My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1604: Bold!

Qing Ling also felt a huge force rushing forward. That force was stronger than her, so it must be stronger than Tang Ye. She became nervous and couldn't help but grabbed Tang Ye's arm, while she was still staying on Tang Ye's back.

Tang Ye frowned and thought for a while, then put down Qing Ling, and said: "You go quickly, I'll hold him, you hurry up and move out to rescue soldiers."

"What?" Qing Ling was shocked, thinking Tang Ye's statement was absurd. This guy is inferior to his own strength, how can he hold him back?

Qing Ling definitely disagrees with this kind of thing, and said to Tang Ye: "You are committing suicide at all. I won't let you do this. You must go together, stay together!"

"Don't be so hypocritical!" Tang Ye snorted coldly, with a firm expression. He didn't intend to explain to Qing Ling slowly. He snorted: "Why didn't I just hold the tiger and let you and Tie Quan survive? Is that stupid? Will you die? So you run away, I will not die. I will not allow myself to die at this time!"

"But..." Qing Ling was still worried about Tang Ye.

Tang Ye waved her hand, stopped her and said, "No, but, go!"

Tang Ye's tone was low, as if angry. Qing Ling didn't expect Tang Ye to be so resolute. She hesitated for a second or two, bit her lip and turned and left, faster and faster. She accepted Tang Ye's arrangement and felt that she was pushing Tang Ye into the fire. She felt sorry for Tang Ye. She wants to leave as quickly as possible, and then move rescuers back to save Tang Ye.

Seeing Qing Ling's departure, Tang Ye's expression changed and his eyes became deep. Although frowning, he didn't seem to be so worried.

With a cry to the ground, a ball of flame formed in Tang Ye's hands. He squinted at the flame in his hand and made a sudden cold snort, with a smile, not knowing what he was going to do.

Seeing an incredible scene at this time, Tang Ye swept forward and took the initiative to intercept the tiger!

Really a bold and arrogant move. But in fact, he has the confidence to save his life. And on the basis of being confident to save his life, he has even more terrifying ideas.

Murder for treasure!

Then he is going to kill tigers, his tone is really not small, his realm of strength is not as good as tigers, but with so many housekeeping skills, he thinks he can give it a try. Even if you can't kill, you can run away. He is not the rookie of the Celestial Clan who pretended to be, but the human demon who has swept through one or two heavens.


Suddenly, a huge figure flew out from the opposite side. It fell on the snow, the ground shook, and the snow within several tens of meters was also lifted off. This power is not blowing, it is definitely a strong enemy to Tang Ye, he is the tiger who is chasing.

Hu Gan flew out, and Tang Ye, who had been flying by, stepped back, landed and stabilized, looking at Hu Gan with a playful expression. He is a bit shabby. He always uses some small means to stimulate the enemy and fight psychological warfare. Whether it is useful or not, he is considered to create a little advantage for himself.

Seeing that it was Tang Ye, Hu Gan was immediately furious and wanted to tear Tang Ye into pieces immediately. It was because of Tang Ye's appearance that he broke his plan and caused so much trouble in the matter of killing people and stealing treasures.

However, Hu Gan was calm-headed, and he knew that Tang Ye was here to delay him so that Qing Ling could escape. From here, out of the woods on the back, you reach the forest exit. If Qingling were to leave the forest and go to the outside trading market, it would be tantamount to announcing that his plan had failed. Then he would face the iron mercenary group and the powerful forces behind Qingling.

He won't be delayed by Tang Ye again, so even though he really wants to kill Tang Ye, he won't waste time on Tang Ye. He was going to chase Qingling, and then came back to kill Tang Ye after he killed Qingling, he was still torturing and killing slowly!

Hu Gan just glanced at Tang Ye, snorted coldly, and then continued to jump away, not staying because of Tang Ye, and chased Qingling away.

Of course Tang Ye wouldn't let Tiger Gan just kill Qingling like this. After Hugan jumped and left, he suddenly emitted a ball of flames, the flames turned into vines, and flew out to entangle one of Hugan's legs. At this moment, Tang Ye suddenly exerted his force and pulled back. Hu Qian never thought that Tang Ye had such an ability. Unexpectedly, he didn't send out the strength to protect himself, so he was directly dragged back by Tang Ye, and he hit the snowy ground, and another burst of snowflakes was raised.

"You..." Naturally, Hugan couldn't be injured by such a small attack. Hugan quickly stood up and shook his body, and the snow and mud on his body fell. He frowned and looked at Tang Ye, never expected Tang Ye to have such power.

"You..." Hu Gan stared at Tang Ye fiercely and snorted coldly: "Hid your power hidden?"

Tang Ye laughed and said, "You can say the same. If it's not necessary, I won't use it. But now, it's necessary because I can't let you kill Qingling."

"Huh." Hugan laughed ironically and playfully, and said, "Do you really think you can stop me? Don't think that you can defeat me with the power just now... No, it should be stopped me. Stop me It's all difficult, let alone defeated. I admit that your mouth can be very deceptive, but I'm sure to tell you that soon I will tear your mouth apart, and then roast your whole person and eat it! "

The corner of Tang Ye's mouth still smiled with a touch of confidence and calmness, but with irony. This is very irritating, so that the enemy does not want to see this expression for a moment, and wants to knock him down immediately, make him regret, make him painful, and never laugh again. Like a hateful villain, he is very suitable for this role.

"I will stop you, not only will I stop you, but also..." Tang Ye watched Tiger Gan playfully sneered, and said, "I will kill you."

"You...Roar!!" Hu Gan couldn't stand Tang Ye's arrogant attitude. It was too insulting to him. He roared, shaking all directions, and snowflakes flying.

"Then I will squeeze you to death now!" Hu Gan yelled and ran towards Tang Ye. When he was about to approach Tang Ye, one of them flew up, and his refining stick appeared in his hand, facing him. Tang Ye's head fell.

He had planned not to kill Tang Ye, because he had to torture Tang Ye for fun and vent his resentment that he had been tricked before, but now that Tang Ye is so ignorant, then he doesn't care, and kills Tang Ye.

He wants to solve Tang Ye in the least amount of time, so he used the big stick he used for refining. This is a one-hit attack.

"Die!" Hu Gan smashed down at Tang Ye, shouting angrily, as if he had declared success.

Tang Ye condensed the Flame King Halberd when Hugan was about to attack. The Overlord Halberd itself is a divine tool, which is several times more advanced than the refining device. As long as the refining thing is constantly swallowed, it is possible to become a divine weapon. Now the Overlord Halberd had two entities again, so it was not a problem to compete with the big stick of a primary refiner.


The collision between the big stick and the Overlord Halberd was limited to Tang Ye's strength, the tiger's big stick was not crushed, but the tiger's big stick could no longer move forward.

The snow flying around fell, Hugan saw the situation in front of him, his eyes widened suddenly, unable to believe it.

This guy actually blocked his attack?

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