My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1031: Black group!

Ke Yu had already left, Murong Huansha stopped her and called her to tell her that the worker's situation had not been resolved, and asked her to return to the hospital.

Ke Yu hung up Murong Huansha's phone, frowning and squinting, thinking it was impossible. She controls things very well and is confident that such accidents will not occur.

At this time, she drove a high-profile sports car and stopped outside a bar after traveling several streets. She got out of the car and entered the bar.

Tang Ye followed Ke Yu all the time, saw Ke Yu enter the bar, squinted his eyes, and looked at the sign of the bar. There was no pattern on the dark border.

He has a lot to do with the underground forces in Yanjing City-Dark Frontier. Before he left the big world, Jiang Xiaobai in the dark frontier was already in power. If nothing else, the dark frontier is now Jiang Xiaobai's world. The Dark Frontier also annexed Jiangshanju and Axe, basically realizing the unification of underground forces.

Places like bars have something to do with this aspect, but the bars that Ke Yu entered did not have the penetration of dark frontier forces.

This made Tang Ye wonder, didn't Jiang Xiaobai do this?

Tang Ye watched the people entering and leaving the bar, then put the hood tighter, and swaggered into the bar like that.

Wearing a hood looks very non-mainstream, like a hip-hop. Even if people can't see his face in the bar, they won't say anything about him. This is a place where all kinds of people come to have fun, and there are more weird people than Tang Ye.

Tang Ye entered the bar directly after observing these phenomena.

The situation in the bar is much the same. Drinking, singing, rock and roll people are all hilarious. At first glance, they are either handsome or beautiful. Tang Ye was not interested in these, and directly followed Ke Yu's breath. Ke Yu was not outside, but went to the box.

Tang Ye entered the box area, closed his eyes to feel, and listened carefully, it was not difficult to detect which box Ke Yu was in. This is the benefit of reaching the top of the strength. Although some conspiracies and tricks need to be investigated slowly, they can be easily dealt with in terms of dealing with the enemy. The enemy could not play tricks at all in front of him, because there was an absolute power gap.

After knowing which box Ke Yu was in, Tang Ye leisurely leaned against the other side of the passage, raising his ears like a rabbit and overhearing the conversation there. Especially, with Tang Ye still having the supernatural power of the Obsession Realm, a high degree of concentration allows him to hear movement in a farther range.

If someone comes from the corridor, he takes out his cell phone and pretends to be making a call.

In the box, Ke Yu leaned lazily on the sofa, tilted his legs, showing her long **** legs. Under the tight skirt covering the hips, only the thighs are hidden. The invisible part of the skirt is what men want to snoop most. To show it like this, you only need to lift it gently, and then step up to reach the private passage that allows men to go to heaven. Because it is easy to do, so I want to do it very much. Men are always agitated in this situation.

Opposite Ke Yu, and around the table on the left and right, there were two men and a woman. The two men stared at Ke Yu invariably, while the woman was smoking a cigarette, dressed more revealing than Ke Yu, and her manners revealed a slutty woman.

"Black spirit demon, how about a drink?" The man sitting on Ke Yu's right picked up the wine glass and stood up close to Ke Yu. He wanted to press Ke Yu's white and **** thigh with one hand while drinking. Take advantage of the name.

Men think this is not a big deal. People like them are slutty and crazy. When they get crazy, they just do it in front of people. A woman and this man do it, and it is common for the next man to go up again. For women of Ke Yu's level, these men would definitely want to be. It's just that Ke Yu didn't go crazy with them much here. He didn't have a chance before, but now he is seizing the opportunity.

However, Ke Yu did not agree. She suddenly had the remnant willow silver blade in her hand, sending a cold light, facing the hand that the man wanted to put on her thigh.

"I like cleaning, and I will never let dirty things touch." Ke Yu jokingly said.

Seeing this, the woman on the left laughed jokingly, and said to the man: "So, our black spirit demon is a very thorny rose, not touchable. I said'Black Storm', if you want to, come Enter me, I don't mind, as long as you don't last for less than half an hour, you will be soft."

The man was rejected by Ke Yu, secretly unhappy, but he still kept smiling, and said to the woman who was talking: "Nigger woman, let it be with you. I don't know how many men come in and out a day. What is it like? Not only boring , If you still **** a lot of energy from you, you will lose me."

The woman shrugged and said with a smile: "It is better to say that you are young than my looseness. Or, let's take it off and have a look?"

"You..." The man was so angry that the man was said to be small by the woman, which hurt his self-esteem very much.

The man sitting opposite Ke Yu had to be calm and restrained. He waved his hand and said, "Stop making trouble, Lord Gorefiend let our black group infiltrate Yanjing. This That’s what we have to do."

"Black Thunder Flash, you are the boss, you have the final say." The woman shrugged.

These four people are really the people of Wen Zhongyuan. In the blackening group, Ke Yu is a black spirit demon. The man and woman who were about to fight are the black storm and the black ghost woman respectively. The man who reconciles the fight is called "Black Thunder Flash".

Hei Lei Shan said: "I have been in contact with Jiang Xiaobai from the underground forces, and the progress is good. As long as I control Jiang Xiaobai, the underground forces will be fine."

Ke Yu played with the remnant willow silver blade in his hand, and said: "The plan to control Murong Huansha is going on step by step, and the work of those workers is going well. As long as the things the **** woman gives me don't go wrong, it will soon Can succeed."

"Of course there will be no problems with what I gave you. The combination of Yin Qi and corpse poison can be solved by those mediocre doctors? Just kidding! Also, that walking corpse has also begun to play a role, let Murong Huansha suffer from both sides, and then you woman Save the beauty, why would Murong Huansha not rely on you? Thank me. Without me, you can't succeed." The **** woman looked at Ke Yu with flesh-y desire in her eyes!

Ke Yu glanced at her and said, "How do you want me to thank you?"

The **** woman smiled: "If you hate men, then do it with me. I don't care about men or women. I promise to make you scream so cool."

Ke Yu shrugged and said, "I hate men and I don't like women."

"Hey!" The **** woman snorted, feeling that Ke Yu was quite boring.

Hei Baofeng said: "If you need to kill someone, that's my business."

Black Thunder nodded flashingly, and said, "That's how the plan is going..."

With that, Hei Lei Shan suddenly stopped talking, staring at the outside of the box and squinting. Ke Yu, Black Storm, and Black Ghost Woman all looked cold. Black Storm was proficient in speed, and after winking at a few people, he instantly grabbed out of the box to see who was eavesdropping.

But when he went outside, he saw no one. Immediately, Hei Lei Shan, the **** woman, and Ke Yu also came out, with a cold expression of killing intent.

Hei Lei Shan said: "Check, who has passed outside just now."

Tang Ye walked out of the box area with a pleasant smile on his mouth. I caught the black group from Ke Yu, so what can I catch from the black group?

Tang Ye was not eager to destroy the black group, and wanted to catch more people from the blood demon forces, and then destroy them all together, giving the blood demon forces a painful blow!

Aware of being spied on, Ke Yu stopped staying, left the bar, drove into her sports car, and went to see Murong Huansha.

In the car, she held the steering wheel in one hand and played with the remnant willow silver blade in the other. She had a hunch that there might be an accident with Murong Huansha's plan, so all she had to do was get rid of Murong Huansha!

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