My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1413: Scum and companions!

When he arrived at Master Gou's big mansion, there were people who specialized in managing human slaves. The ridiculous thing is that this manager is a human race. Then he was arrogant and domineering, beating and insulting Tang Ye, who was also a human race, and none of them were merciful.

Tang Ye felt very sad and regretful about this, and thought of a sentence, he was born from the same root, so why is it too anxious!

Everyone is a human race, and the human race is already so difficult, why not unite and help each other, but hurt each other instead?

Having become a hard worker in Master Gou's mansion, Tang Ye must obey the arrangement. The man who manages him and other human races is a middle-aged man named Gou Ping. I heard other people say that Gou Pingyuan didn't have his surname Gou, but he changed his surname to cater to Master Gou. I guess he didn't even know his original surname. Also, his name is not a "ping" but a two-character "unping".

Injustice, he was supposed to be a revolutionary, but in the end he became the biggest traitor. The human races in Gou's Mansion all have quite some opinions on Gou Ping.

But what can be done, relying on being appointed by Master Gou, he is arrogant and no one can help him.

Now Tang Ye is a newcomer, and what Tang Ye did when he came in was to be taken in. It was inevitable that he would be underestimated. And, the alien horseman secretly greeted Gou Ping and wanted to kill Tang Ye, so Gou Ping was very rude to Tang Ye from the beginning.

Now it's time to give advice to the subordinates. All the subordinates come to a small courtyard and line up. Tang Ye changed his clothes now. It was the clothes for the servants of Gou Mansion. Some very rough cloths made them quite uncomfortable. The key is that there is a dog head printed on the front of the clothes, which is particularly conspicuous. Tang Ye instantly felt that she was very non-mainstream.

Precepts are the same as having a morning meeting. The person in charge will talk about the relevant rules, and the consequences of violating the rules will be serious. Gou Ping didn't do anything to other people, but embarrassed Tang Ye a lot. He glared at Tang Ye and said, "Useless things, willing to be human slaves, really shame the human race!"

"Huh?" Tang Ye was instantly stunned when he heard Gou Ping's words. Shameful? This guy is really speechless. Isn't he embarrassing to be Master Gou's running dog?

Tang Ye couldn't figure out how, how could Gou Ping stand on the human race's standpoint and teach him so boldly, this guy is really shameless!

Never seen such a brazen person!

Tang Ye felt that he could kill Gou Ping. Anyway, this virtue was not a powerful cultivator. He could betray the human race once, and he could betray a second time. Now Tang Ye has no patience and time to slowly test whether a person can serve as an ally to revitalize the human race. If the other party is really bad, then just kill it, rather than indiscriminately.

Of course, he can't do it now. This kills Gou Ping as soon as he enters the Gou Mansion. The noise is too fast, and Tang Ye has to slowly cultivate to become stronger.

"Gou Guanshi's lesson is that I shouldn't do that. However, I still hope that Gou Guanshi understands the slave. If I don't turn to a master, I can't survive." Tang Ye lowered his posture and continued to act in front of Gou Ping.

Gou Ping sneered at Tang Ye, and said, "The pile of grain that was just shipped back will be handed over to you, don't tell me it can't be done!"

"You can do it!" Tang Ye shouted.

But those human races who knew Tang Ye frowned greatly. A lot of food was just for Tang Ye to move it alone, which would definitely not be possible. Now Human Race can't cultivate, it just uses flesh and blood to move the entire Gou Mansion to eat, it is completely impossible!

Everyone could see that Gou Ping was deliberately embarrassing Tang Ye.

Gou Ping saw that Tang Ye had promised so simply, he hehe sneered, and raised his voice: "This is what you promised! Remember the rules I just said. If you can't do it, you must accept punishment!"

Tang Ye would definitely not be able to finish the food, and there would be reasons to continue to embarrass Tang Ye. This little by little, Tang Ye can't stand it sooner or later. Even if he died, he died because of his disobedience, being tortured and injured. This is to blame for his poor physical endurance and no one can be blamed.

This way of playing with Tang Ye slowly, not only relieves the hatred, but also shirks all responsibilities, how comfortable. This is what Gou Ping and the groom want.

After Tang Ye was assigned a job that was impossible in the eyes of others, the next person's advice was over, and they went to work separately. Gou Ping knew that he didn't have a good image in the eyes of these people, so he didn't talk to these people, glanced at Tang Ye with a sneer, and left, waiting to see if Tang Ye's work was completed at night, and he had to think about it during this period. How to punish Tang Ye.

The few people who knew Tang Ye hurried over to see Tang Ye, they were all worried about Tang Ye. These are four people, three men and one woman. That girl was the 16 or 17 year old girl Tang Ye wanted to help her with. Except for the clothes that are simple and worn, the whole person is actually slim and well-developed. I don't know if the aura of Jiuzhongtian is well moisturized, or whether the girl is born of an immortal, and I always feel that no matter how bad the situation is, it will have aura and charm than the women on the ancestral land.

In other words, this sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl is a big little beauty. Had it not been for the lowly human status, she would have been picked long ago. It is said that there are flowers that are worthy of being folded, and not to be folded without flowers.

Tang Ye and the four of them already knew each other and knew each other's names. The girl's name is Yang Cailu, and the three men are Yang Liye, Zhu Dazhuang, and Chen An. That Yang Liye is Yang Cailu's brother. These people have grown up together since childhood and have always lived in Gou's Mansion.

"Tang Ye, how can you agree to that villain Gou Ping!" After Yang Cailu came over, she shouted bitterly to Tang Ye.

She was still a timid girl that day, but only after getting acquainted with Tang Ye, did she show her true temperament. In fact, she was somewhat stubborn and fierce in her bones. Being cowardly is a means of self-protection. Now the human race is at the mercy of others. The more you resist, the more the alien race will be stimulated, and the more they will come to play with you. The alien races with the majority of orcs like to conquer, but dislike those who are too obedient. After all, Cailu Yang is a female, and her personality is too prominent, and sooner or later something will happen.

Tang Ye smiled at Yang Cailu and said, "It's okay, I know Gou Ping is embarrassing me on purpose."

"Then you promised, you should kill you and not take the job. At most, Gou Ping would not dare to kill you. But if you take the job and do not finish, Gou Ping has reasons to deal with you. That's it!" Yang Cailu was very worried about Tang Ye, thinking that Tang Ye was too stupid. What happened to the cleverness that embarrassed the groom by talking before!

Yang Liye, Zhu Dazhuang and Chen An were also worried about Tang Ye. Yang Liye frowned and said, "When we are done, we will help you. The best we can do, but the best you can' are in trouble.

Tang Ye smiled when seeing several people sincerely showing concern for him. Such talents are what he needs, and he wants to unite these people to revive the glory of the human race!

Dreams are always necessary, otherwise life is so boring. Tang Ye knew that there was a problem that needed to be solved, that is, the cultivation problem of people without spiritual bones!

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