My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1483: No need to think about it!

The sudden voice was very abrupt, breaking the proud conversation between the grand emcee and many foreign leaders. They believe that the plan to exterminate the human race that is being formulated and implemented will surely succeed, and will be very successful. But the voice that came made them dissatisfied and confused, what is it?

They all looked in the direction of the sound, which was the direction of the door, and then the door was pushed open, and a human came in.

The human race that can enter here must be that human demonic. The grand emcee and many foreign leaders immediately affirmed this matter. This is the residence of the grand emcee. There are many guards, and the strength is not weak. Among the human races, who can break in except the human demon that has emerged?

Indeed, at this time, the guard who fell to the ground in the grand emcee's residence was either dead or seriously injured and fell to the ground. When Tang Ye came in, they wanted to stop, and then Tang Ye rolled in coldly, so all the alien guards who saw him fell down, so that no one would tell the grand emcee.

Now Tang Ye arrived in the conference room where the grand emcee and many foreign leaders discussed matters, and opened the door to enter, still looking cold and ruthless, the only expression on his face was the evil smile on his face.

It's like a crazy person, just do what you want to do. Moreover, it is desperate to do this.

"You are so courageous!" An alien leader saw Tang Ye coming in. Even if he knew that Tang Ye was the human demon who was stronger than them, he immediately slapped the table and yelled at Tang Ye because their authority could not be provoked.

At least one human race cannot be provoked!

"You think you can have a little power..."


This alien leader stared at Tang Ye angrily, trying to say a lot of cursing Tang Ye. However, Tang Ye didn't even look at him. He stretched out his hand directly and used the ancestral land. He already understood a small part of the "domain" ability. The gas fluctuations in the control range space squeezed the space of the alien leader. Then with a slap, the body of the alien leader shattered, bursting out a mass of blood and turning into mud.

The same method was used to kill the ruffian dog tribe in Dayong Town before. Only this time, Tang Ye was obviously more gloomy and indifferent, and extremely hostile, as if doing more cruel things would not have any idea.

The leader of the alien race was directly exploded and died tragically. The leaders of the alien race next to them were splashed with blood and mud. They were really frightened, dumbfounded, and revealed an unconcealable fear.

When the reaction came, the grand emcee and all the foreign leaders knew what Tang Ye was doing, shocked!

Shock them.

If anyone is so opinionated, so noisy, it will end up dead. Let alone arguing with you, even an expression is too lazy to waste.

This kind of death is a bit too awkward, and no other race wants to die like this. Therefore, other alien leaders, including the grand emcee, stopped talking, just looking at Tang Ye.

They have panic and fear, but they are working hard to overcome this fear that will arise when encountering the strong. After all, they had done so much preparation and work in dealing with Tang Ye. If I was frightened when I saw Tang Ye, it would be too weak. Since they are the managers of the world, they have the majesty and state of mind they deserve.

The grand emcee was the first to overcome that fear. After taking two deep breaths, he coldly snorted to Tang Ye: "You are the human demon named Tang Ye! Huh, why, come here to kill us, and then dominate him. day?"

Under the words of the grand emcee, the other foreign leaders were able to restrain Tang Ye's deterrence sooner, all staring at Tang Ye angrily, and took precautions, ready to fight at any time.

Tang Ye glanced at them and sneered: "You don't need to be like this. If I want to kill you, you won't have a chance to attack me. In short, if I want to kill you, you will all die, no matter how you resist."

"You...!" An alien leader couldn't bear Tang Ye's arrogant words and expression, and said angrily: "I don't believe you are so strong!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" The alien leader yelled at Tang Ye, roared to embolden himself, and then rushed to attack Tang Ye.

The grand emcee saw that he wanted to stop him. It's not that I didn't see the sudden death of the leader of the alien race just now. Now that Tang Ye, who has entered the fairyland, killed them without any effort. The difference between a realm is the distance between the two worlds. Not everyone has the stunts brought from the ancestral land like Tang Ye, and can be unafraid of the masters in the fairyland at the peak of Sanxian. Therefore, the alien leader who shot must not be able to beat Tang Ye, there is no need to lose his life because of impulse. Now the situation is severe. First find a way to live and deal with this human demon, maybe there is a way to deal with it, this is the best policy.

The master of ceremonies knew these things, but it was too late to stop him, the leader of the alien race rushed towards Tang Ye, even though he had used his master's skills, he was still blocked by Tang Ye with one hand. Tang Ye held his hand, he couldn't make any further progress. Then Tang Ye used force and squeezed his hand off. He cried out in pain, unable to exert any more force in the pain. Tang Ye let go, he was about to fall to the ground. But Tang Ye pinched his neck to catch him, and then with a click, he was pinched to death.

This series of actions actually only took place within a few seconds, so Tang Ye killed equally cleanly, looking like the leader of the alien race did not have the slightest possibility of counterattack.

This is plain crushing, and resistance is meaningless!

The grand emcee closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. Since Tang Ye is here, he should also be awakened. The most likely thing is to be killed by Tang Ye. As the Lord of One Realm, even in a low-level world like Yizhongtian, he has a lot of insight and state of mind, so he is not too panicked. However, the status of being the master of a realm and the power in his hands would naturally not be reconciled to lose in this way, so he still has to fight for it.

He said to Tang Ye: "I know why you are here, but I will not give in. Even if you kill us, you can't stop your plan to kill your human race! How about you can kill my city? Huh, you kill When we retaliated, other cities started to kill people again. Can you stop it?"

Tang Ye looked at the grand emcee and sneered, and said: "Then you will kill it. Next, are you planning to kill your Sitian city?"

The grand emcee stared at Tang Ye and didn't know what to say. He felt that Tang Ye was quite annoying, so to answer the conversation in this way was not to force him to make a choice. Either be slaughtered, or compromise and beg for mercy. But they seem to have no intention of begging for mercy. Begging for mercy to a human race, resolutely can't do it!

The grand emcee didn't know what to do. Tang Ye's attitude was not what he expected. This human demon wants to liberate the human race, but now he seems so indifferent to the human race. What are you trying to do?

The grand emcee wanted to understand Tang Ye's thoughts before making a decision. Unfortunately, he doesn't need to think about these things, because Tang Ye wants to kill him!

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