Chapter 175

“If you want, you can rule heaven and the earth. If you don’t, the earth in the painting will become a prison.” Jiang Yuan sighed and turned to leave. As he walked, he stroked a word, seeming to make an important move.

Qin Huanyue was startled, these words touched her heart, the wide white sun sleeves were floating in the wind, a bit like her heart was floating just now.

“Can you paint the bottom as a prison?” The words whispered on her lips, a mixed taste, she didn’t know where they came from.

On the other hand, as the early morning ended, Chen Er went to her Big Brother office to see him.

She was about to go upstairs to open the door, when she suddenly noticed a loud curse around her, which Chen Er knew.

“The Kingdom of Jin is now in dire straits, Tang Guo has assembled troops on the border and accidentally violated the border of our country, Ziyuan, what should I do?” Liu Rouer was pacing back and forth at the table, frowning, not knowing what to do. .

Their Chen Da stood below and mentioned in a very respectful tone: “In your impression, the only resolution these days is to form an alliance with the Jin State and fight against the Han and Tang Dynasties together, otherwise the century-old foundation of my Han Jin State will be destroyed. NS.”

marry? Liu Rouer’s eyes lit up, but thinking of Chen Er’s gaze, he sighed and said, “Muxue is my only Little Sister. If she doesn’t want to, I can’t force her.”

“But…” Chen Da needed to mention something, but he could only keep his original posture and stay silent.

Immediately, Liu Rouer, an actor who hangs on the screen with long guns and short cannon systems, announced with an exaggerated voice, such as a bell that blurted out: “The only way to solve this problem is to go to court. I am with my people!”

“Ah!” Chen Da’s face was terrified. The imperial conquest was a major event in the empire, but he could suddenly say this! ? He was about to say, but as soon as he saw the map, he was wrapped up.

Although the three counties of the empire were only attacked by the replacement empire, it was a battle for the survival of the empire.

With a click, the desk was opened, and Chen Er’s face was green. He mentioned in an excessively low voice: “Brother Emperor, my goal is Jin, and I want to fight for the Emperor of Jin to send troops!”

Chen Er’s expression made the two of them stunned, their Liu Rouer straightened up and said angrily: “This is ridiculous!”. Sending a special envoy to another empire is not a trivial matter. Besides, you are a nobleman, but are you capable of acting as a special envoy! ”

Chen Da stood aside in silence, and these three people should definitely speak with less interference.

“Brother Emperor, I’m just asking you a question, it’s allowed or not!” Chen Er seemed extremely clever at this moment, and as a result, the thunderbolt that once appeared in his hand, shining with the thunderous air that swallowed the world, made people feel uneasy. .

Liu Rou’er looked embarrassed and coughed softly, “You go if you want, but with your grumpy son, what can you do there?”. When he said this, he blinked at Chen Da, and they had already told him about it.

Chen Da knows that it is definitely his turn to take the stage. He said: “In your impression, princess, Zi Yuan once heard from Doctor Zhao that the young man saved by the elder needs a golden lacquer lamp by the elder to observe it again. martial arts, is this true?”

Hearing this, Chen Er was stunned. He didn’t know what medicine was in this guy’s belly, and he couldn’t make up his mind or be honest for a while.

“In that case, why not let this person accompany the nobleman? One is to convey the princess’s life-saving grace, and even be able to accompany her on the road.”

Chen Er ignored her mouth and said with a smile: “He? If he goes with their empire, he can only hinder me, and I may be forced to protect him at that time.

Chen Da lowered his head and calmly mentioned: “Whether this person is useful or not, we often want to control him.”Hearing these words, the two immediately became happy and asked: “What kind of control will there be.

However, Chen Da lives in Tai Chi and is not in a hurry to mention anything, only that the results can be seen in the next day.

However, it was the three of them who chose Jiang Yuan’s future trip, the kind he couldn’t refuse, after all, the enamel golden bottle lantern belonged to Brother Jin anyway.

With a busy mood, Chen Er left the office and walked in front of Liu Rouer and Chen Da. The same smile appeared on their faces, and the secretly calculated smile gradually emerged.

“Zi Yuan, if it weren’t for you, there is a way for Mu Xue to find Jin Guo by himself.” Liu Rouer patted him on the shoulder and said happily.

The two of them had unified their slogans and asked Chen Er to go to Jin Guo to solve the marriage problem, but if they took the initiative to raise it, it might be difficult to succeed, because Chen Er had already agreed.

