My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1418: I give you!

It has the appearance of the human race, but it is more refined and better-looking than the human race, generally there are only two races. One is the Celestial race and the other is the Angel race.

The angel race has wings, probably because this race comes from another distant airspace. The Celestial Race and the Angel Race are often compared, and the two races have always been in conflict. During the period of human rule, the human race loved the sky more, probably because it felt that the sky was more like the human race. And the pair of wings of the angel race often becomes the place that the human race cares about, and it feels weird to be with the human race.

However, when the human race was betrayed, it was precisely the beloved heaven that hurt the most. If there was no betrayal by the Celestial Clan, the Human Clan would not have its current end.

The human race that experienced that catastrophe, if you say that it hates the most, it must be the heaven. Even people who didn't know the catastrophe of later generations would definitely hate the heavens the most. Because the reason why the human race was deprived of its spiritual bones was proposed by the heavens. It was also taken away by the Celestial Clan. They were familiar with the Human Clan, and only they could do it.

If there is a strong human in the human race, the first thing to kill is the heaven. However, the heavenly race is above the eighth or ninth heaven, and the human race can't touch it at all.

However, although the human race has fallen to where it is today, the heavens still fear the human race. I was the closest to the human race, so I knew the terrible human race. In order to prevent the human race from rising again and avenge them, they chose prophetic sacrifices and learned about the human race through deduction, mainly for the birth of the human race, or the hiding place of the human race.

Finding out every strong human race is what prophecies the sacrifice will do. And strangling every strong human race is what all the heavens do.

This is a simple but magnificent palace. The palace was built on a floating island, formed by several towering megalithic pillars. The pillars were carved with mysterious and ancient patterns and there were no walls around. A circular area was paved in the middle, divided into several circles, each with a pattern. There is an open-air area in the center of the top, and you can see the twinkle of stars when you look up.

Such a palace feels like a place where astrologers conduct astrological rituals and prophecies.

The prophetic sacrifices of the heavens can also be said to be astrologers.

In the middle of the circular array, a stone table was placed. Next to the stone table, there is a young girl sitting with her legs bent and looking very quiet. She has a face that is so beautiful and exquisite that she is indescribable. The most impressive thing is that she has long silver hair. The long hair fell straight to the ground and spilt the ground thickly. It makes people feel that this is a girl who came out of the second element.

Very pitiful and loving, I want to protect her for a lifetime.

However, it was she who found out one after another human races that retained spiritual bones or possessed cultivation potential, causing those people to be killed one by one!

If there is no celestial prophecy to sacrifice, then the viable strong human race will greatly increase. So if the Human Race can reach the Eighty-Nine Heavens, then the first one to kill is the prophetic sacrifice of the Celestial Race!

Probably this silver-haired girl also knew what she had done. There was no suicide, but her hands were stained with more blood than anyone else.

She looks quiet, lonely in the quiet, and lonely is so pitiful.

But this can't erase her sins, let alone quell the hatred of the human race towards her.

It’s just that no one would say that what she did was sin. No one will accuse her, so why is there such a sin. In this world, it is not what a human race can define, but what an alien race can define. The alien said that the strong and potential people of the human race are remnants. So, what she did was to eradicate the remnants and protect the nine heavens.

This is a just thing.

A few minutes ago, the silver-haired girl looked up at the stars in the sky as she did before, deducing the hidden human power. Beautiful stars make up beautiful patterns. However, the beautiful pattern is to bring a killing. With those lonely eyes, the silver-haired girl wanted to finish today's work soon.

However, when she was performing the deduction, her body suddenly shook, and her face turned pale.

She deduced a grand killing. A mysterious human race, with a black giant python, came from the first heaven and killed countless alien races. The corpses piled up into mountains and blood flowed into rivers.

A truly **** world!


The silver-haired girl spat out a mouthful of blood. That human race was too strong, causing a fear in her heart. She is not familiar with this fear, like a curse that has been passed down from her ancestors at that time and went deep into her bones. That kind of power should make them fear!

Remember some vaguely, that is a fear of being dominated! A kind of irresistible dominance, they hold a fluke mentality, thinking that they are free from that dominance. However, that kind of **** will eventually come back!

"He...returned." The silver-haired girl spit out a few words of unknown meaning.

She suddenly raised her head and shouted, "Sister!"

Then, a woman appeared above the sky with clothes floating out of thin air, but as beautiful as an ink painting. The woman has long blue hair, looks more mature than the silver-haired girl, and has a much colder temperament. The appearance, like a silver-haired girl, is exquisite and beautiful, indescribable.

The heavens are like the humans, but they are more exquisite than the humans.

The blue-haired woman watched it slowly fall, making no sound. When I arrived next to the silver-haired girl, she looked at the silver-haired girl in distress, her indifference softened, and she cared: "Sana, what's the matter?"

A girl from the heavenly clan named Shana, as she brought her to cry, looked at the blue-haired woman and said, "Sister, here he is, here he is!"

"Who?!" Shana's panic and anxiety caused the blue-haired woman's eyes to flash with fierce killing intent. She would not allow any threat to her sister's existence, especially the human race who hated her sister!

She knew very well that the person who most wanted to kill her sister was Human. Therefore, when the human race appears strong, she can kill without hesitation, even if it is just a small child.

Shana wrinkled her face and said, "A human race with a terrible black snake!"

"Human Race? Black Snake?" The blue-haired woman also frowned. It was the Human Race that made her sister so jealous?

She comforted Shana and said: "Sana, don't worry about it, I will deal with it soon."

"No, sister!" Shana grabbed the blue-haired woman's hand.

The blue-haired woman smiled and said, "Sana, don't worry, I won't kill. If you don't let me kill, I won't kill. They have always killed people. But..."

The blue-haired woman's expression became cold and stern again, and said: "If it makes you unhappy, I will never mind to shoot it myself! A trivial human race, how dare you?"

"No, sister!" Shana shook her head. The blue-haired woman didn't know what she meant before she finished her words. She looked at the blue-haired woman with an uneasy expression: "He, he...has the power of that adult!"

"That adult?" The blue-haired woman was puzzled.

Shana turned her head and looked back in a direction.

The blue-haired woman looked down and was shocked. There is nothing in that direction. However, they knew that a statue once stood there.

The Lord of Ten Thousand Worlds of Human Race!

The blue-haired woman stood up suddenly, her fists clenched.

This human race must be killed by himself!

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