My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1410: showdown!

For an excellent opponent, Tang Ye still has a feeling, that is, the guilt of killing nothing. Whether this kind of psychology is a bit distorted, it is impossible to assess. Tang Ye's feeling was that it was a contest, and they all understood that death was the final result, either you died or I died. The other party is dead, and I don't feel guilty. He died, and the other party did not feel guilty.

It seems to be a glorified excuse for killing.

And if you kill the opponent, it's like killing those cannon fodder. The opponent is too weak, and he just waved his hand and splashed blood. This kind of killing was crushed, and Tang Ye would easily feel guilty. Why slaughter people?

In addition, the excellent opponent Tang Ye found it easier. Because a good opponent is going to tell you what you want to know, you can tell at a glance. If you say it, you can say it. If you don't say it, torture is useless. Whether it is to kill or not to kill is very simple. For those opponents who are not determined, he may tell the secret after torturing. However, if you torture more people, your psychology will be affected. What if you want to be tortured by someone in the future?

Black Friday is an excellent opponent, and from the dialogue with him, Tang Ye can tell that Black Friday will answer his questions as much as possible.

Tang Ye liked this very much. He said: "Then old ghost investigating what I want to do?"

Hei Wu planned to tell Tang Ye to ask because he really didn't like Old Ghost Mao, especially after Old Ghost Mao just killed one of his brothers without blinking. The so-called loyalty is nothing but a false appearance dominated by fear. When the contradiction reaches a certain level, it will collapse completely.

Now Hei Wu's loyalty to Old Ghost Mao is about to collapse, so he talks so much nonsense with Tang Ye. Otherwise, it would be too unqualified to talk so much as a spy.

Black Friday told Tang Ye: "Naturally, it is to get a bargaining chip against the dog family. Now the Green Hornet has pursued you with all its strength and has given a generous reward. Even this matter has alarmed the emcee. So you are now valuable."

Tang Ye understood immediately. The two races of cats and dogs in Darong Town are fighting fiercely, but they are evenly matched and they have been facing each other for decades. Therefore, if the cat tribe gets help from the green bee tribe or the emcee, it will be easy to deal with the dog tribe.

Tang Ye was quite general, but she didn't expect to become so valuable.

To figure out this problem, it seems that keeping the black Friday is useless. But Tang Ye tried his best to make no mistakes, thought for a while, and asked, "How many cats still doubt my identity?"

Heiwu laughed and even made a joke, saying: "This is related to personal ability. I have my ability, naturally I doubt it. However, some people who are incapable, after my reminder, should also doubt it."

"Ha!" Tang Ye couldn't help laughing at Black Friday's joking, and said: "In this way, I have nothing to worry about killing you. Now you can determine my identity, but Old Ghost Mao cannot. If he can, he will not send you. Even if he kills you, he can be sure that it is me, but without evidence, he cannot be used as a bargaining chip to win over the Green Hornet."

Heiwu sighed, despairing in his heart. When you meet a smart opponent, you can't struggle to die. If it wasn't for a calm and thoughtful person like Tang Ye, he could at least use words to flicker, or frighten.

"Just in case, you do it." Hei Wu didn't bother to struggle anymore, not as good as an adult, so Tang Ye quickly killed him.

Tang Ye would not be soft-hearted, and killing such an opponent was quite comfortable. So he increased his strength to wipe Hei Wu's neck with a dagger.

However, at this moment, with a "whoop", a black shadow flew out, and at the same time a claw-like attack projectile flew the dagger, saving Heiwu.

Tang Ye was shocked. Such a powerful force, could it be that Old Ghost Mao came in person?

The mysterious man appeared and left immediately after he rescued Black Friday, without staying for a while. Tang Ye hurriedly pursued, and he must not let Heiwu go back alive, otherwise he would not be able to stay in Dayong Town.

So Tang Ye was full of power, but still failed to chase the mysterious man. He suspects that the mysterious person is the power of the intermediate Sanxian! Even so, Tang Ye didn't give up, using the space jump ability to jump directly in front of the mysterious man.

When the front space split, and a Tang Ye jumped out, the mysterious person who had saved Heiwu couldn't help groaning in surprise, "What?!" whispered.

It is really terrifying that a lower-level Sanxian can do something that can only be done with strength above the level of the immortal. Hei Wu also saw this scene and immediately understood why he was restrained by Tang Ye just now. In addition, he saw Tang Ye's appearance, those piercing eyes, and that resolute and confident face, worthy of being a human expert who caused a headache for the Green Hornet and also shocked the emcee!

Black Friday admires Tang Ye very much and finds Tang Ye very attractive. Probably, Tang Ye's behavior was rebellious, but he actually had a rebellious mentality towards Old Ghost Mao. He always wanted to break out, but was persuaded by the black boss. Perhaps, he envied Tang Ye.

In the dark night, Tang Ye couldn't see clearly the people who came to rescue Black Five, but no matter how many people were, he punched hard and killed both of them.

However, the mysterious man suddenly flashed his body, aside from Tang Ye's attack, and then threw something out, hitting Tang Ye, and Tang Ye flew out dozens of meters away!

Intermediate Sanxian!

Now Tang Ye was sure that this was the strength of Intermediate Sanxian. In Dayong Town, there are not many foreign races who have reached the intermediate level of Sanxian strength.

Tang Ye quickly stabilized and wanted to chase after him, but the other party was already far away. If you can determine the direction, perhaps you can catch up with a space jump. However, the other party covered up the breath perfectly, and Tang Ye couldn't track it!

Black Friday was rescued!

Tang Ye squeezed his fist, really **** it, this is a big trouble.

However, Tang Ye raised his right hand and sneered looking at his palm.

There is a yellow hair in his palm.

"Heh..." Tang Ye sneered even more, smiling somewhat ironically.

Yellow hair, this is yellow dog hair. Coupled with the strength of intermediate Sanxian, Tang Ye guessed only one person.

Master Gou!

Tang Ye squinted his eyes. Master Gou, what tricks is he playing?

Now that the matter reached this point, Tang Ye didn't plan to hide it anymore, and there was no way to hide it. Master Gou had already suspected him, if he wanted to shoot him, he would have been released. There must be some reason for not making a move until now.

For this reason, it is better to ask now.

Tang Ye was relieved, but also had to become solemn. Hei Wu was caught by Master Gou, so his affairs would not be exposed to Old Ghost Mao. However, we are going to have a showdown with Master Gou, what will be the result?

At this moment, there was no one in the large yard where Master Gou rested, Master Gou fell from the air and threw Heiwu directly to the ground.

The person who rescued the Black Friday was really Master Gou.

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