My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1620: Let's play secret battle!

As night fell, Tang Ye quietly went to the place where the purple-winged gray wolf spirit core and wings were hidden, and took the two treasures and left. He didn't immediately go back outside the bazaar, found a safe place, and hid the purple-winged gray wolf's wings again, while the spiritual core was absorbing and practicing.

The purple-winged gray wolf was a monster beast that could go to the fourth heaven, so the strength was at least the superior heavenly fairyland, even the true fairyland. Therefore, absorbing such spiritual core power has a great effect on Tang Ye's strength in the lower-level Heavenly Wonderland. The main role is not to break through strength, but to strengthen the body.

The physical strength has kept up, and it is not difficult to break through the strength. It may be enough to go to a battle. This is the characteristic of practicing in the fairyland, and it is also the reason for frequent fights, killings and treasures after the heavens.

Tang Ye has a formula for tempering the body of the Long Family, passed down from the first ancestors, and once the Lord of the Ten Thousand Realms. Therefore, the solid formula of the vajra absorbs the power of the spiritual core, and the degree of tempering the body is very perfect, almost all absorbed the spiritual core. power. Moreover, the absorption rate is also fast. Therefore, it didn't take much time to absorb the spirit core power of the purple winged wolf. In terms of physical strength, Tang Ye has increased a lot.

Simply put, if he was beaten by a tiger before, he would suffer serious internal injuries. But now that he has absorbed the spiritual core power of the purple-winged gray wolf and increased his physical strength, he would suffer a slight internal injury if he was beaten by a tiger. This is the effect of tempering the strength of the body. And tempering the body is said to develop towards a state of eternal life. At the strength of a world immortal, he can live for hundreds of years at least.

Now Tang Ye has basically adapted to the rhythm of the triple heavens, doing the bounty hunter's job like this, no matter how hard he makes a breakthrough in cultivation, there is probably no problem. It just took a lot more time than the first or second day.

Looking at the time, Tang Ye felt that it was time to go back. But he doesn't want to live in the place provided by Qingling anymore. He plans to find a place to stay by himself, which may not be fixed because he may spend the night in the wild in the future. This is the life characteristic of a bounty hunter, and no one would say anything about him.

Back at the market, Qing Ling saw him, very enthusiastic, and a little bit complaining, pouted like a carefree girl, and hummed: "How do you run so fast? I can't find it if I want to go with you. You're here. Also, why did you come back so late? It's more dangerous in the forest at night than during the day. You can't do that."

Tang Ye didn't have much thoughts about Qing Ling. As for the matter of using Qing Ling's identity before, he probably couldn't count on it right now, so he didn't bother to pay attention to it. But now he doesn't want to get too close with Qingling, he likes to be alone.

He had already thought about finding another place to stay. He said to Qing Ling, "You don't have to worry about me. Since I chose to be a bounty hunter, I will definitely take care of myself. I cherish life now. , I don’t want to die easily. So don’t worry, I know how to take care of myself."

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I don’t plan to live here anymore. I went to pick up a relatively difficult task. I won’t stay at the bazaar very often, so after tomorrow I will go to the forest to concentrate. If you complete the bounty task, you won't come back if you don't complete it." Tang Ye said to Qing Ling.

Qing Ling was anxious when he heard what he said, and said, "Are you going to do a difficult task now? This is not good, you are not so good now, what if something goes wrong?"

Tang Ye said with a serious face to Qing Ling: "This is the path I chose. I have to work **** my own. You can't think about exercise and breakthroughs while thinking about comfort. Don't persuade me, I have decided."

Qing Ling still wanted to persuade Tang Ye, but Tang Ye waved his hand, turned and left, and said, "I will go to the bounty union to deliver the task."

Qing Ling wants to follow Tang Ye, but she always feels that Tang Ye has an attitude of rejecting people. If he follows, isn’t it just putting a hot face on someone’s cold buttocks? A person like Qing Ling can’t do it. This kind of thing.

Looking at Tang Ye's back, Qing Ling felt that Tang Ye had changed. He had turned to reject others, became lonely, and went his own way.

This is the first time that Qingling has been treated this way. She feels very complicated, depressed and angry, and feels aggrieved and sad. But because the other party was Tang Ye, she no longer wanted to lose her temper, so she became even more depressed.

"Humph!" Qing Ling just snorted at last, then went back to rest angrily. Since Tang Ye didn't want to care about her, she ignored Tang Ye.

Tang Ye arrived at the Bounty Guild and successfully delivered the tasks, but because these tasks were very basic, he couldn't upgrade the hunter level after completing one or two. But he decided to upgrade quickly and took on a more difficult task. As I said to Qingling just now, these tasks may not be completed in a day or two. But this was in line with his choice. He still wanted to practice more in the forest and didn't want to always run back.

Of course, in order to prevent his behavior from becoming weird, he has to speed up the time to upgrade the hunter level, so that he will not be suspected by others when he runs to the depths of the forest and carries out those missions that are truly meaningful.

After receiving the task, Tang Ye was about to leave, but at this time a member of the union stopped him and said that President Mengli was looking for him. He looked at the staff member for a while, then smiled, "Okay."

Tang Ye had already been to President Mengli's office, and walked up to the second floor by himself. Now he is naturally wary of Mengli, but these will not show up. He knew that Meng Li was looking for him because of the invisible person of the black cat. The Invisible Black Cat was sent by Meng Li to stare at him, and he killed the Invisible Black Cat, but he also hid the traces of his killing. Now Meng Li must be very puzzled, and she needs to look for him.

In this game, Tang Ye is a player behind the scenes. Therefore, he knew what was going on in his eyes. Then he responded with a bottom line and could continue to play the tricks of the king behind the scenes.

Knocked on the door and entered, Mengli still sat on the chair, keeping the dignified and elegant appearance of this girl. But in Tang Ye's eyes, she was already an old fox. This is also true, Meng Li's age should be at least several hundred years old. In addition, she is a vixen, and it is not wrong to say that she is an old fox.

"President Mengli, are you looking for me?" Tang Ye looked at Mengli and smiled.

Mengli stared at Tang Ye, without speaking for a long time. She thought that this would make Tang Ye guilty, but Tang Ye's expression had always been so calm, only occasionally showing doubts and impatience. This behavior is very normal, there is no guilty conscience, and there is no overly calm that is suspicious.

Mengli can only give up. Tang Ye's appearance either means that Tang Ye has nothing to do with the black cat being killed, or Tang Ye hides much deeper than she thought.

"I heard that you completed today's task, and then took on a more difficult task. With your current strength, do you really want to do this?" Of course, Mengli would not directly mention the black cat's death, watching Tang Ye asked with a friendly face.

Tang Ye smiled, still wanting to play secret battle, and said: "Yes, I want to raise the level of the hunter quickly."

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