Chapter 176

In the past few days, Chen Da has surpassed the height of Houtian in one fell swoop, entered the Realm of the golden body, and has his own bodyguard Spiritual Qi.

The inexperienced girl with a weird face in the distance looked at his waist and muttered in surprise: “When did this kid take my Lei Yuan away?” She didn’t feel this at all.

Thunder Abyss is connected with the strong Thunder attribute, and reacts with Chen Da’s own chimney attribute Spiritual Qi. With a bald head, her body burst into flames.

Seeing this, the role player Jiang Yuan turned the Thunder Abyss around in an instant.

On the other side, Liu Xuele, the Associated Press, who was fighting with the Liu Family Youth, saw that his grandfather Associated Press was severely injured by Jiang Yuan, and he needed to rush to give him a final check-up.

Unfortunately, before she took a step, a dark figure appeared behind her, knocking her out and taking her off the stage.

After killing Liu Tengfeng, Jiang Yuan came to Liu Qin, swept his knees, and knelt before the white-haired and white-bearded Liu Qin. His eyes were like a column of tears, and his grief was unbearable.

Just as he was crying and suffering, the inexperienced girl standing at the door panicked and shouted desperately: “Jiang Yuan, be careful behind your back!”

Liu Ruyue, who was engaged in the interview, saw Jiang Yuan’s unexpected expression, her face changed drastically. What happened next exceeded her expectations. When she saw Jiang Yuan kneeling on the ground, she couldn’t help but feel happy, tacitly leaning the spear in her hand against Jiang Yuan’s face.

Aiming at the timing, Liu Ruyan made a decisive effort. Her short-term explosive power was much greater than usual and should not be underestimated.

Jiang Yuan, immersed in self-blame and grief, finally did not notice what happened behind him.

Liu Ruyue was overjoyed, and her heart was overwhelmed. As long as she killed Jiang Yuan, the entire Liu family would belong to her.

As soon as she saw that the weapon system was about to pierce Jiang Yuan’s back, a fiery figure jumped behind him, blocking the weapon system with flesh and blood.

However, the weapon system has entered his power, even if he is afraid of reincarnation, he cannot return to heaven.

“Liu…Zhe…I don’t regret this life…”

That fiery and cold figure is really Liu Rou’er, they used themselves to rescue Jiang Yuan in the crisis. Once hit by the weapon system, she will have problems saying these words.

Jiang Yuan, they did not have time to soften his grief. He noticed these words and his body became stiff. He turned around abruptly and asked Liu Rouer to die in his arms, crying in pain: “Ling’er… …..why why……”

Isn’t his purpose of coming back to avoid wasting Liu Qin and Liu Xiaorou? However, each of them died before his eyes, and Xiaorou even lost his life in order to avoid wasting her own life.

The smile at the corner of Ling’er’s mouth is like a plum blossom in colorful plum blossoms, beautiful yet happy. Their Linger had only chance left. She raised her hand with difficulty, trying to touch the face of the young man she admired, but in the end she closed her eyes and her hand gave birth to helplessness.

“Ling’er! Ling’er!” It’s only been more than ten days since he came to this world. Jiang Yuan has taken this pungent female assassin into the owner’s heart. They are deeply in love with him, and he has not had time to classify his feelings. , Separated from her forever.Jiang Yuan’s emotions could not be calmed down, and the pain in his heart could not be controlled. His eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and his cold silk thread was shocking.

His eyes were fixed on Liu Ruyue, and he stood up firmly and heavily.

Before Liu Ruyue could react, Jiang Yuan’s figure arrived in the blink of an eye, lifting her leg and clasping her pretty face.

The power of Jiang Yuan’s anger was so beautiful that Liu Ruyue hit the pillar like a kite with a broken line. Before his physique hit the pillar, Jiang Yuan was already on the pillar, his face was cold and angry, his eyes didn’t feel it, he lifted his leg and kicked it again.

Dozens of times, Liu Ruyue was beaten to perfection and flew in the air without even having a chance to speak.

With a loud noise, Liu Ruyue, who was hit and swollen, hit the ground from above. At the same time, the ground cracked open, echoing across the entire earth in the crisp sound of bones.

Seeing such a cruel Jiang Yuan, the Chen family and the Liu family stopped immediately, their eyes were combined, and they looked at the angry young man in horror. Is this a waste of time again?

“Do you dare to hurt my mother!” Liu Bo was taken aback by Jiang Yuan’s attitude. As soon as Liu Ruyue hit the ground, he recovered, releasing a storm of anger, and the fiery combination of palms returned to Jiang Yuan’s back.

