My Wonderful Nurse Wife

Chapter 1030: Self-guided self-performance!

To be able to use the gods, there must be a great chance. Divine things have spiritual root consciousness. If they are not for people with great opportunities, they will not recognize it, and they will not be able to exert their due power. Now that Ke Yu can use the power of the blade, it shows that she is recognized by the gods.

A woman who has been approved by a fetish must have a big background. However, even so Tang Ye would not be afraid of her. The fetish of the big world is also under the limit of luck. Coming back from the Guwu rivers and lakes, Tang Ye, who was suppressing his power, would not lose to anyone in the big world or things in power. So he was just curious about Ke Yu's identity.

After Ke Yu rescued a sick worker, he continued to rescue another. With the power of the remnant willow and silver blade, she soon saved dozens of workers. The improvement of the workers has improved a lot, their faces regained their blood, and they no longer appear to be dying at any time.

Tang Yeben suspected that Ke Yu had a problem. Now that the workers are getting better, but Ke Yu hasn't made any extraordinary actions, he is very puzzled. Is the evil spirit that Ke Yu felt is fake?

Tang Ye asked Yun Youlan, who was also an exorcist beside him, and said, "Do you see any problems with Ke Yu?"

Yun Youlan shook her head and said, "It seems there is no problem."

"Look again," Tang Ye said.

The two continued to float and look at Ke Yu from the blind corner of the window. Ke Yu had finished treating the workers and put away the hand-in-hand. She turned and left, with a playful smile. Suddenly, I saw her take out a small bottle, open it, and a faint black air from the small bottle spread to the entire ward.

Ke Yu did this very quickly, and turned around and blocked the bottle with his body. Even watching the video, he couldn't detect this little movement.

Ke Yu turned and left. The conditions of the workers were much better, and no one would doubt her treatment.

However, she would not have imagined that a hidden master like Tang Ye led another exorcist to look at her outside. Although Yun Youlan, the exorcist, was a half-hearted person, she could still detect the small movements that Ke Yu made.

The small movements that Ke Yu makes can't be done by looking, but by "feeling". When she opened the small bottle and let out a faint black air, both Tang Ye and Yun Youlan felt a breath of death. Tang Ye has the vitality of withered trees in spring, Yun Youlan is an exorcist, so both of them are very sensitive to the breath of death.

Originally thought that Ke Yu had no problem, she did not expect that she would still show her feet at the last moment. After she left, Tang Ye and Yun Youlan entered the ward. Tang Ye asked Yun Youlan to investigate. The small movements that Ke Yu did just now must be related to the secret exorcism.

Yun Youlan must take care of Tang Ye's money, she is very active. She has a lot of opinions on Ke Yu, she can't understand Ke Yu's **** enchanting, she can't understand Ke Yu's arrogant attitude, and she can't understand Ke Yu secretly harming people in the name of saving lives. There are many reasons why a woman hates another woman, so Yun Youlan quickly found out what Ke Yu had done.

"She just released a yin qi, and there is still a small part of corpse qi in the yin qi, which can make people lose the balance between yin and yang, causing pale, vomiting and weakness. Then affected by the corpse qi, the body will ulcerate terribly." Yun Youlan said to Tang Ye after investigating with the knowledge of the exorcist.

Tang Ye frowned and said, "Isn't that the same as the strange disease that the workers had suffered before?"

"Yes!" Yun Youlan said.

Tang Ye snorted coldly: "So, Ke Yu is directing and acting the workers' strange diseases?"

"Yes, that bitch!" Yun Youlan said angrily, she has a temper, because... she is very jealous of Ke Yu's figure.

Now that he knew what Ke Yu had done, things would be easier to handle. Tang Ye felt that Ke Yu had something to do with the blood demons led by Wen Zhongyuan. Since it is necessary to eradicate the Gorefiend power, it is a good choice to follow Ke Yu's line. It is not difficult to kill Ke Yu, but Tang Ye will not kill her so quickly.

