister to join forces. I feel stupid for the contempt of you before."

"Your sister..." Tang Ye didn't expect Saya to admit it directly. He hummed, looked up at the sky, and said: "Your sister is in the Eighth Heaven's astrology house. It seems that I can't stop her anyway."

"No one can deal with her, before I die." Saye coldly snorted to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye laughed, thought it was funny, and hummed: "But if I kill you, she doesn't allow it. You two sisters, really have deep feelings."

Saye took Tang Ye's words as an irony to her, and hummed: "If I were you, I wouldn't care about these things, but think about how to spend this little time before dying."

"Why bother to think about it, I just gave the answer just now, that is to kill you before you die. If you are really dead, it is not a loss if you pull a back." Tang Ye sneered at Saye.

But as soon as he finished saying these words, there was a direct force in the sky, like lightning, fast, high damage, and possibly numb.

Tang Ye evaded immediately. This kind of power is played by Saya's sister, and the strength will definitely not be worse than Saya, so don't get hit easily, otherwise you don't know what harm will happen.

Avoiding the lightning attack that appeared out of thin air, Tang Ye held the Magic Overlord Halberd, jumped towards Saya, swooped high, and then swooped down. When he approached Saya, he hit Saya with the Magic Overlord Halberd.

Saya used the death sickle to carry it hard, but was shocked out, unable to stabilize her body, and rolled a few times before stopping. Although this will not hurt her much, but if it accumulates more, it will hurt her seriously. Another heavy blow at that time might kill her.

Shana was very worried about Saya, and attacked Tang Ye more intensively, so that Tang Ye had no time to attack Saya. Thunder and lightning powers appeared out of thin air, constantly attacking Tang Ye. Tang Ye quickly avoided, indeed there was no way to attack Saya. Then he became angry, stopped hiding, and violently activated the dark magic power, directly confronted a thunder and lightning, contended with the thunder and lightning, and also tried the power of the thunder and lightning.


As a result, this thunder and lightning was really overbearing. Tang Ye used a strong magic group to resist. As a result, when he was hit by this thunder and lightning, a feeling of pain and electric shock paralyzed immediately spread to him.

A small thunder and lightning attack has such a big impact, if Shana gathers a larger amount of lightning, the consequences of being hit will be very serious. Considering that there is still a more powerful and terrifying force to contend in the future, Tang Ye chose to retreat for the time being, not to carry the lightning.

At this time, the oppressive force above the sky was getting closer and closer, and the pressure Tang Ye felt was increasing. He also discovered that the force that quickly fell from the sky was similar to the thunder and lightning that Shana released. That is, Shana uses the same power as the power in the sky.

But the power in the sky is many times stronger than that small thunder and lightning. Because of this, Tang Ye was quite sure that he would definitely not be able to resist the power of the sky, that is, the punishment of the star tree, without reaching the fifth or even the sixth level of the magic demon.

It's even possible that the power that reached the sixth level of Huamo could not hold up such an attack.

"It's like a nuclear bomb that has locked itself..." Tang Ye hummed helplessly.

Tang Ye raised his head and looked at the sky, and stopped attacking, and Saya and Shana stopped attacking. For them, the Xingshu punishment was enough to kill Tang Ye, so there was no need to deal with it again, after all, it was redundant.

However, at this time, Tang Ye no longer stared at the sky, but at Saya, with a decisive expression, and hummed: "Since I can't be sure if I can hold it, it's better to use all my strength to kill you!"

Kill one, die without losing!

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