My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1429: Kill it!

Probably it had brought too much blood and destruction. Tang Ye was feared, cursed, and angry by the foreign race, wishing to cut him off. Therefore, for the aliens who have not seen him, they must imagine him as an ugly monster.

So he became a demon.

The devil had his anger and hatred towards Tang Ye, and he also had an explanation of why Tang Ye, a human race, possesses such a powerful force. Otherwise, it is difficult for them to accept this kind of thing. In the past, there were strong human races who bothered them, but they would never be as strong as Tang Ye now. In particular, he can order a black giant python to act, this is the power of the devil!

There are demons in the world of Nine Heavens, and now the Lord of Ten Thousand Realms is a demons. But they will not be called demons. The word "evil" is already distinguished. The dark demons are their common enemy. Like the blood demons that invaded the ancestral land before, it is a kind of dark demons.

The devil can also be said to be the dark demons. However, the dark demons have long been repulsed and expelled, and they are mostly sealed in the world of purgatory, suffering from purgatory, and weakened because they are very terrifying existence.

After Tang Ye was regarded as a demon, another theory was born in the alien race. That is, he is an evil human race. In order to gain strength, he made a deal with the dark demons and became an evil **** demon!

The devil came from the darkness, to take revenge, to destroy the alien race. Therefore, he is all enemies of alien races.

As for the Dark Demon Race has been expelled and sealed, how can Tang Ye alone deal with them?

This is not something the vast aliens need to care about. They only need to be told that Tang Ye, the human race, has made a deal with the dark demons and has become a complete demon, and that he is a common enemy.

Therefore, as long as the upper-level managers know about the dark demons. They care about this and will find out. The results showed that there was no trace of the dark demons. Then, they also said that Tang Ye made a deal with the Dark Demon Race, just because of the guiding role of public opinion.

There are also sympathizers among alien races. If Tang Ye is just an ordinary human race, fighting for the liberation of the human race, it will inevitably make some aliens feel weak. After all, how their aliens treat the human race, they know in their hearts, it is normal for the human race to resist and avenge. Therefore, only by portraying Tang Ye as an extreme evil can all foreign races regard him as an enemy, and deal with him together, making it easier to solve him!

The devil is the extreme evil.

"Demon..." Tang Ye looked at the portrait of "him" posted on the wall, a little wondering what to say.

He also knew that during this period of time and the black snake made a lot of movement, destroyed many things, farms, towns, living measures, etc., causing huge losses to the aliens, and many aliens died or were seriously injured. All in all, it is a doomsday disaster. So many aliens hate him. Some are purely hurt. They are innocent aliens and have not persecuted the human race. Regarding these, Tang Ye can only be silent, or that they want revenge, even if they come to him.

He tried his best to avoid harming the innocent, this is the principle of his efforts to live a kind-hearted life. However, in the vast action, it is inevitable that some innocent people will be hurt and hated. Tang Ye accepted this hatred. If the other party comes to kill him for revenge, he will not be unwilling or resentful. But if the **** who persecuted the Human Race killed him, he would be very unwilling and could not accept it. What he is doing now is a big cause, liberating the Human Race!

What we have to deal with is the **** who persecute the human race!

According to the portrait posted on the wall, even if Tang Ye walked on the street, he would not be recognized by the alien. However, since he is a human race, he definitely cannot walk alone on the street. Human races are all controlled by alien races. What's more, if the Tang Ye incident occurred, the Human Race was even more strictly controlled. So everything is mutual. While Tang Ye caused huge losses and pressure on the alien races, those human races were also treated more cruelly.

so what should I do now? Did Tang Ye stop? Tang Ye didn't stop, he would go on firmly. Perhaps this is unfair to those other human races who have not escaped and survived, but the road to liberation has never been perfect.

Tang Ye walked over and tore off a portrait, squinting. Devil, then devil!

"Stop, who are you? Bold, dare to tear off our wanted warrant! Turn around and let us see who you are!" Tang Ye tore off a portrait, suddenly a loud shout came from behind. It is an alien patrol soldier.

He stood still, without turning around. It is easy to foresee the next situation. If he turns around and the inspecting soldiers see that he is a human race, he will definitely be arrested. A single human race dare to tear up the notice of the wanted human race, either it is the strong human race, or the companion of the strong human race, or the human race intending to rebel. Either way, they will be arrested!

"He is a human race!" However, before Tang Ye could figure out what to do, another foreign race shouted out.

"Looking at his appearance, the human race is undoubtedly!" The alien added, judging that Tang Ye is alone, and did not see Tang Ye's appearance.

"Grab him!" several aliens said in unison.

Human race is very sensitive now, dare to tear off the wanted announcement, it is definitely not a safe human race, you have to catch it anyway!

Don't need Tang Ye to think about what to do now, it must be to leave. But the alien will not let him go easily, so he has to fight. He didn't want to show his face directly, so he simply covered his face with a black cloth, like a thief, or a knight, and turned around and looked at the alien races who rushed in.

"Oh my God, it's the strong human race!" Suddenly, an alien called out like this.

All the aliens were taken aback. Tang Ye was also taken aback. He covered his face, how could he be recognized at a glance as the person who made a huge disturbance with the black snake?

"Don't dare to show your face, look at his eyes again, and want to hit us, he is definitely the strong human race!" The alien who made the judgment said the reason for his judgment.

Tang Ye rolled his eyes. This reason is too random, probably because these aliens feel that it is themselves who dare to beat them. After all, the other human races are now trembling, and they dare not do anything excessive, otherwise they would easily be regarded as betrayers and killed.

"Call for reinforcements!" an alien reminded. Tang Ye was so powerful that he had already wiped out several of their cities, and reinforcements were necessary.

Several alien races had surrounded Tang Ye, but they didn't do anything. They were waiting for reinforcements.

The commotion here attracted the attention of other aliens on the street. They heard that it was the human demon, and they all fled for fear of being killed or eaten by the devil.

Tang Ye already possesses the ability to scare foreign races just by name!

But there are also some aliens who are bold and stand farther to watch. I probably wanted to watch this human demon be eliminated!

Tang Ye was not so stupid, letting foreign reinforcements come and beat him. He rushed up suddenly, skimmed in front of an alien soldier, pinched his neck, and solved one with a click.

"Ah!" A foreign race was very scared, and it turned out to be a demon.

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