My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1399: Human status!

"Thousands of years, there are still idiots who can soar up. I really don't know if it is gratifying or sad. Is the barrier of the ancestor Zichen broken?"

Suddenly there was an old sound from the sky. It doesn't appear powerful, but a bit negative and lamented, full of helplessness. The only thing that makes people feel a bit alive is just a little surprise in the tone.

On the ground, there is an endless desert, desolate and desolate, and lack of vitality, but it is not a good place.

In the desert, a man in black was unconscious, part of his body was covered by sand. Soon after the voice of the old sigh came, he frowned greatly, and suddenly yelled "Han Yue", his body writhed and woke up.

The man's hair was messy and there was a lot of dust on his face, but it didn't affect his appearance. It was Tang Ye who entered the Tianmen and left the ancestral land.

The matter of crossing the gate of heaven completely exhausted his strength, and now he didn't want to move. He breathed heavily, but found that the air was very stale and couldn't help holding his nose. Only then did he notice the surrounding environment and saw that it was a desert, he was dazed.

If you cross the gate of heaven, you will fly up. The world after ascending is generally called the fairy world. But, is the immortal world like this?

Tang Ye couldn't accept it. However, he recalled some phenomena he had seen with Xing Ji through the illusion of God of War. That is, the human race is enslaved, and the territory of the human race is occupied by foreign races. Is it because of this reason that I came to this place?

"Senior Sister!" Thinking, Tang Ye suddenly exclaimed. He came with Li Haoran, and now Li Haoran is not by his side!

Thinking of the princess again, Tang Ye felt heartache. He thought that the princess was to allow him and Li Haoran to enter the heavenly gate smoothly, so he gave up himself and didn't need him to take it, and gave him the strength. He was very sad not to be with the princess.

But he didn't know that the princess did that on purpose. The princess cannot leave. In addition to the influence of the heavenly book, she has to use the power of the heavenly book to arrange some things to fight against the heavenly book in the future, or... the future her!

The fact that the princess did not follow does not mean that something happened to the princess. Thinking this way, Tang Ye was in a better mood. Perhaps, on the side of the ancestral land, the princess will live better and safer. Therefore, Tang Ye calmed down, thinking firmly, the next thing to do is to find a solution to the ancestral land crisis, and then return to the ancestral land!

Someone seemed to be talking just now?

Tang Ye sat up, rejoicing that his body just ran out of strength, and there was no serious injury. He glanced around and saw no other people, but he still called out, "Who is talking, please?"

"A half-dead person." The old voice came again.

Tang Ye listened carefully, but still couldn't tell where the speaker was.

The man heard a voice again: "I have no body."

"This..." Tang Ye was taken aback. It turned out to be the world after ascending. At the beginning, a person without a body but able to speak appeared. No, it should be a ghost. Ghost in broad daylight!

"This should be the fairy world, right?" Tang Ye tried to ask.

He felt that first he needed to figure out what place it was. Ascended from the ancestral land, according to the ancient records of cultivating immortals, the queen of flying immortals should have reached the fairyland. That is heaven. As for the sky, there are nine heavens and outer heavens. Therefore, Tang Ye believes that he is now in the Nine Heavens. But he thinks it's useless. If there is an indigenous confirmation, then there is no doubt.

However, the old voice answered, "There has never been a fairy world. At least, since ten thousand years ago, there has been no fairy world."

Tang Ye sighed slightly, how much he could accept this kind of thing. Because if you look at the surroundings, even if it is not a barren desert, it is still ruined and full of rocks and barbarians. It is not difficult to imagine that a terrifying battle has occurred here. Just as seen from the illusion of the **** of war, the human fairyland, the heaven and the blessed land, have long been gone.

"Then, Senior, what should I pay attention to when I come here? Or, what must I understand?" Tang Ye asked when the old man's voice was not hostile to him, and even meant to lead.

The old man without a body is actually a soul wandering in this desert. He is indeed to attract people, and is arranged here to be responsible for the cultivators who have ascended from the ancestral land. However, since thousands of years ago, the old Taoist, the people here called him Li Zichen, the ancestor of Zichen. The old Taoist used his life strength to create a barrier outside the ancestral land, so that outsiders could not enter the ancestral land. It also prevents people from the ancestral land from coming out. Therefore, for thousands of years, there has never been a cultivator who has soared.

A Tang Ye appeared today, and the old man was surprised at first, not knowing what to say, thinking that he was a dream. But after inspection, Tang Ye was indeed a person from the ancestral land.

In this case, the old man will perform his duties and guide Tang Ye. At this time, he was extremely curious and amazed at Tang Ye. Tang Ye was just silent because he said that he had never said such things in the fairy world, and then he was relieved. This is quite strange. Under normal circumstances, a cultivator finally soared up, and was told that there was no immortal world and only a bad environment. That would definitely be a shock, but Tang Ye seemed to accept it.

Tang Ye's calmness and rationality made the old man very amazed, knowing what to understand and what to pay attention to. This is the only kid who has soared for thousands of years. It's quite interesting. But it's just interesting. Maybe tomorrow, he will become a slave to a foreign race, or... food!

In any case, the old man still wanted to tell Tang Ye what he should know, and said to Tang Ye: "Before you saw the situation in front of you, did you think that the flying fairy came to be a happy and happy fairy?"

"Um... Almost." Tang Ye nodded. But in fact, because he had been in contact with the old Taoist priest and the secrets of the God of War illusion, he was mentally prepared for a long time. But he didn't show it to the old man. This is also a kind of self-protection. Let others think how you are, in fact you are not that way.

In this cruel Nineth Heaven, if others don't understand oneself, the greater the chance of survival.

The old man's voice came again, telling Tang Ye: "Then now I want to tell you, here, there are no free gods, only the so-called human beings who are oppressed, enslaved, and manipulated by foreign races and regarded as inferior creatures!"

Tang Ye frowned, lower creature?

This is too serious! Human beings are said to be the longest of all things. They have left their ancestral land to become lower creatures here?

In Tang Ye's thoughts, it was the decline of the human race at most, so he was oppressed. If it has been brilliant and dominated, it cannot be said to be a low-level creature!

Low-level creatures were unacceptable to Tang Ye.

Tang Ye's expression became more and more determined, probably aware of the seriousness of the situation and must go all out. He asked the old man again: "Here is the Nine Heavens?"

"No." The old man replied: "This place belongs to the Ninth Heaven, but it's actually just the First Heaven. The Nine Heavens have nine layers, and the higher the creatures are, the stronger the creatures, whether they are alien races or monsters. Like our human race, they can be considered good in the First Heaven. A lot of companions can only be reduced to coolies to develop resources, in those unknown and dangerous places."

Tang Ye nodded to express his understanding, and said, "This is a heaven, then, what should I do to survive?"

"What else can you do? Naturally, it will become stronger, if you can become stronger." The old man's voice became low, and there was faint anger.

Tang Ye frowned, raised a different meaning from the old man, and asked, "What's the matter, can't the human race become stronger?"

"No, because the human race has been deprived of its spiritual bones. This is also the fundamental reason why the human race has become a low-level creature." the old man said.

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