My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1412: A bleak city!

It wasn't that Tang Ye couldn't see the look of others towards him, he simply ignored the contempt and mockery of the two guards. In this world where the aliens dominate and the humans are weak, they will be underestimated by the aliens wherever they go. It is always necessary to be more open to it. When you need to forbearance, you have to endure, and when you don’t need it, just kill!

However, Tang Ye felt a little uncomfortable for the expressions of anger, contempt, and then confession, helplessness, and sympathy revealed by those noble entourages who were also human.

The fate of our human race will not be like this!

Tang Ye stopped this alien aristocratic master's carriage, the alien who was in charge of driving the horse was quite angry, and directly drew a whip at Tang Ye.

Tang Ye didn't want to be beaten like this. When the whip seemed to hit him, he pretended to scream "Ouch", then fell back to the ground, clutching his body and humming, pretending to be true. Was beaten the same.

Superb acting!

Seeing Tang Ye's miserable appearance, the foreign horseman who beat Tang Ye sneered triumphantly and sneered: "Where can the dog dare to stop Master Gou's carriage, get out of the way, or I will lash you to death!"

Tang Ye lowered his head and rolled his eyes. Dog stuff, dog master?

When he looked up, Tang Ye looked at the two dog-head guards at the city gate and expressed meaningfully. He turned around and said to the alien groom: "This adult, the little one can't afford the identity of a dog. I even have a dog. Why not, otherwise the two big brothers will beat me..."

"You..." The alien groom was speechless, Tang Ye said, as if he looked down on the dog just now?

However, Dayong Town is a city with mostly alien cats and alien dogs, and even the old master is an alien dog... But, if you scold someone just now, he inherits the civilization of the human race. Dog stuff is really a curse!

Tang Ye's words were very effective, and the two dog-head guards glanced at the alien groom very uncomfortably, as if they were warning. But no, why do you scold dog things, why not scold cat things, horse things?

The alien horseman is an alien horse, and he was surprised when he noticed the look in the guard dog's head. He was just a horseman. He could be as arrogant as he is now, but he was a fake tiger, relying on Master Gou's power and facing a humble human race. If he is arrogant to the guard of the dog's head, he will not have good fruit in the future.

"You, you... Lao Tzu killed you!" The alien groom was very angry with Tang Ye. He didn't expect to be embarrassed by a humble human race, and he was a bit dilemma.

Tang Ye hurriedly "begged for mercy" to the foreign horseman, making a pitiful act of pleading. Everything is in disguise. In my heart, he was happy. Now he discovered the strange phenomenon of this world. Although it is ruled by a foreign race, a lot of human civilization is retained, and it even penetrates directly into the hearts of all races, and is influenced by many human concepts. This is easier to sow discord. Tang Ye's careful observation and cunning mind can always use various advantages.

The human races who followed the carriage felt a little strange to Tang Ye's speech just now. Tang Yena was indeed lowering his status, but he seemed to be fighting back against the alien. Seeing the embarrassment of the alien horseman was inexplicably happy. Suddenly, those human races no longer hated Tang Ye's dignified behavior.

The alien groom became more and more angry, and again waved his horse whip to pump Tang Ye.

"Well, what are you doing!" There was a calm voice from inside the carriage, and then a man with an old dog's head came out.

This is an old dog... When Tang Ye saw this old kobold, he was a little depressed. Most of the so-called alien races were like orcs. But in fact, there may be many orcs in these small cities and towns. When the prosperity comes, there will be alien races that are infinitely close to the human race.

The old dog is probably Master Gou. Although he is wearing an old dog's head, his aura is very strong, making people think that he is not a dog... Obviously he has a good position in Dayong Town, and he can guess it by looking at his entourage going out.

The foreign horseman was very in awe of Master Gou, and immediately bowed his head to show his salute, not daring to shout again. Worried about being reprimanded by Master Gou, he was like Master Gou talking about Tang Ye.

Master Gou didn’t want to talk much. After listening to the groom’s words, he glanced at Tang Ye indifferently. Seeing that Tang Ye was a tall human race with healthy hands and feet, he waved his hand and said, “Let’s go back to the house together, if you can do it. Live, I won’t starve you to death."

This is to take in Tang Ye!

Tang Ye sneered in his heart, but on the surface he was beginning to perform superbly. It was not a bow to bow, but rather a bow to bow, to say something to thank Master Gou.

The foreign horseman was so angry, he didn't expect Tang Ye to be taken in by Master Gou in this way. But it's good to imagine, there will be opportunities for revenge in the future. Even if Tang Ye was killed, for the noble mansion, the death of a slave would be no one!

So Tang Ye walked to the human races who followed the carriage. He saw a girl about sixteen or seventeen years old, holding a heavy object. He grinned at the little girl, looked silly, snatched what was in the girl's hand, and said, "I'll help you get it!"

The girl was taken aback and was very anxious. That was her job. If she didn't, she would have more chances for the manager to beat her. That hurts, she didn't want to be beaten at all. So Tang Ye's kindness did not make her feel relaxed.

As a person who has experienced all kinds of things, Tang Ye quickly realized the girl’s worries, and returned the robbed things, but only part of it, said: "I will help you get a little bit, the master will not blame you. !"

Helping to get some reduces the burden on the girl, which is also a good intention. Seeing Tang Ye's behavior, several human races nearby nodded slightly, thinking that Tang Ye was good.

In the end, Master Gou didn't say anything, the alien horseman just gave Tang Ye a fierce look, and then continued to drive into the city, and several human races followed. This is the treatment of the human race, a slave of hard labor!

Tang Ye ran into the city and looked at the lively situation in the city, but there were not many human races. It seemed that everything had been replaced by the orcs and alien races. The human races were more just coolies who could be followers or be beaten and scolded.

As a person, I feel a little sad.

Tang Ye looked calm, but was already thinking about how to change this situation.

First of all, start with those alien races around you who are hostile to you!

Tang Ye glanced at the alien groom. He felt the hostility of the foreign horseman to him clearly. Perhaps the alien horseman felt that killing a human slave was nothing, but he also felt that killing a little horseman was nothing, and the people above would not pay much attention.

The alien groom wanted to move him, he didn't mind breaking his neck casually.

The few human races nearby were very curious about Tang Ye. At first, they felt that Tang Ye was very unbelievable. Most of them were cowardly, weak, and tortured people. Otherwise, the master was killed by the monster beast, why not take the opportunity to escape alone, even if you live carefully outside, you will feel more comfortable alone, and will not be beaten and abused as a slave.

I originally saw Tang Ye that way, but now I find that Tang Ye doesn't seem to be that person. This guy is very energetic, and those wicked eyes always seem to be planning something.

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