My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1471: The halberd is out again!

From the moment the patriarch asked him to stop the smart giant ant from acting, his fate had already been decided. As the patriarch expected, his behavior aroused great anger among the tribe, and some even thought that he was the helper of the human demon. The clan elders demanded that he be executed. Faced with the anger of the tribe, the patriarch could not stop it.

The wise giant ants chose to kill themselves. He felt that he had done his best. Born in such an environment, there was nothing to complain about, and the patriarch did nothing wrong. But he was unwilling, even resentful. If he can, he wants to kill the patriarch and take the position himself. He felt that he could do better, at least better than the patriarch in solving the threat of human demons.

This intelligent giant ant stabbed his heart with a dagger, and then jumped into the stagnant lake. In the past, giant ants died and were buried under the stagnant lake. One is to turn into poisonous water to enhance the toxicity of the stagnant lake. One is to accompany the queen to protect the queen forever.

However, after the intelligent giant ants fell into the stagnant lake, before finally dying, they saw a huge mandala snake under the stagnant lake!

That is the mandala snake king!

What shocked him the most was that the Mandala Snake King sat on him with a human race that used a power shield to isolate the poisonous stagnant water.

It's that human demon!

"Oh, **** it, that human demon has already sneaked into the Deadwater Lake!" The intelligent giant ant tribe had already accepted the fate of death, but at this moment they didn't want to die. Because the human demon is here, it must be stopped, and the people must be told, otherwise the fate of the giant ant is at stake!

The clever giant ant tribe wanted to struggle to surface with one last breath and tell the tribesmen, but the giant mandala snake king swam quickly over, opened his mouth in the blood basin, and swallowed him suddenly.

At the last moment of struggle, the intelligent giant ant tribe can only produce a few blisters, and then there will be no more movement. But he was so unwilling, how could this happen, it was too cruel. What he tried to prevent, just happened in front of him naked, and he couldn't do anything!

However, after being swallowed into the mouth by the Mandala Snake King, his last trace of consciousness suddenly struck with a pleasure, which came from revenge. Because ah, his painstaking efforts were disappointed by the patriarch and misunderstood by the tribe. Now, the queen ant will be killed, the weapon fragments of that adult will be taken away by the human demons, and the giant ant tribe will face unimaginable The disaster, this is the consequence of the patriarch and the clansmen not believing in themselves, they deserve it!

They will be taught! Right, that is it!

However, the intelligent giant ants are still very regretful and distressed after all. This lesson to the tribe is very big, and it will be destroyed directly!

The mandala snake king made very little movement under the stagnant lake, and the giant ants on the lake did not notice. There was a faint blue light on Tang Ye, which was a protective shield to isolate the poisonous stagnant water. The shield is made of that elite giant ant spirit core. By absorbing the spiritual core of the elite giant ant tribe, a huge force is obtained, which can be used to condense into a shield without consuming one's own power, so that even if it is discovered by the giant ant tribe, there is enough power to leave.

The passage into the stagnant lake was told by the mandala snake king. The mandala snake king has cultivated enough and is not afraid of stagnant water, at least the small mandala can't. However, the mandala snake king led the way and sneaked in, which has already given Tang Ye a huge help. It can be said that his plan to retrieve the relics of his ancestors has been accelerated by a leap.

The queen ant was still asleep, not knowing the arrival of Tang Ye and the Manduo Snake King. Tang Ye came to the head of the queen ant and saw the head like a hill. He was very amazed. If the queen had combat power, it would be very difficult to deal with, even if it was ten mandala snake kings. It's a pity that the queen is only responsible for reproduction and erosion of the adult's weapon fragments. In fact, a large part of her huge body is belly. The belly is too big and heavy, but it is cumbersome. She moves slowly, let alone fights.

Tang Ye and Mantuo Snake King entered the body through the passage of the queen's ears. After entering inside, Tang Ye felt a powerful force, which seemed to be calling him. He was sure that it was the power of the ancestor's relic!

The Mandala Snake King quickly wandered, and brought Tang Ye to the place where the ancestral weapon fragments were placed, not in the queen's stomach, but in the gallbladder. Because of the toxicity there, I am most afraid.

Inside are the organs of the queen ant, beating, glowing with heat, and turning red. It's unnatural. Tang Ye stepped down from the Manduo Snake King and stood in front of the gallbladder hanging from the queen, unaffected by the stuff in the queen's belly. The ancestral weapon wreckage placed in the gallbladder radiated ever greater golden light. From the flickering light, it can even be understood that this weapon fragment is cheering.

How many thousands of years, like being imprisoned here, facing the rancid stagnant water and the venom produced by the queen ant all day long. It is strong and hard, with the strength of that adult, and can resist these venoms. However, as a weapon, a warlike weapon, how can it be willing to do so?

Even after being divided into fragments by a foreign race, why not be angry?

It must break free from the shackles, retrieve the broken parts, and return to the original Overlord Halberd that dominated the world!


The remnants of the Overlord Halberd in the queen's gallbladder seemed to crash into the gallbladder. Originally it was silent, because there was no blood to awaken it and tend to it. And Tang Ye, the descendant of that adult, has a qualified bloodline. So the overlord's halberd remnant became aware and exuded its strength, to break through the gallbladder of the queen and return to the owner!

Although the former master has fallen, the arrival of the new master will inherit the same will!


There was a sudden howl, and then the queen's stomach trembling. It was the collision of the overlord's halberd that made the queen feel very painful and woke up from deep sleep. The ant queen who woke up was even more panicked, because she noticed that the remnant of the Overlord Halberd in her body was emitting a terrible force to break through her gallbladder and her belly. She will die. This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the adult’s weapon is about to be born!

This means that there is a human race that can inherit the power of that adult!

This is not only a threat to the giant ant race, but also a threat to all foreign races, a threat to the world of Nine Heavens!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

The queen roars continuously, swings her body constantly, and even rolls. Suddenly, the stagnant lake was choppy and poisonous water splashed. After splashing out, some things couldn't resist the strong corrosive and poisonous, and they melted directly. Surrounded by the giant ant tribe’s buildings, the giant ant tribe was devastated.

"What happened?!" The riot in the Dead Water Lake made the patriarch very worried, and even thought of a terrible consequence, he immediately rushed to the Crystal Bridge and asked the guards in a low voice.

But the guard looked blank, and he didn't know what was going on at the queen's sudden madness. To say that the clever giant ants have been killed, it is impossible to threaten the queen. Unless someone else moved the queen, they didn't see anyone else entering the backwater lake.

Tang Ye, who was staying in the queen's belly, stabilized his body, raised his hand and punched, and punched the queen's gallbladder to attack. This Overlord Halberd, he wants to inherit!

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