My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1472: Everyone knows!

The queen is still mad, and the madness is getting worse. All giant ant tribes rushed to the Dead Water Lake, and they couldn't help being frightened when they saw the queen mad like this. If something happens to the queen ant, it will be a disaster for them.

The patriarch looked flustered, and the queen's situation was undoubtedly an accident. Since it wasn't the work of the clever tribe, it must be the human demon. And the human demon can make the queen ant so painful, I am afraid that it has activated the power of the adult's weapon fragments. This is the most terrible result, as the wise tribe expected.

The patriarch's expression became stiff, even a little white. If it was the human demon who activated the power of the weapon fragments of the adult in the queen, then he should have listened to the clever tribe's suggestion before, so that it could be delayed. The grand emcee has already sent a request to Erzhongtian, as long as it delays, Erzhongtian's help will be ushered in. At that time, the weapon fragments may also be transferred, so that they will not be obtained by the human demons!

But everything is too late. It was his choice to kill that clever tribe. It was also his choice to make the queen ant and even the entire giant ant race into a desperate situation.


There was a sudden explosion, and a huge splash of water exploded under the stagnant lake.


Then came a great cry of pain.

All giant ant tribes were shocked when they heard it, and they were very worried and panicked. Because this cry is the voice of their queen!

Something happened to the queen, and it was a big deal!

"Protect the queen!" a giant ant clan elder shouted.

Something happened to the queen, and their whole family was finished. So several giant ant tribes who were responsible for protecting the queen immediately activated the barrier separating the stagnant water and jumped into the stagnant lake to see what happened to the queen.

However, shortly after several giant ant soldiers jumped into the stagnant lake, the queen screamed again and raised the huge head like a hill. She looked pained, wailed, her mouth couldn't close. It can also be seen that she is very weak. But soon her head drooped and she was weak and weak, just like dead.


There was a sound again, and then a huge black snake rushed out of the queen's belly. Sitting on the big snake is a human man holding a short golden rod with golden light in his hand. This is naturally Tang Ye and Manduo Snake King. The short golden rod is the remains of the Overlord Halberd.

Even if it is a broken part, the power cannot be underestimated, and there is no problem in sweeping the sky. Moreover, Tang Ye himself had reached the realm of Earth Immortal, which was stronger than the great emcee and the young emcee. Therefore, there is nothing to stop Tang Ye at Yizhongtian.

When the giant ants saw Tang Ye, they were all astonished. It's Human Race! That must be the human demon.

Damn it! The giant ant tribe all saw the remnant of the Overlord Halberd in Tang Ye's hand, and the power it radiated was terrifying. They all know that the human race's weapon fragment of the Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds was taken by this human race demon! Moreover, this human demon can use the power of that adult!

This human race is not an ordinary human race, maybe he has something to do with that adult!

When the patriarch guessed this, his face suddenly paled. If this is the case, it is really a nightmare for all tribes. When the human race comes back, the first thing to do is revenge!

Revenge does not require reason, only killing and venting. If it is developed by this human demons and leads the human race to rise, then the inevitable battle is self-evident!

"Kill him!" The patriarch's head was actually blank. He was shocked by the terrible facts. He didn't care about anything, shouted loudly and asked the soldiers to kill Tang Ye.

Tang Ye snatched away the weapon fragments of the adult, and came out of the queen's belly. The queen's painful and dying struggle, I am afraid that she can't survive. All giant ant tribes couldn't accept this kind of thing at first, and couldn't react. But that did happen, recovered, endless grief, endless anger!

The patriarch's low drink caused many giant ant tribes to instantly lose their minds, leaving only a cavity of blood. They all rushed towards Tang Ye, swearing to kill Tang Ye.

But things that are done without a brain are generally miserable. Tang Ye held the remnant of the Overlord Halberd and gained the power of the once Lord of Ten Thousand Realms.

In the face of numerous giant ant tribes flying over, he just waved his hand, and the power from the overlord's halberd directly shattered them, directly turned into a stream of blood, splashed and fell into the stagnant lake.

Just such a light sweep killed more than a dozen giant ant tribes. The strength of the Earth Immortal was really vulnerable to the power of this Overlord Halberd.

At this time, the overlord halberd fragment became excited!

When Tang Ye held the Overlord Halberd, he seemed to have the same consciousness with the Overlord Halberd. He felt that the remnant of the Overlord Halberd was like a demon who had been sealed for a long time and was finally freed. After being stained with blood, he became mad and wanted to kill more. many.

This feeling made Tang Ye think of the Long Family's combat skills, a mental technique that the more you use it, the stronger, and the more you use it. Even if it is to burn the blood of one's life, it will continue to fight, and it is truly endless.

They all say that they are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of death. Using the Long Family's combat skills, it feels that they are deathless, so no one is afraid, and the enemy is afraid of such moves. Think about the first ancestor of the Long Family, who fought in the ten thousand realms and became the lord of the ten thousand realms.

It's just that a group of giant ant tribes died, and it didn't make them calm down. They still followed suit and regarded death as home. But soon, the second group of giant ant tribes were swept by Tang Ye and shattered, and the flesh and blood fell into the stagnant lake.

At this time, Tang Ye held the overlord's halberd, and the overlord's halberd exerted its strength, slowly transforming other parts, the illusion looked like a real overlord's halberd. Take a closer look, this overlord halberd is more like a dragon halberd. They are surrounded by golden dragons, carved in pure gold, with perfect luster, and matched with the basic structure of the halberd. It is full of domineering and mighty.

Although this complete Overlord's Halberd was only an illusion, it felt like Tang Ye was holding a complete Overlord's Halberd from a distance. The slightly weird thing was that Tang Ye was standing on the Manduo Snake King, not the more domineering Shenlong. Despite this, Tang Ye was like a **** of war, staring at the world and despising everything under him.

At this time, those giant ant races saw Tang Ye like this, and they stopped rushing to attack so desperately. The power gap has already let them know that it is impossible to defeat Tang Ye if they rush up. Look at the stagnant lake, the queen ant is dead, and there are all the limbs of the people in the lake. It's terrible, it's terrible, just like their clan was slaughtered.

A kind of fear, a kind of despair, they do not want to do fearless resistance.

But if you don’t die, what else can you do?

They must think about this problem. They were defeated by the human race and failed to hold the overlord halberd. So even if they can live, how should they live?

The giant ants are facing such a problem, and in fact, at this time the entire Jiuzhongtian was caught in a commotion. Because the overlord's halberd fragments scattered in various places and different worlds, because of the awakening of one piece, they all awakened!

Even in the eighth heaven, he knew the existence of Tang Ye this human race!

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