There was no expression on Jiang Yuan’s face. He turned and pushed Liu Bo away indifferently, turning into a pillar and spent. All this was frozen in the eyes of Liu and Liu family.

Liu Bo is at least one step away from the entry level, so a person with such strength has been defeated so easily? Slap? This is incredible.

Regardless of what they think, Jiang Yuan is walking towards Liu Ruyue step by step. This person has broken a lot of muscles and bones. When he sees Jiang Yuan with a weird face walking sideways, her beautiful eyes are full of horror. !

Jiang Yuan’s development is a kind of Qi Deviation. Once she can’t recover, she will live forever in this state of only knowing. She doesn’t need to look at this scene.

“Jiang Yuan!” The inexperienced girl, because the distant Thunder King returned to her hand, she bit the middle finger of her claw, wiped it on the blade of the weapon system, and muttered softly in her mouth: “All thoughts are grayed out, Nine Heavens leads the way, God thunders punishment from the heavens, and descends from the sky!”

As her tone ended, the initially clear sky was immediately set off by dark clouds, and lightning was faintly visible, echoing the lightning attributes of this inexperienced girl.

“Jiang Yuan! Wake up!” With a fragile cry, a Sacred lightning fell from the sky, hitting their Jiang Yuan who was numbly walking towards Liu Ruyue! At this time, Liu Ruyue realized the mistake of own.

With the emergence of this sudden Earth Fire, Liu and Liu’s faces became cold, and the crazy devil was finally released. However, before they were happy for a few seconds, they were stunned by the scene before them.

They saw lightning descend from the sky and hit Jiangyuan directly. The lightning containing the fierce and powerful thunder attribute, because it entered Jiang Yuan’s physique, it suddenly disappeared! At this time, Jiang Yuan’s face became pale.

Jiangyuan stood straight, unscathed, and without any scars!

“This…” The inexperienced girl is the most shocked. Since she unlocked her own special system and dominated this Nine Heavens Thunder, she has never lost an attempt!

When they were shocked, Jiang Yuan numbly walked to Liu Ruyue’s side, squatted down, and stretched out his huge hand to grab Liu Ruyue’s neck.

Even the thunder punishment was useless to this mob. Liu Ruyan was completely desperate. Faced with Death, she smiled and laughed uncontrollably, “Haha!”. Ha ha! ”

This kind of laughter is composed of three elements of disappointment, three elements of helplessness, and four elements of happiness.

Jiang Yuan’s movements stopped, and his numb eyes moved. He didn’t say anything, but quietly unzipped it in front of him.

“Save the master’s mother!”

The children of the Liu family saw that Jiang Yuan did not move, but they noticed someone yelling violently, and they came with swords. There were a few responders, but unfortunately, they were restricted by girls with inexperience before they even had time to get to Jiangyuan.

“Jiang Yuan, wake up!”. Don’t try to do this, you may get lost. “The inexperienced girl squatted down beside him and chatted with him, but he didn’t respond.

Just when she was upset, Jiang Yuan, who was unable to communicate, suddenly spoke: “What did you just say? You have to die, right?”

The three of their girls who were about to be by his side were stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect that he hadn’t been enchanted, but was very calm and couldn’t hear it.

“Oh, I am, isn’t it, Liu Family?” Knowing that she is bound to die, Liu Ruyue gave up all hope of survival, lying on her back on the bed, looking up at the sky, her eyes gleaming with disappointment.

Seeing her angle, Jiang Yuan was furious, reached forward and grabbed her sleeve, shouting: “I want to kill you because you killed my grandfather and Ling’er!”. His eyes flashed, his paws were turned into gloves, and his Spiritual Qi gathered on her with naked eyes.

“You beat me to death!” Liu Ruyue didn’t struggle either, closed her eyes and didn’t speak, working hard as if she was begging for death.

The more she was like this, the more angry Jiang Yuan was. So, the blow of her paws that gathered Spiritual Qi went straight to her heavenly spirit cover. This punch would definitely kill her.


Jiang Yuan’s ears only perceived the words “Stop!”, and a strong palm wind had hit him, knocking him out. The strong explosion even caused the inexperienced female assassin to run away.

“Ruyue, are you okay?” The practitioner rescued Liu Ruyue and asked worriedly. As soon as he checked his vitality, he was stunned, and he was bruised so badly.

As soon as Liu Ruyue saw this travel practitioner, a pleasant smile appeared on her face, with bloodshot sticking to the corners of her mouth. It was a smile from the heart: “Chen Er, you are back.”

