My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1409: Smart black cat!

After Heiwu entered the woods, he found that Tang Ye had disappeared. He was very surprised and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Could it be that Tang Ye is really the hidden human race powerhouse, otherwise how could he have such strength?


Suddenly, a violent wind swept. Black Fifth was taken aback, and quickly put up his hands to make a defensive action. A force hit his hands, and after a few steps backwards, he stabilized his body, and finally he was not attacked!

However, Hei Wu just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when suddenly his neck felt cold. The hair on his whole body was erected immediately, and he did not dare to move.

At this time, a sharp dagger hit his neck. If he moves and wipes his dagger, he will die by seeing blood in his throat.

Black Friday's heart was upset. In a short moment, he passed by with death. Who on earth is it so powerful? !

Their cats are sharp and quick, but they lose in quickness. He can be sure that this person who puts a dagger on his neck is stronger than him!

Is it the strong human race?

Hei Wu didn't even dare to move his neck, so he couldn't see who was behind his back with a dagger against his neck. He guessed it was the hidden human race powerhouse.

This person is really Tang Ye. Tang Ye used the space jump ability, and short-distance space jumps were just like flashes. Tang Ye's first sneak attack just now was blocked by Black Friday. Then he made a second raid, using space jumps. The space jump like a flash, Black Friday will definitely not be able to hide, so he was strangled by Tang Ye.

For Tang Ye, Black Friday was already dead. Because the suspicion hit him, he deliberately seduced him. If Heiwu was allowed to go back alive, then he would be more likely to be exposed.

Since he was determined to kill Black Five, Tang Ye didn't mind revealing something. He has observed the surroundings, and there is no other person, there will be no accidents when killing Black Five. So he asked Black Five: "Why are you even the cat clan interested in my humble human clan?"

Hei Wuyi was stunned, but he didn't expect that he was really the hidden Terran powerhouse!

Hei Wu is not a fool, and since Tang Ye asked this directly, it means that he is going to kill him. He is already dead. Black Friday feels about it. He was born as a spy, and his head is always bright. Some things are more open. A brother just died, and he passed by with Death just now. Now facing death again, it doesn't seem so scary anymore.

He shrugged and moved his neck. The dagger on his neck cut into the fleshy skin, a little painful and bleeding. He was even more sure that Tang Ye would not let him survive. With that kind of strength, if he dared to play and suddenly resisted the knife, the first thing he would do is to open a hole in his neck.

In that case, there is no need to resist. Black Friday has an open mind, and smiled: "Don't say it is a cat clan, who is not interested in the hidden human beings?"

"Interest in killing?" Tang Ye sneered.

Black Friday is silent, this question does not need to be answered. The hidden Terran powerhouse is a threat, and of course he must be killed. But Tang Ye didn't understand. He felt that the foreign race had paid too much attention to the human race, which had been the case for thousands of years. It stands to reason that the Human Race has been deprived of its spiritual bones and restricted in cultivation, almost to a point where it is impossible to revive it again. Why does the Foreign Race put so much energy on the Human Race?

There must be some reason for this. Tang Ye asked Black Five: "Did your alien race oppress our human race too much? We lost our ability very early. Thousands of years have passed. We have never risen up or formed a threat. We have become your captives. The livestock are just like that. You still have to stare at us in such a situation every day. As soon as a stronger person appears, he will kill him immediately. Is this hate too deep, or is there another reason?"

Black Friday was silent again. As a spy, he felt that Tang Ye's focus was very different from the human race he had encountered in the past. In the past, there were much stronger human races. What they did was kill any alien race they saw. This was a very deep and clear hatred. Yes, the greatest feature of those human races is that they remember hatred. In the hatred, it is another kind of hopeless mentality. In other words, they don't believe that they can revitalize the race, and believe that they will be caught soon, so they can kill one alien if they can kill one. Kill one and level it. Kill two and earn.

However, the algorithm is not like this. There are hundreds of millions of alien races, and only tens of millions of human races. The death of a human race has a great impact on the overall human race. But the death of a foreign race has no effect on the overall foreign race. Therefore, if a human race can kill a thousand foreign races, it is not a loss.

Tang Ye is different, his concern is the survival plan of the human race. Want to know the secret behind, so as to save the human race. If Heiwu saw Tang Ye's face, he would be even more surprised. Because Tang Ye has a look on his face, that look has confidence, fortitude, persistence, and hope. Such people are the most terrifying.

Hei Wu was surprised for a moment, and he became very interested in Tang Ye. Perhaps, as long as a human race with a soul is alive, they are interested in other races.

Heiwu laughed and said, "It is not uncommon for us to kill the human race. You are interesting. I don't kill me immediately but ask such questions. Do you think that the human race has the hope to escape our dominance? Zhen's former glory? Huh..."

Heiwu laughed ironically, and continued: "The glory of the Human Race, how far away is that? Do you think the day when the Human Race becomes the Lord of the Worlds will come again? The dragon family once was gone. , And the only one in the past, present, and future, it is impossible for a second such dragon family to appear."

"Ha..." Tang Ye also laughed ironically. Because the dragon family that the foreign race feared, and the dragon family that the foreign race did not dare to call it a humble slave, was the former lord of the world, Long Aotian. He laughed because he was from the Long family. So, can you become the second dragon family to make aliens fear?

This is an interesting question. Tang Ye felt that he could do it, so it was definitely not something to consider right now, because it was still too far away.

After Tang Ye laughed, he felt that Hei Wu was a courageous alien, and he had a certain amount of wisdom, and his mood was quite good, not afraid of death. Otherwise, like the aliens I met before, I would have knelt down and begged for mercy.

Overcoming better opponents, the feeling is completely different. Tang Ye still likes to play with such excellent opponents, and said to Black Friday: "If this is the case, then we don't need to discuss such in-depth questions. I will ask you, it is the old ghost Mao who asked you to investigate me. What? You cat clan, why did you suspect me?"

Heiwu exhaled and said, "Why ask again, you know that I am only a subordinate, and of course I do things for others. With my back facing you, I can detect that you have sharp eyes, how can I hide it? You? Why don't you answer the next question, why is Old Ghost investigating you?"

"Oh?" Tang Ye was really surprised, this black cat is really smart!

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