My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1603: not simple!

Hugan had to track in three ways, but there were only two traces of footprints, and his men did not understand.

He was very angry with these dumb brains under his opponent, and snorted coldly: "If there are only two lines of footprints, then chase in two directions. There is another direction, naturally just to be on the safe side. Now it is two lines of footprints, and there are many possibilities. Because They are three people, so what about one person’s footprints? It’s possible that this person is hiding, and where he will be. We don’t know, and we don’t need to spend time looking for it. So we sent a team to the forest exit to guard Now, this is to be safe. No matter who gets there first, they can stop. The other two teams chased the two rows of footprints. If you don’t believe they can escape. But it is also possible that one of the footprints is There are two people, but I don’t know what methods they used to cover up. In any case, we send enough people, don’t worry about not being able to deal with them.

"Yes!" Hugan's subordinates suddenly realized after hearing what he said, no longer worried, and immediately went to chase Tang Ye and Qingling.

Hugan squinted his eyes and watched his subordinates leave in three ways. After a long silence, he did not follow any of his subordinates. He suddenly rushed all the way to the mountain, and then stood on the mountain and watched.

He has his ideas. He is very familiar with this forest. It is clear where there are tracts of woods and where is the empty flat land. Because of this, he had to look at the heights, because this might allow him to discover the traces of Tang Ye, Qingling, and Iron Fist.

Hu Qian is not that stupid, he is very clever, but he was fooled by Tang Ye before, and it was indeed that he had so many worries that Tang Ye went in.

At this time, Iron Fist was walking to the west, not the exit of the forest, but a place deeper into the forest. He probably had his thoughts after going this way. According to the situation of escape, either go to the exit or hide in the depths. The exit is not so easy, the other party will think that it may be hiding in the depths, and then look for opportunities to escape. If the Tiger Clan thinks the same way, then they will come after him. This is the direction he took from the beginning, and it can't be changed. As for what will happen to Tang Ye and Qing Ling, he now puts more hope on Tang Ye. He can’t see through Tang Ye, but Tang Ye Club gives him a kind of confidence that he believes that Tang Ye can carry Qing Ling with peace. thing.

When he arrived in a forest, Iron Fist jumped onto a tree and looked behind to see if the Tiger Clan came after him. Then he saw the tiger tribe chasing, he looked carefully and determined how many tiger tribes were coming, and then considered whether to go deeper or stay and get rid of the tiger tribe. After weighing the number of the tiger clan, he decided to sniper and ambush here.

"Huh?" Outside, Hu Gan, who was standing on the mountain and looking far away, woke up looking at the direction of the iron fist, because he noticed that some trees in the woods over there moved, and blood fell down. He observed carefully and found that the trees were still moving after they moved, and they were moving on just a few trees.

"Humph." Hu Gan sneered when he saw this, as if he knew the traces of Tang Ye and Qing Ling, he immediately jumped to the east, which was the direction of the forest exit, and the direction where Tang Ye and Qing Ling left. !

It's a little strange for Hugan to do this. The trees he saw moved. It can be guessed that someone was moving. Isn't it just catching up to the west with the trees moving?

This is Hugan's wisdom. He was certain that if it were Qingling, he would not only move around a few trees. Moving around on a few trees is nothing more than setting up traps, then lying in ambush, waiting for the enemy to come, and then killing the enemy.

If it were the little girl from Qingling, Hu Gan would never think she would do it. After all, it was dangerous. With so many members of the Tiger Clan, how could it be possible to deal with it? Therefore, Hu Gan knew that if it was Qingling, he would definitely use all means to escape, the farther the better, instead of thinking about ambushing and killing.

Hugan guessed that it was Iron Fist in the forest to the west.

He was right. And if he ran to the east, Tang Ye and Qing Ling might be in danger.

The tiger was moving very fast. He caught up with the men who were chasing eastward. Those men looked at him strangely and thought he had some new arrangements.

"You continue to keep moving forward in this direction, and when you meet other people, call them to the east. I will stop them first, and you will chase them to avoid accidents." Hugan arranged next to his opponent.

"Yes!" those subordinates responded, and they felt relieved, and even if they met mercenaries, they didn't have to be afraid.

Hugan continued to run and jump, quickly, and immediately distanced himself from his men. It may take some time for those subordinates to catch up with him. After all, there is not enough strength to walk under such thick snow, which is very inconvenient.

At this time, Iron Fist hid on a big tree with dense branches, waiting for the Tiger Clan to chase. Soon, more than a dozen tiger tribes chased outside the forest. They saw that there were no footprints on the snow. They thought that the other party had entered the forest, so they were ready for battle and slowly dived into the forest. However, it was useless for them to be careful. The iron fist set the trap ahead of time and hit them with huge trees. They gathered together, but were hit.

The most important thing is that they were caught off guard and panicked at first. Then, they are all subordinates, and the strength of Iron Fist can be compared with that of Tiger Dryer. The strength of these Tiger Clan subordinates and their boss is still very large, so after Iron Fist disrupted them with traps, they jumped down and pursued them. , They were quickly defeated, and dozens of tiger tribes were killed one by one with iron fists.

However, Hugan used all his subordinates and pursued them. No matter which direction they were in, there were more than a dozen people. Soon a group of later tiger tribes saw Iron Fist and immediately fought with Iron Fist.

Tie Quan frowned when he saw them, not because he was worried that he couldn't deal with it, but because he was worried about Tang Ye and Qing Ling. Because he didn't see Hugan chasing him, Hugan didn't chase him, then did he chase Qingling?

With the strength of Tang Ye and Qing Ling, they couldn't deal with tigers. Iron Fist can only get rid of the Tiger Clan right now, and then return to help Tang Ye and Qing Ling, I hope everything is in time.

At this time, Tang Ye and Qingling arrived in a forest, and after passing the forest, they soon reached the forest exit, and then they were safe.

"Tang Ye, let me down. When we get here, we can jump out of the tree. The speed will be much faster. After passing the woods, we will reach the exit, and then we will be fine." Qing hugged Tang Ye on his back. Ling smiled at Tang Ye, she felt safe when she got here.

Now she recognized Tang Ye even more, probably because she had close contact with Tang Ye, and found that there was no rejection. Slowly, affected by the strange feeling in his heart, he seemed to have special thoughts for Tang Ye.

However, Tang Ye was suddenly shocked and turned to look back.

Qing Ling was looking at Tang Ye, Tang Ye suddenly turned around and almost kissed her, she couldn't help being stunned. This bad guy, hey, want to take advantage of yourself?

Qing Ling blushed, she didn't avoid it, she didn't know what she was thinking, maybe she felt that she might as well give it a try like Tang Ye.

However, Tang Ye did not look at her, but at the back, her expression becoming more solemn.

Qing Ling was embarrassed, thinking that Tang Ye wanted to treat her, and she still wanted to accept it. She regained her senses, then looked back and asked: "What, what's wrong?"

"He's here." Tang Ye said solemnly.

At this moment, he felt that he had underestimated Hugan's brain. I was able to catch up so quickly because I had a certain conclusion.

It's not easy to be sure that he and Qing Ling are here.

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