My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1490: The end of the world!

City Lord Solo slowly collapsed. The clansmen around him, the clansmen in the city, burned to death in front of him one by one, and he had no choice but to watch. These are all revenge and blows against the killing of Human Race that day. He thought that killing all the human races in the city was a victory. But now, he can't taste any victory.

Suddenly, soldiers from his mansion came and told him that there was an accident in his family. He hurried home immediately and saw his family and relatives burned to death one by one.

"No, don't!" At this level, City Lord Solo was completely crushed by the blow, rushed outside, facing the Tang Ye picture in the swirling screen above, knelt down with a thump, and kept kowtowing: "Don't stop. Kill my family, stop killing my people! Please let us go, as long as you let us go, we are willing to do anything!"

Those alien people who had been shrouded in fear had their companions burning unpredictably, and they had already collapsed. Seeing the city lord like this, they also knelt down and kowtow to Tang Ye begging for mercy.

Suddenly, the entire city of Solo knelt down and begged Tang Ye for mercy!

This scene was reflected on the whirlpool screen, and all the aliens and human races in One World could see it. Those alien races were overwhelmed. They clenched their fists, filled with righteous indignation, all the anger and emotions were directed at Tang Ye, and countless images of beating Tang Ye and stepping on Tang Ye flashed in their minds, in order to give themselves a sigh of relief, and to give a sigh of relief to the people!

However, this does not make any sense. They can't help Tang Ye, so they can only think about it in their hearts. Among them are aliens who have accepted the reality. These alien races just felt very distressed, sighed helplessly, looked low, and there was kindness and prayer in their eyes, praying that Tang Ye would not do such cruel things again, and pray that the tribesmen in Suluo City would be fairly safe.

The aliens think this way, but the humans feel that they have a bad breath. To say that the things that Solo City is experiencing now are cruel, indeed cruel, even kind people think Tang Ye shouldn't do that. However, they will not stop Tang Ye. Because, before this, their human race was killed!

That day, all the races in Solo City were killed, and the news spread, and all the races in the other cities became panic. And those alien races think that their fate is the end, and the abuse is even more serious and terrible, and they don't care about life or death, as if they have become dead.

So, when their people were killed, who sympathized with them, who saved them, and who prayed for them? When they are double abused, who will sympathize and help?

Alien? But they are the abusers.

Kind interracial? Yes, but they have been silent.

There is no stopping torture and killing, but silence, which is different from an accomplice.

If there is no possibility of peace, it can only proceed in this way. Between the human race and the alien race, the human race has not yet revived, and the alien race has not yet compromised, so the cruel struggle will continue.

Returning to the sky above Sitian City, Tang Ye who dominates all this, looked at the picture on the whirlpool screen, with an expression of indifferent expression, and said, "When you killed all my people, you were not in this attitude. You are united and you are not afraid. I and you are also quite confident. The most important thing is that you are firm. Even if you kill all my people and know that you will have to pay a heavy price, you are still not afraid. Even you think, even if I slaughtered your entire city at that time , You have also become aware. In that case, why beg for mercy now?!"

"Why beg for mercy?!" Tang Ye yelled repeatedly.

This angry low drink, there is a great question and shock. The alien races in Solo City could hear them. They were even more frightened. The unity and undaunted attitude of the day, after the collapse, can no longer be reproduced. What's more, they were thought work done by the city lord, and now the city lord is kneeling down and begging for mercy, how could they be like that day.

Tang Ye sneered and said: "I just said that since you have no Human Race in Solo City, then I don't have to keep it. You kill all my people, then you... also all die. "

The last sentence, indifference and ruthlessness to the extreme, without a trace of emotional fluctuations. The attitude of looking down high is like a world-wide demon.

Tang Ye's sentence was sentenced to Solo City, and the sentence was... the death penalty.

It was like a nuclear bomb being dropped into Solo City. Solo City instantly exploded. The head of the still alive alien rumbling, and then it went blank, with depression, pain, helplessness, and despair inside!

Screaming, wailing, and finally cursing. The whole city of Solo is horrible.

The burning continued, one after another alien races burst into flames, and fell one after another, leaving the last one, City Lord!

After experiencing these things, the city lord has fallen into madness. Hahaha, hahaha, ahhhh, laughed and cursed, and finally regained consciousness, looked up at the Tang Ye picture on the whirlpool screen, and yelled: "Tang Ye, even if I die, I will never let it go. You! One day, I will come back as a ghost!"

This is a curse, it can be activated, just like a haunted one. Since there is an exorcist, this kind of thing is not surprising. Just to do so, you need to turn yourself into resentment, experience torture and pain for thousands of years, gather hostility as your strength, and finally refine the entity and avenge your enemies.

After the city lord shouted angrily, he stretched out a hand, holding a big knife, and wanted to cut his throat. But suddenly, his hand holding the big sword burned and shattered instantly. He screamed painfully, and the knife fell to the ground, making it hard to stop himself.

Tang Ye in the whirlpool screen looked at him indifferently, and said, "I said you can die?"

"You..." The City Lord Solo was so angry that he didn't know how to say it, he wouldn't even let him die?

Tang Ye snorted coldly: "I said, your life is in my hands. I want you to die, you have to die. I don't want you to die, it's hard for you to die."

This is a domineering remark, used to scare other aliens.

Those alien races heard it, and despite their anger, they saw the city lord of Solo and the tragedy of the entire Solo City. They all heard it in their hearts and wondered what they would do in the future.

"You can go to death." Tang Ye said again, and then saw that City Lord Solo screamed and burned, and was quickly swallowed by the flames, and fell to the ground and turned into a pile of soot.

Dominate destiny, this is it.

After solving the city of Solo, Tang Ye turned to the whirlpool screen and relayed information to the cities, saying: "Now I am the master of the world of One Heaven, and I can see the situation in each of your cities. You want to destroy Killers, you can try again now, I don't mind doing things like Solo City again."

" deceive people too much, I will kill a human race to show you what can you do!" In a certain city, a soldier shouted angrily, and then killed a human race next to him.

"You are not humans." Tang Ye snorted coldly, "So don't talk about deceiving people too much. Very good, you dare to do it, then your city will be destroyed because of your behavior."

Then, in the city where a human race was killed, the foreign races were burned one after another, once again staged the situation of Solo City.

Because of the behavior of a foreign race, the foreign races in the entire city have to pay for it.

The price is so heavy, death!

Suddenly, all the foreign races held their breath, feeling a cloud of sky above their heads, so depressed.

It was a feeling of the end of the world.

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