My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1400: Loose fairy body!

Deprived of spiritual bones?

Upon hearing this, Tang Ye immediately guessed that the so-called spirit bone was something similar to talent. With high talents, cultivation and comprehension are quick. With low talents, understanding and cultivation are slow, or even impossible to cultivate at all.

Then Tang Ye asked the old man, as expected. The human race that ascended thousands of years ago was defeated by a foreign race, the strong were killed, and the weak were deprived of their spiritual bones. In addition, newborn babies will also be deprived of their spiritual bones. In this way, the human race cannot rise at all and can only remain slaves forever.

When Tang Ye heard these things, he clenched his fists. A slave forever?

No, human race, never be a slave!

He came to Jiuzhongtian from Ancestral Land to find a way out. In fact, the way out is very simple, that is to solve the alien race, so that the ancestral land is no longer threatened. In this way, even without the protective barrier left by the old Taoist priest, one can live with confidence. What I am afraid of now is nothing more than the protection barrier is broken, and then the aliens invade, kill people, and occupy the land.

Tang Ye wanted to get rid of the alien race, but the alien race was so huge, they were a group united by races other than the human race, including the demons and the monster races. There are even some races that are very similar to humans, such as the Celestial Race and the Elf Race. They are allies of the human race, but they have deviated from the covenant and dealt with the human race.

Beyond the Nine Heavens, the Human Race has no threat at all. Now the aliens just want to break the barrier of the ancestral land and get the original power at the time of creation.

The situation was very serious, and Tang Ye felt that it was troublesome now. The best result is that he can resolve the alien's eye on the ancestral land, and then go back and live with his relatives. However, even if there is such a result, it is unknown how many years later. At that time, the people in my heart must be gone.

Do you think that solving the alien race can be solved in one year or a few years?

The worst result was that Tang Ye was directly killed by the alien, and nothing would succeed.

But no matter what, whether it succeeded or failed, after returning, there seemed to be no one to care about. If Murong Huansha survives, maybe she can see again, after all, she has become a zombie.

In this way, Tang Ye found that she could be fearless.

Go ahead!

Tang Ye became more determined, and asked the old man again: "How many human races are there now? How should I find them?"

The old man said: "There are probably tens of millions of human races, but facing those billions of alien races, they are too weak, let alone deprived of their spiritual bones. It will be a matter of time before the human races will be destroyed. There are still thousands of people left. Wan, because those alien races raised some human races in captivity, just like animals. When they were raised, they would eat them. It’s no surprise that there are monsters in alien races, and cannibalism is not normal? As for how to find them, in alien races The nobles may have it, or in the dirtiest and worst places."

In the ancestral land, the human race may be the highest creature in the food chain, but outside, it has become the lowest. Human beings who arrive for the first time are definitely unacceptable. They are like chickens and ducks, but they are slaughtered and eaten after being raised. It is crazy and terrifying.

Tang Ye also felt this way. He didn't expect the Human Race to end up like this.

But the status quo is so, Rong has to accept it. Tang Ye thought quietly for a while, knowing that the most needed thing right now was to become stronger. This kind of thing seems not to be abandoned at any time, and it becomes stronger again.

To become stronger, you need spiritual bones. After listening to so many words from the old man, Tang Ye still did not despair or give up. In addition to his own character, it was also because of his spiritual bones. Those who are deprived of their spiritual bones are those who have been outside the nine-layer heaven thousands of years ago, or those who were born outside the nine-layer heaven. But he is outside the scope of the two, that is to say, he still has spiritual bones!

Since there is a spiritual bone, it is still possible to win the alien race.

Tang Ye asked the old man: "Am I someone who still has spiritual bones?"

The old man was taken aback. He really didn't pay attention to this matter. When Tang Ye said this, he suddenly realized it. This made him suffer a huge impact. Yes, now there is a human being with spiritual bones, then, will it be able to break the current tragedy of the human race?

Terran did not fall into this situation at the beginning. Terran has once been brilliant. At its most glorious time, Human Race was still the ancestor of ten thousand realms. That name that resounds through the world has still made all races tremble even today, that is-Long Aotian!

Perhaps, it is precisely because of the fear of the human race's creativity and insight that the alien race completely abolished the human race when it had the opportunity, and there was no possibility for the group to rise again.

The old man has no body, only a broken consciousness. Thousands of years ago, he was the messenger responsible for receiving the ascending people. For thousands of years, no human has ever risen. He carries some will, secrets, and magic. If you give these to someone, then he will disappear.

He has been lingering, perhaps just waiting for someone who can save the human race. It has been thousands of years, and now he met one, he was thinking, maybe he could let go, even if it was just a gamble, he should transfer the things he carried to Tang Ye. However, we must be more cautious. We need to test whether Tang Ye has that qualification.

Humans with spiritual bones just have more possibilities than those without spiritual bones. In the world of cultivating immortals, all cultivators had spiritual bones. But having spiritual bones is also divided into levels of talent. Without that talent, it would be difficult to achieve a big deal after all.

In terms of cultivation and growth, Human Race is much more difficult than other races. Like demons and monsters, they have powerful abilities at the moment they are born, and they are superpowers compared to humans. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that humans are inherently weaker. However, the creativity and comprehension of the human race are terrible, as long as they are good at using them, they can make up for the weakness of birth.

Just like in the ancestral land, even ordinary humans, armed with scientific power, are equally powerful. Even if it is destroying the ancestral land, there is no problem!

"I felt it, you are indeed someone with spiritual bones." The old man answered Tang Ye.

Tang Ye laughed and said, "Then I can become stronger."

But Tang Ye soon realized another problem, and asked the old man: "I can become stronger, yes, but I need the exercises and weapons to become stronger. These two are basic, so I can't let me go with my bare hands. So senior , I want to ask, is there anything in this area for me?"

The old man started to feel a little weird. Because Tang Ye asked everything about the key points, he was completely unlike someone who had just entered a strange and dangerous environment. This ability to adapt and adapt is quite outstanding.

But this also exactly meets the requirements of the elderly. Only with this ability can we survive in this weak human world. If you die, everything is empty talk.

The old man's spirit is no longer sluggish and decadent, and the voice he makes has a lot of vitality. He said to Tang Ye: "Of course there is, I exist for this. But you need to pass my test."

"What test?" Tang Ye asked.

The old man said: "First, let's make the'Scattered Immortal Body'."

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