My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1621: Find the difference!

Meng Li couldn't explain clearly about the black cat's death, and even more couldn't ask Tang Ye directly if he hid something and then killed the black cat. And Tang Ye didn't know anything, just doing the bounty task. His disguise was always in place, and Meng Li couldn't see anything at all.

At the beginning, Mengli also said something else to try to play with Tang Ye, but in the end, Tang Ye still didn't know anything, and had a very everyday expression today. Finally Mengli could only give up and let Tang Ye go back to rest.

After Tang Ye left the bounty union, he looked back at this building with huge statues of sacred and fierce beasts as a backdrop, his eyes showed envy and encouragement before turning to leave.

Tang Ye showed such an expression, just pretending to show it to others. Because when he opened the small domain, he found that several forces were staring at him. He was really puzzled, why he was so noticeable. So in order to make those who stare at him think that he is really just a novice who likes to be a bounty hunter, dreaming of becoming a hunter of gold level, to take risks and gallop the whole world.

What a naive rookie.

Tang Ye's misleading was still very useful. Those who stared at him felt that he was not as invisible as Meng Li thought.

But Meng Li, who was sitting in the office, had a wait-and-see attitude towards Tang Ye. She squinted slightly, and said to herself: "Either you are really a rookie, or you are a fairer than me."

Tang Ye didn't return to the place where Qingling lived to rest, but stayed temporarily in the tavern outside for one night, and set out again to try the forest early the next morning. He started to do the slightly more difficult task that he had received last night. In the process, many people could be seen, including bounty hunters and mercenary groups.

The tasks he did yesterday were too simple. They were done by novices. There is no newcomer recently, so no one can be seen. Now the difficulty has increased, and many bounty hunters and mercenaries have also taken up these tasks, so more people have been encountered. Mercenaries generally form groups, bounty hunters go alone, or find a few people to cooperate temporarily. Looking at the group of people, it is easy to distinguish which are bounty hunters and which are mercenary groups.

Tang Ye didn't plan to cooperate with others at all, and didn't want others to find him to cooperate, so he always walked silently on the side of the road and headed towards his own purpose. However, because of the reason that he was "cared for" by Mengli, some bounty hunters were curious about him, even not convinced, and wanted to explore his reality to see if he was really capable of being taken care of by Mengli.

These people would not treat Tang Ye anyway. After all, they had to take into account the relationship between Tang Ye and Mengli, and it would be good to explore them appropriately. They would not say that they would put Tang Ye to death.

If this happens, Mengli's people see it, and it is estimated that they will not stop it. Because these people's temptations to Tang Ye can be a reference for them to investigate Tang Ye. To be honest, they are very supportive of such behavior.

Tang Ye could also understand these things. When he saw a few bounty hunters looking at him from time to time, he knew that something was going to happen. He doesn't know anyone. If it wasn't for those people who wanted to treat him, why would he notice him? He tried his best to avoid these things, so he walked faster with his head down, hoping that those who were staring at him would not care about him.

But things didn't go as he wanted. His behavior of bowing his head and walking quickly attracted the attention of the bounty hunters. They crowded around and stopped Tang Ye, some of them stood in front of Tang Ye, and some surrounded him.

Tang Ye was speechless, and sure enough, something was going to happen. These people would probably not be willing if they didn't make trouble. He looked up at these bounty hunters, some of them were from the Celestial Clan, from the Leopard Clan, and from the Snake Clan. In the world of the Triple Heaven, the tribes are not so distinct, especially in the mercenary group and the bounty union, which are composed of people from all tribes of all kinds. They can fight alone, or they can cooperate cleverly.

The bounty hunter who stood in front of Tang Ye was a heavenly clan, and looking at his posture, he should be the boss.

Tang Ye looked at him, frowned slightly, did not pretend to show a frightened expression. For these things, he had already planned. If it cannot be avoided, then resolve it violently. Forbearance will only make more people think that he is easy to bully. After that, he will come to bully him. If he is forbearing, his mood will not be affected, and it will also affect his plan. And the arrogant attitude can prevent those who are afraid of bullying him. If there are still bullies, then it is exercise. Constantly fighting is conducive to improving the realm of strength.

Tang Ye looked up at the Celestial Bounty Hunter who stood in front of him, and said calmly and calmly: "I don't seem to offend you, so I hope you don't embarrass me. This is convenient for me and for you."

"Or, I don't want to trouble, can you help me?" Tang Ye looked at the bounty hunters who surrounded them.

Tang Ye's words were more sensible, but they stimulated those bounty hunters. They felt that Tang Ye, a newcomer, said such things directly, but didn't take them seriously. So arrogant, it really doesn't make people like it. They were originally here to find a bit of trouble, but with Tang Ye's attitude, they wanted to fight Tang Ye fiercely.

The Celestial Bounty Hunter who stood in front of Tang Ye sneered at Tang Ye and said, "Brother, we are not here to trouble you, but just want to communicate with you. You are a newcomer and may not know that we brothers Well, one of my favorite things to do is to learn from each other. I heard that brother, you are very good, so I want to learn from you so that we can all accumulate experience."

"Yeah, we just want to come and discuss with you." The other bounty hunters laughed.

This laugh is naturally impolite, it's nothing more than being happy for his trick, and the trick is to attack Tang Ye in the name of a discussion.

Tang Ye glanced contemptuously, and hummed simply, "boring."

Then Tang Ye stood up from the side and left directly, too lazy to pester these bounty hunters. For this kind of trouble, that kind of rhetoric, for his old fritters, too naive and boring, he disdains playing with them.

In fact, the strength of these bounty hunters is not very strong, it is estimated that they are just lower-level Heavenly Wonderland, after all, they are all in the same mission area. With the various secret techniques that Tang Ye mastered, even if they were in the same realm of strength, he didn't need to take them seriously.

"Hey!" When several bounty hunters saw Tang Ye stand a step away, they said they were bored and despised them very much. They suddenly became overwhelmed. The Celestial Bounty Hunter caught up with Tang Ye directly. Holding down Tang Ye's shoulder, he hummed: "Brother, you can't be so rude, we just..."

"First, I am not your brother. Second, I don't see that you are polite to me, so don't expect me to be polite to you." Tang Ye stopped the Celestial Bounty Hunter directly.

The Bounty Hunter of the Celestial Clan immediately became angry, staring at Tang Ye, probably regardless of Meng Li's influence, he was going to teach Tang Ye directly.

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