My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1430: You are so!

Tang Ye was already an intermediate Sanxian and had a few more grid strengths, so he naturally had no problem dealing with a few ordinary alien soldiers. His speed and strength are far above these alien soldiers, and alien soldiers have no possibility of counterattack.

Go straight to break the neck of an alien soldier, and Tang Ye continued to attack. At this time, the alien people who wanted to watch had become horrified. They realized that this human demon was very powerful and did not blink. In order not to be affected, they fled one after another.

The scene became quite chaotic.

The remaining alien races were scared, but did not escape. Not every alien is greedy of life and fear of death. Becoming a soldier naturally has the courage and belief of a soldier. Don't run away, don't beg for mercy, otherwise you will have no self-esteem!

Several foreign races bravely faced Tang Ye and protected the masses. But Tang Ye didn't have any mercy. Several foreign races prevented him from leaving, so he shot. He flew a foreign race with one punch, and the others didn't care about it. They drove a road and left quickly.

But there was a foreign race that was quite tenacious, knowing that it was not an opponent, he had to rush to hug Tang Ye's leg, drag Tang Ye, and wait for reinforcements to come and destroy Tang Ye, the demon!

They have their justice and their persistence.

To those alien people, it is very respectable!

But Tang Ye also had his own justice and persistence. He didn't want to fall into a gang fight, and then accidentally couldn't escape. There are ideals to believe that if he is caught, then no matter how great he believes in-liberating the entire human race, how kind, etc., he will definitely be brutally killed by the alien race.

From the point that he wanted to liberate the human race, it was destined to be evil for the alien race. Since you can't change, then go forward bravely, no matter how much blood you have to get!

"Don't challenge my patience for the lives of your alien races, as long as you stop me, I will kill as many as possible!" Tang Ye punched the alien who was holding his thigh, hit the back of the neck, and the alien's neck also clicked. He died, his hands were unable to let go of Tang Ye.

Tang Ye continued to withdraw.

"Stop him, never let him go!" Two foreign soldiers died, and several others. Watching the human demons kill two companions with their own eyes, they no longer fear, and their hearts are completely filled with anger!

They showed a kind of spirit that would rather die than surrender, and desperately tried to stop Tang Ye, and never let Tang Ye escape!

They have noble beliefs-by killing Tang Ye here, you can avoid the killing of many foreign companions. At the expense of oneself, you can save a large number of companions. It's worth it!

An alien rushed to stop Tang Ye, Tang Ye's eyes were cold. Still have to come to die, then die!

Tang Ye shot, also mercilessly. Another alien raced toward him, and directly used the force, first repelled him, and then took a step forward. Before that alien race could not twist his body, he directly pinched his neck, slammed his neck, and killed him.

"Don't be afraid, hold him back!" The death of another alien race was just a matter of moments. When you are used to it, you will not be afraid. If you think of yourself as a person who will die, you will not be afraid. Turning white and stiff, he still shouted angrily, and went to stop Tang Ye.

Affected by the courage and spirit of these alien soldiers, the alien people who have not yet escaped are not afraid. They stopped and even approached the past, encouraging and helping the two or three aliens, and shouting: "Kill this human demon. Damn human race, kill him, you must kill him!"

The scene becomes more chaotic.

Tang Ye originally wanted to finish the work quickly, but seeing those alien people booing like this, behaving awe-inspiringly, he was furious, so he turned around and grabbed an alien soldier. The alien soldier originally thought that Tang Ye was going to escape, but he didn't expect Tang Ye to return suddenly, was caught by Tang Ye, and fell directly into Tang Ye's hands, who was pinched by Tang Ye again.

You don't need a weapon. It's a good way to break your neck with a click. You don't need to get your hands dirty. But to be able to do this is usually a lot stronger than the opponent, not so easy to crush. Breaking the neck is not breaking a bean sprout. If the strength is not much different, it is impossible to do it.

So Tang Ye killed these alien soldiers, it was just a matter of thinking.

Tang Ye squeezed the alien's neck, lifted it up, and jumped onto a roof so that the alien soldiers and the alien crowd could see him. He looked at the many alien races with cold eyes, and hummed: "In your eyes, our human race is lowly, is it damned?"

Many alien races were emotional towards Tang Ye, and directly responded loudly: "Of course, what kind of human race is you! You have always been humble! Even if we are respected and treated kindly by us, that is our kindness! Your human race has always been. Slave, what else can you talk to us?!"

Tang Ye sneered, and said: "So, our human race is low and **** in your eyes. Okay, I have no opinion on your views. Then, in my eyes, you are also low and damn! This is me. My thoughts as a human race! What is different from yours? No! It is our own thoughts! Since you believe that the human race is low and damn, then I also believe that you are low and damn. So... your lives It's worthless in my eyes!"


Tang Ye was not joking, and didn't plan to discuss anything with those yelling aliens, and after speaking, he broke the neck of the alien soldier.

This is the attitude he wants to express.

You aliens feel that our human race is lowly, slaves, and can be bullied at will. Your thoughts have been passed on for thousands of years, deep in your bones, and you can’t persuade them. You kill me, and I will kill you too!

This is Tang Ye's attitude.

The number of alien races is counted in hundreds of millions, while the human races are not many. He was afraid that while persuading some alien races, more human races would die. The alien race is over before the persuasion is over. Then, even if you become a demon, you must change this status quo, save the human race, and liberate the human race!

Many foreign races did not expect Tang Ye to be so...arrogant? Arrogant? Or something else, in short, the foreign race's feelings towards Tang Ye were very complicated, it was hard to explain.

Some of them were very angry, pure anger at the fact that Tang Ye killed their companion, so arrogant and arrogant.

However, some of them had certain thoughts about Tang Ye. Then they are affected by the kind of emotion that seems to be involved in things like shame. They want to cover up this guilty conscience and shame, so they behave extremely angry.

As Tang Ye said, what they think of Human Race, then Human Race can also think of them. Different ideas, who can interfere with whom?

They are not the same family, who can control whom?

Now the human race is weak, so being bullied is helpless.

But if there are strong people in the human race, why not resist bullying?

Changing the position of the alien race to the current human race, they will naturally have the idea of ​​resistance.

I know this kind of thing, but I don't want to admit it. Because acknowledgment is a denial of one's past practices, and also a denial and criticism of ancestors.

No way!

Therefore, Human Race, still obediently be slaves, just like the past few thousand years! Don't talk about rights, status, equality, life, etc., just serve our foreign race obediently!

We are alien, the masters of the world!

Human Race don't make those troublesome things come out!

Now there is only one human powerhouse who has jumped out and can't threaten him. Should he compromise with him?

Why so! Kill this human race directly, then all the trouble will be gone. This is the fastest way to solve the trouble!

So, let's kill this human race!

"Kill him!" According to that voice, someone from the alien cried out.

As a result, more and more aliens shouted out.

Tang Ye looked at them and smiled.

You are so, why should I say a word of "good"?

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