My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1491: Double Heaven!

Because of the behavior of an alien, a city pays the price. This kind of thing is called Lian Zuo, or Zhu Lian Jiu Clan. This is very painful. It's just that no matter how painful it is, like Zhu Lian a city, it's too severe.

The alien races looked at Tang Ye, thinking that he was even more demon than a demon. Even Human Race itself felt that this seemed a bit serious. Even if I am moved, I am so moved that I don't know what to say. The human race that was killed would never think that he had such a weight. Tang Ye slaughtered a city because of his death!

The human race of One Heaven is proud to have such a tribe to save them and protect them, but they are also worried about having such a terrible tribe. Worried about Tang Ye's accident, and also worried about what life will be like in the future. Because Tang Ye... is a demon tyrant.

Tang Ye still looked cold. Others can evaluate him, but he doesn't need to care. This is the most thorough approach. Killing one city at a time, there is no need to kill again, and killing a batch every day, it doesn't seem too much. Moreover, he won't stay in the heavens all the time, only if these alien races hurt enough, can they not rebel easily. Tyranny has always been degraded, but it also has its effect.

Tang Ye said to the whirlpool screen again: "Everything you say and do is under my control. Who else wants to try to attack the human race? I know there are still others who want to attack me. You may be People who have no worries, but if you are not this kind of person, are you willing to be killed because of this kind of person’s actions? So, if you don’t want to die, look at the person next to you, if he If you want to attack my people, then you will stop him, otherwise you will die."

Tang Ye's words stimulated the alien race, and it was considered a provocative effect. There is no one who is not afraid of death and wants to live, why should he be implicated to death because of the actions of people who have nothing to do with him. Therefore, when they see a tribe attacking the human race, they even stop it. Even, I would rather kill the alien than the human race!

The human race is chased and killed by the alien race, but protected by the alien race. The contradiction bred here is the contradiction between the alien race!

There are such contradictions among different races, it is difficult to unite together. There is no need to be afraid of aliens who cannot unite. This is another way Tang Ye protects the human race. It is based on the kind of powerful shock just now, and it only needs to use a little more verbal provocation.

Not every foreign race knows Tang Ye's secret calculations, the vast foreign people who are enveloped by the fear of death, but don't want to die, but they don't have the mind to figure out what conspiracy Tang Ye played. Therefore, I sigh that Tang Ye's cleverly arranged, there are only so few people with good heads.

Because a foreign race killed a human race, and after all the foreign races in that city were killed, other cities never killed human races. Even if there are aliens who want to take action against Humans, they are blocked by other aliens. Then there broke out all kinds of commotions, all fighting between different races.

At this point, the so-called extinction of the alien race had failed. At the same time, two cities without alien races were vacated, and Tang Ye planned to gather the human races from the heavens and let the race live in these two cities exclusively. Slowly develop and then grow. Because now practice has proved that practicing hard Tai Chi martial arts, condensing internal strength, can reshape the spiritual bone, then the next question is time. As long as there is enough time, Terran can be revived.

Of course, a stable environment is needed. Gathering all races to live in two cities is convenient and risky. If the masters of the Second Heavenly Layer can come down, they will reach the two cities and the Human Race will not be able to deal with it, it will directly cause a devastating blow to the Human Race.

In order to avoid this situation, Tang Ye must ensure that Yizhongtian's environment is absolutely safe. Now, as the master of the realm, he is in control of the situation of the alien race in the first layer. If it is only the existence of the first layer, he is not worried about what it can threaten. The only worry is the existence of the second layer and the higher realm.

After all, the current situation of the human race is expected to be revived, and the alien races in the upper realm will definitely stop it. It is not difficult to predict that the next one will be attacked by fire from the upper realm again and again. Therefore, how to block the counterattack from the upper realm is the key.

For this reason, Tang Ye went to the Lord of the World to discuss with Black Snake. The legacy of Black Snake is comparable to the old man with remnant soul that Tang Ye encountered when he first arrived in the first heaven. It can be said that they are all powerful "golden fingers" left by the ancestors of the human race to guide future generations, becoming the lord of the world and controlling the whole world and all creatures. This method is also told by the black snake. I believe that the black snake will have a way.

The black snake looked at Tang Ye, admiring it. Tang Ye appeared in the first layer of heaven, and it was only a year ago, so that the first layer of heaven had already changed. This drastic change is simply unimaginable. Of course, if it wasn't for Tang Ye who was in the blood of the Dragon family and continuously received the help of powerful existences such as the remnant soul old man and the black snake that could crush the sky, he would not be able to do it. Waiting for him to leave the world, he will not be so easy. The black snake wants to stay in the first heaven as a guardian, and when it comes to the second heaven, everything depends on him.

"According to your thoughts, I am afraid there is only one way to isolate one layer of heaven." After hearing Tang Ye's words, the black snake said to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye wondered: "Isolate a layer of heaven? Is it like ancestral land and other worlds?"

"Almost. But you can't do that level." Black Snake is not afraid to hit Tang Ye.

Tang Ye won't be affected. The protection barrier of the ancestral land, that old Taoist does not know what kind of person it is, it is estimated that it is from the age of the ancient true god, otherwise, under one sword, how could it protect the ancestral land from being broken for thousands of years. Tang Ye knew his strength, and he couldn't even think of that level. He just wanted to be able to protect the heavens until he became stronger and avoid being attacked by the upper realm.

The Black Snake said: "If you want to isolate the first layer of heaven, you must destroy the gate of the world. If you destroy the gate of the world, the first layer of heaven will no longer have contact with the second layer. This is equivalent to isolation. If you want to rebuild the gate of the world, It takes a lot of time. This can be considered as a gain of some time. However, if the people above the Eighth Heavens come to take action, even if the gate of the world is not rebuilt, it is not difficult to break through the First Heaven. Even the first Heaven may be destroyed. . However, according to the regulations of the alien race, this kind of thing is not allowed."

Tang Ye nodded, and said, "After all, the target of those alien races is me. As long as I reach the second heaven, I will destroy the realm gate of the first heaven. Those alien races will chase me down, so I will definitely not give up my mind. To solve the troubles of the whole world, after all, the impact is not big."

"But then you are very dangerous." Black Snake said.

Tang Ye looked firm, and said, "No matter how dangerous things have passed, what am I afraid of? When I arrange the affairs of those tribesmen, I immediately set off for the Second Heaven!"

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