A few simple words indicate that the identity of the practitioner is not someone else, but Liu Qingyuan, the pillar of the Liu family, and Jiang Yuan’s nominal father.

Wearing a brown coat, Liu Qingling’s robe is fluttering in the wind, her face in the Chinese character, nodded before the world: “I’m back, everything will be fine.”

He took Liu Ruyue aside and nodded, “Leave the rest to me.”

Just when he didn’t expect what she would mention, Liu Qingyuan turned his head and looked at Jiang Yuan, his face changed, and he roared blankly: “She is your mother. They have raised you for more than ten years. You don’t Hit her!”

It was incomprehensibly possible to kill Liu Ruyue, Jiang Yuan felt a little wronged in his heart, but he soon calmed down, he would not keep this hatred in his heart little by little.

“She is not my mother!” Jiang Yuan mentioned calmly, his eyes shining brightly.

“You! Bastard!” Liu Qingyuan was furious, his heart burst into flames, his speed accumulated to fierce anger, and even the cold-clothed female assassin couldn’t see how he touched it, and he was in front of the three in a blink of an eye.

Snap! Without abusing any Spiritual Qi, Liu Qingyuan slapped Jiang Yuan’s face with a clean and powerful slap with pure strength.Jiang Yuan didn’t even blink his eyes. If it weren’t for the cold palm prints on his face, no one would have thought he had been abused.

“She’s not my mother, my mother’s last name is Bai!” These words were spit out from Jiang Yuan’s mouth, each word Zhuji, knocking Liu Qingyuan’s ear, it was close.

The latter was stunned for a moment. He just lowered his raised palm slowly. The anger in his eyes disappeared. He sighed, “Your grandfather told you everything?”

This account, I want to know what it says? Jiang Yuan has no plans to improve either.

“She killed Grandpa and Ling’er!” Jiang Yuan pointed at Liu Ruyue, walked past Liu Qingyuan, and walked towards Liu Ruyue step by step. He would not fail to report this grudge, nor would he not ask for it.

The heart that Liu Ruyue had just let go of suddenly rose again, and he hurriedly shouted: “Master Liu was killed by Liu Tengfeng, Xiao Rou died in order not to waste you, so she has nothing to do with me.” She turned her head to look. Looking at Liu Qingyuan, his eyes choked up, hoping for salvation.

Suddenly, Liu Qingyuan appeared in front of Jiang Yuan and made a bucket with her head. “She is the UN parent organization that has raised you for more than ten years. Besides, your grandparents were not killed by her, so forget it. Right. “His eyes were a little soft, probably because he thought of his guilt for Bai Yueqing, all on Jiang Yuan.

“I can’t?” As soon as Liu Qingyuan came to this step to warn himself, Jiang Yuan moved in his heart and sneered: “You believe everything she says, but you don’t believe what I say?”

These words made Liu Qingyuan stunned. Since he came to Jinsha City, he felt that he owed Liu Ruyue a lot, but at present, what she said was true, but he couldn’t believe it?

Thinking of this, he felt that the majesty of the Patriarch had been angered, and angrily said: “Sinner, if you take another step, believe it or not, I will destroy you!”

Jiang Yuan raised his eyebrows from his arms, took a step without hesitation, and understood from all his eyes.

“You!” Seeing this sinful son so aware, Liu Qingyuan was furious. Without a word of verbal communication, he raised his hand and hit Dantian where Spiritual Qi had gathered, desperately trying to destroy him in one fell swoop.

The inexperienced female assassin was shocked. She never thought that her biological father would do this to her own son.

Jiang Yuan did not resist, her body was like a golden jade pillar, flying out, but her face was cold with an abnormal smile.

The inexperienced female assassin surprised Jiang Yuan and frowned slightly. Before they had time to see their own wound, Jiang Yuan, who had been deprived of Dantian’s collection of Sect energy, spit out blood.

“You…are you okay?” The inexperienced female assassin was surprised, so the little hand holding him was shaking.

She shook her head and looked at Liu Qingyuan with a smile, supporting him.

Just now, Liu Qingyuan tentatively experimented on own palm with expressionless face, only to regret something amidst his irritation, but the matter returned to the mainstream, Jiang Yuan had been disqualified, how could he get it back.

However, Liu Ruyue was happy in her heart. However, Jiang Yuan, who was deprived of Dantian, did not condense Sect energy. Can he be her opponent? Although he did not die these days, it would be easy to kill him in the future.

Although he did not die these days, it would be easy to kill him in the future. However, if his Dantian is destroyed, he cannot prepare to gather his Sect energy, which may mean that his Cultivation Base will stay in the fairy stage.

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