My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1482: is it?

When Tang Ye found the lord of this city, he was executing the human race in the middle of the city. That was the last human race, his entire head was broken, he held that person's head in his hands, and then sneered provocatively and playfully at Tang Ye.

The city lord turned the head of the man towards Tang Ye and sneered: "I know you are the human demon. You are stronger than me, but what about it? Can you protect your people?"

With that, the city lord released the hand holding the person's head, and the head fell to the ground and rolled a distance.


Can't describe.

This provocation to Tang Ye was great and indescribable.

Originally thought that Tang Ye would be furious and wanted to kill the Quartet. However, he did not expect that Tang Ye was very calm, just a cold face, colder than ever, almost without any emotion.

Seeing that Tang Ye did not speak, the city lord was slightly angry, probably because he did not get the expected result, and provoked Tang Ye again: "That is the last human race in this city. You can kill me or this one. All my clansmen in the city. But do you think you won? No, you will lose, and you will lose miserably. If you kill one of our clansmen, another of your clansmen will die. I want to see, Is it because you have more people or my people!"

Tang Ye, who was indifferent and silent, finally spoke, and said to the city lord: "You want to see it? If I kill you now, you still have a chance to see it?"

"You..." The city lord could not argue with Tang Ye. This is a fact, if Tang Ye kills him now, then he won't be able to watch what is behind. Tang Ye wanted to kill him, he had no chance of surviving.

Tang Ye sneered and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

As he said, Tang Ye turned his head and glanced around the foreign races in the surrounding city, including soldiers and ordinary foreign people. He was also indifferent, without emotional fluctuations, and said, "You are also resolutely defending this city lord, aren't you afraid of death?"

Those soldiers and ordinary foreigners were taken aback, wondering what Tang Ye meant. Does this human demon really intend to kill all the alien races in the entire city?

Some aliens are not so firm.

However, before that, the city lord had given them a lecture and guidance, and they also felt that they shouldn't be afraid of a human demon in this area. Facing the devil, one must bravely resist, otherwise the more timid and compromised, the more miserable the end. So these alien races all slammed their chests and took a step forward, staring at Tang Ye bravely and fearlessly, saying that they would never give in to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye sneered, and said, "Very well, just continue to look like this. Don't show sympathy or show kindness."

"Then, look forward to the day when we see you again." Tang Ye looked at the city lord again, and after saying such a sentence with a cold face, he turned around and left without killing any alien races, nor cleaning up any human race corpses, just like that. Inexplicable words, and indifferent face.

"What are you doing? Don't kill me?" Seeing that Tang Ye was so anxious, the city lord wanted to stop Tang Ye, meaning that Tang Ye would kill him?

This makes people wonder, there are still people who want to die?

In fact, it was not the city lord who was asking for death, but Tang Ye's behavior was completely beyond his expectation. These leaders who carried out the plan to exterminate the human race had already given their lives. They will kill all the races in their city, and then prepare to be massacred by Tang Ye. After all, Tang Ye was already a master of Earth Wonderland, not the strength of their scattered fairyland that could contend. Even if Tang Ye is just alone. The strength gap in a realm is so big. Their psychological preparation, even if Tang Ye slaughtered the city, it would take time to kill the alien race. The time to slaughter a city can be enough for other cities to kill the human race in your city. In that way, the human race extinction plan is tantamount to success. But now Tang Ye did not slaughter the city, but left directly. What is this going to do?

This human demon is too hard to guess!

Because of the unknown, so flustered.

After Tang Ye left that city, his expression became even colder, and then he went straight to a place.

Grand emcee's residence!

Another identity of the grand master of ceremonies is the master of the realm of One Heaven.

Kill the master of the world, let the will of the world enter the state of no owner, then conquer the master of the world, and then use the will of the world to use the secret technique to control the fate of all the creatures of the world!

This was something the Lord of the Realm could not do in the past, because they didn't even have the strength of the Earth Wonderland, and they didn't have enough subtle secret techniques. And these, Tang Ye has.

Grand emcee's residence.

The grand emcee was discussing with a group of foreign races who are in charge of the world as to how to deal with Tang Ye, the human demon.

The grand emcee frowned and said: "The request for help from Erzhongtian probably cannot go ahead as planned. We can't attack that black snake, and the clansmen of Erzhongtian won't be able to defeat it. They have been blocked. The plan to completely eliminate the human race. This plan has been implemented, but it does not need to be completed immediately. We need an effect..."

As he said, the grand emcee's expression cooled down, full of resentment and hostility, gritted his teeth, and said gloomily: "We must let this human demon know that we are inviolable! He is a human race, no matter what kind of power he gets, after all Just a lowly human race! How can he challenge our authority? Our authority is beyond doubt! Since he has violated us, let him know what the painful price is!"

"Yes, that's it! Human race, **** it, dare to trample on our dignity like this!" An alien stood up and agreed with the grand emcee's words.

"Then let this Human Race Demon know what the price is, he won't be arrogant for a few days!" Another alien leader agreed, full of resentment towards Tang Ye.

Other leaders of the alien race also said in a rush, all expressing their dissatisfaction with Tang Ye, the human demon, and determined to let Tang Ye taste the heaviest price.

The grand emcee was very satisfied with the emotions of many foreign leaders and said: "So, let's slaughter the human race in a city one day. This human demonic has no time to save. If he gets to that city, he can't go to this city. Leaving this city. That city, we can kill this city again. A human race is just a little capable, but still wants to protect all the races? It makes people laugh!"

"Yes, haha, just do it!"

But not everyone has this emotion. An alien leader said: "Master of ceremonies, there is a problem we need to worry about. That is, the strength of this human demon is above us, and it is not a problem to slaughter a city. If he slaughters us one. City, we are also a great loss."

The grand emcee sneered: "This matter has been discussed, and sacrifices must be made at this time. With the power of a city, killing a small human race is effortless. But a human race, even if it is powerful, costs a lot to slaughter a city. Time. In addition, it’s time for our soldiers to show their fearlessness. Once the city massacre occurs, the soldiers will delay the human demon. At that time, the adults of Erzhongtian will have another way to get down. So, in order to delay Living in this human demon, we started killing the human race from the largest city. Today it is the city of Solo that will kill it, and tomorrow, it is my Sitian city that will start to kill!"

"Solo City and Sitian City are the two largest cities in One Heaven. We dare to make sacrifices. Even if the human demons slaughter the city, they will tire him down!" The grand emcee was really proud.

"is it?"

Suddenly, there was a cold snort outside their room.

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