Fishing always needs bait.

Tang Ye said to Yun Youlan: "You will deal with the situation of these workers, and after handling them, go to Murong Huansha, explain the situation to Murong Huansha, and then take Murong Huansha to expose Ke Yu."

Yun Youlan was taken aback, a little embarrassed: "It's okay to save these workers, but when I see Murong Huansha, will she believe me? Also, go to expose Ke Yu... Ke Yu has a sacred weapon of exorcism, which is very powerful. , I, I can't beat..."

Tang Ye watched Yun Youlan stay silent, creating a very majestic atmosphere.

Yun Youlan felt that Tang Ye was angry, and said, "Then I will try! But when dealing with Ke Yu, you must protect me secretly!"

"Yes." Tang Ye nodded.

After confessing the matter, Tang Ye jumped out of the window and stood silent on the top of the hospital, watching the night scene of the city with lights like stars.

What Murong Huansha encountered was not planned. He was going to see Han Ya to investigate the vampire. He can only solve the matter of Murong Huansha now. Hanya has north-south protection, so there will be no problem for the time being. The blood demon forces led by Wen Zhongyuan are also the top priority, but now they are both internal and external.

Tang Ye looked up at the sky again, sometimes at a loss, although the things he had to do right now didn't seem to be that strong. If it weren't for her own woman to be involved, I'm afraid it would be even more so. As the princess said, she seemed to want to go to heaven more and more. With today's strength, I am afraid that only in the sky can we find more motivation.

Human minds are so strange. If you hold it in your hand, there will always be some messy thoughts slowly. And for the unobtained, there is often a motivation to be more focused.

Thinking of this, Tang Ye gently shook his head and smiled bitterly. The reporters downstairs suddenly quarreled, and it was caused by Ke Yu going out after treatment.

Tang Ye looked down, couldn't help but sneer, Ke Yu, beautiful genius doctor?

It's just playing with some magic tricks!

Tang Ye jumped down from the tall building and followed Ke Yu.

Yun Youlan hurriedly cleared the yin Qi released by Ke Yu in the workers' ward, so that the workers would not have any more accidents, and then went to Murong Huansha as ordered by Tang Ye.

Not surprisingly, she was stopped by the security guard and couldn't get close to Murong Huansha until Mu Yue went to understand the situation. She said that Ke Yu had a problem, and Mu Yue thought that Tang Ye would bring someone over to help Murong Huansha told her. This person is Yun Youlan, and Mu Yue takes Yun Youlan to see Murong Huansha.

"Woman?" Murong Huansha was a little surprised when she saw Yun Youlan, as well as a faint resentment.

She didn't like any other women to appear next to Tang Ye, because women were not safe in front of Tang Ye. Tang Ye was a wolf, and women like sheep were easily eaten. Tang Ye ate so much, be careful to choke to death!

Seeing Murong Huansha's cold and arrogant look, Yun Youlan kept cursing Tang Ye in her heart. She didn't like this kind of thing very much. Her status was humble. Standing in front of Murong Huansha was just as uncomfortable as being scrutinized.

Yun Youlan had the consciousness of not being an exorcist. As an exorcist, such a special identity is better than too many people. Perhaps Yun Youlan was born at the bottom, peaceful and close to the people, even if she was an exorcist, she considered herself an ordinary person.

"Are you sure there is something wrong with Ke Yu?" Murong Huansha asked after scanning Yun Youlan.

Yun Youlan nodded, making a very low voice.

Murong Huansha smiled and said, "Then let me see Ke Yu. Those who calculate me like this should pay a little price."

Yun Youlan was taken aback, surprised: "You, do you believe me?"

Murong Huansha smiled, did not answer Yun Youlan, greeted Mu Yue, and set off to stop Ke Yu.

Yun Youlan thinks Murong Huansha is cool and has a lot of courage. She doesn't have this kind of courage, so not every woman can stand in such a high position.

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