My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1419: Freaks and geniuses!

As the guard of the prophetic sacrifice, the blue-haired woman must ensure the absolute safety of the prophetic sacrifice. For the Celestial Clan, the prophecy sacrificial ritual plays a role in preserving the race. Their ancestors had set a precept that must not be violated, and they must not let people rise, otherwise there will be no peace in the heavens.

It is a matter of race survival, and the importance of prophesying sacrifice is self-evident. Therefore, as the guard of the prophetic sacrifice, the blue-haired woman has extremely powerful power, otherwise the Celestial Clan will not rest assured to entrust the prophetic sacrifice to her protection.

In fact, in the Celestial Clan, Shana and Saya are a pair of freaks. They are born with abilities, and they don't even need to practice cultivation. If you practice diligently, it will be an incomparable existence.

The silver-haired girl is Shana, and the blue-haired girl is Saya.

After Saya took care of Shana, she walked out of the astrological palace suspended above the starry sky, waved a hand and drew a circle in the middle of the sky, and then the space twisted and twisted to form a spatial passage. She went in and disappeared into the astrological palace.

Soon Saya appeared outside a group of palaces. There were guards standing in the corridor. After seeing Saya, they all knelt down and saluted. Saye walked directly into a big palace as if he hadn't seen them.

The palace is magnificent and magnificent, which seems to have a combination of Chinese and Western characteristics. A few young people gathered inside, one of whom was sitting on a high throne next to a beautiful woman. Women's long skirts mopping the floor are very expensive. Below are a few young talents, both male and female, with different shapes, all with unique characteristics.

Seeing Saya coming in, the man sitting on the throne waved his hand directly: "Saya, no need to salute, now is our free time."

Saya was indifferent, nodded, not looking at the men and women next to him, and said: "Wang, I want to leave the palace."

"Oh?" The man who called the king was very surprised.

The same is true for others. Saya, who usually stays next to Shana, is inseparable from Shana, actually wants to leave the palace?

The king's man smiled and asked, "Saya, where are you going? Without you, I always feel that this heavenly palace lacks something."

When the king's man said so, the beautiful woman next to him was a little unhappy, and twisted the man's waist. Although the king can marry many women, the people in the palace also recognize that Saya's beauty is the first. Even the king, it is understandable to like it. But a woman who is a king will feel a little unhappy when she sees the king show goodwill to other women in front of her.

The man who claimed the king just smiled, did not get angry at the woman, nor did he avoid suspicion against Saya. He is the king and there is no need to cover up these things.

Saya's expression remained unchanged, and he did not express any good wishes to the king. He was not afraid to upset the king and said, "Something urgent."

"Oh?" The king became more curious now. It was really rare that Saya could call it urgent. He asked: "I don't know what's the matter?"

Saya didn't need to hide it. If the king wanted to know what was going on, even if she didn't say it, she would know it after she left. When that happens, what actions Wang will do will be unfavorable to her plan. In other words, she doesn't like anyone interfering with her actions.

"Kill a human race." Saye looked ahead, not at the king, as if there was something in front of her, her expression had always been indifferent.

"Murders?" The Wang was even more puzzled. He also found it ridiculous. He showed contempt unconsciously, and said, "Killing the territories of the tribe want you to take action?"

That kind of contempt is against the human race. It seems that mentioning Human Race is their joke.

The young men and women next to him had the same expressions, and even had a lot of discussions, thinking that Saya's killing of the human race was really a sledgehammer.

Trivial human race, need Celestial race to take action? Need the prophecy of the Celestial Clan to sacrifice and protect? This is not a joke!

After the king laughed, he said to Saya, "Saya, do you want to go out to play? If you feel that you have stayed in the palace for a long time and feel bored, so you want to play, then go. Shana is with me. It will be protected, you can rest assured."

Saya finally glanced at the king, how arrogant this woman was, even the king dared to despise it. She probably thinks that Wang is an idiot. She is too lazy to explain, and said, "I will arrange someone to protect Shana’s safety, so you don’t need to worry about it. In addition, I hope you don’t do extraneous actions. The power of the astrology house only recognizes Shana and me. If it hurts the king, or the person sent by the king, that’s not great."

Wang squinted his eyes and looked at Saya for a long time. Saya's words directly threatened the king, or meant that the king was a little nosy. A courtier who actually spoke to the king like this was arrogant and arrogant. As a king, there must be some thoughts in my heart. However, as a playmate who grew up and trained together as a child, although Saya didn't play with them very much, they knew enough about Saya, so Saya's temperament did not touch their bottom line and would not make them hate.

The king just smiled and said, "The power of the demon spirits of the twelve stars in the Astrology Palace is unpredictable, invisible, silent, but murderous. I am very pleased that the heavens have such power. , Haha..."

The twelve astrology powers guarding the astrology house are by no means a trifling matter. Even the masters of the eight or nine heavens must be careful. One of its daunting characteristics is that no one has seen the specific twelve stars demon spirit. Once there was a master in the Celestial Clan who wanted to see and see, but as a result, his head disappeared and I didn't know what was going on.

In addition, the twelve constellation demon spirits only protect Shana and only follow Saya's words. Even the king cannot give them orders. This point is again daunting.

Saya didn't care about the king's praise, nor did he look at the other young men and women. Before turning and leaving, Saya said, "Anyone who is close to the astrology house, kill him."

After that, Saya turned and left.

The king sitting high watched Saya leave and narrowed his eyes again. He didn't say any thoughts in his heart, but he would never be so casual.

That is the king's authority being ignored.

Had it not been for a new round of kings to take over, he would probably not be so relieved. Authority is being established, and it is now a gathering of their childhood friends, so there is no need to be so formal and serious. Nevertheless, Saya was too arrogant.

She is another out-of-group woman.

"A freak is a freak." A woman who couldn't understand it was slightly dissatisfied. "I heard that her parents are brothers and sisters. These messy people are either idiots or freaks. I see them Are the two sisters also a taboo relationship?"

As soon as the woman's words came out, the atmosphere in the palace suddenly changed. Everyone looked at the woman with weird expressions, some were warnings, some were gestures, but don't say such things.

The woman realized that such a taboo topic could not be said, and she shut up quickly.

The man sitting on the throne, glanced at the woman's eyes, it was murderous.

Things that cannot be mentioned.

The sisters born like that are either idiots or... geniuses!

The sisters are geniuses. The inherent power has played an irreplaceable role in the entire Celestial Clan.

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