Because of this, Chen Da is a little cunning, so the three chapters of the contract before him are logical.

Chen Er came out of the study and visited the original hospital. She wanted to tell Jiang Yuan about it. So she wanted him to mention it for sure, she didn’t even believe what happened between them yesterday, although it seemed a bit simple.

As soon as she arrived at the Imperial Hospital, she didn’t see Jiang Yuan. She tried to contact their maid who served him, but she couldn’t see anyone. When she was upset, the maid in charge of Jamsil appeared in front of Chen Er and mentioned that the maid had been taken to punishment.

Chen Er was frightened, but can a maid be sent for punishment? When asked, she saw that it was definitely because she did not serve Jiang Yuan.

When Chen Er rescued Awan from the Criminal Department, she was whipped to the point of dying, so she was rushed to the Imperial Hospital.

The reason why Awan went to Jiang Yuan was because she took the initiative to help her. When she thought of this, Chen Er didn’t like the torture used by their grandmother. In anger, she returned to the Ministry of Simplification and created this person in the style of all torture in the Ministry of Simplification.

When she came out of the simplified department, the sun was already shining, so the sun was sky-high and her popularity was extremely high. Chen Er thought of hiding in a dark place to relax.

Once, when she passed a palace, she found a melodious song, which aroused her curiosity.

She explored for a while and saw a sign on the palace that said “Hunyuan Palace” in huge gilded letters.

Chen Er was shocked, how could she come back here? She remembered that Big Brother said that there were many palaces in the palace that she could not go to, one of which was Hunyuan Palace.

This palace is indeed an abandoned palace. It has not been cleaned for a long time. There are weeds and cobwebs. Can anyone participate?

Chen Er hesitated for a long time, but walked in. As soon as she pushed open the dusty door, you could clearly see the dirt particles falling out in the sun.

The melody is still going on, and Chen Er hastened his pace in order to find out the reason and follow the reputation.

She quickly found the source of the sound. A person wearing a long white shirt was standing on a garden by the pool of Yuanzayuan, gently handling it, and only then had extreme reveries from behind.

“He, why does he seem a bit familiar”. Chen Er frowned slightly when he saw the man’s shoulder-length hair and whispered.

Most men on the nine continents have long hair, but there are still many like the man in front of them.

“Jiang Yuan?” Chen Erdi shouted.

Their people who were concentrating on treatment turned around unconsciously, but saw Chen Er, and said in surprise: “Why are you here?”

This person is not someone else, it is the philosopher of Boerman. He saw this Hunyuan Palace on the way back from this bamboo forest, so the little tool spirit on his body was fascinated, looking forward to the treasures here, Then he went in.

Not to mention, the result is smart.

Chen Eryi was surprised when he saw the leaves in Jiang Yuan’s hands, and said, “You want to use a simple leaf to look like this?”. Therefore, if he uses a device, isn’t he 100 times more powerful than any musician in the world?

“Is this strange?” Tibeto bourgeoisie gave up the leaves in disbelief, jumped out of the Indian box, patted the clothes, and looked at her, “You didn’t answer Maine, why are you here?”.

“I’m just passing by! Can’t I walk over?” Chen Er raised his head, stared at her, and hummed: “I happen to be looking for you. Brother Huang said that there was something to support you that day.”

Taibai Jinxingzhe was stunned for a moment. He didn’t expect the kind-hearted Emperor Jin to appear for him. For a moment, he whispered: “What’s the matter?” Only two cold words came out of his mouth.

“You!” Chen Er was furious. This guy took what happened last night as if it hadn’t happened, absolutely Damn it. He threw off his wide sleeves and left angrily.

“I have no idea!”

Seeing Chen Er angrily leave, Taiyi Zhenzhe didn’t look a little shaken, with a slight smile at the corners of his mouth, “That’s just angry?” So he was deceived and eager to see her reaction.

It’s just that he didn’t expect such a thing to happen. Jiang Yuan glanced back at the ruined palace, and as a result, the stream between his eyebrows concentrated in many places.

But what is that? What is it that makes the tiny medium in his body fluctuate.

He doesn’t know at the moment, so he must provide it.

As soon as I returned to the hospital and found that Awan was ill, I felt sorry for her and took the initiative to go back to visit her. Fortunately, due to Chen Er’s guidance and Li Er’s quick handling, Awan’s life was not threatened.

At night, the twelfth lunar month’s sun was shining obliquely, and in the courtyard of the city’s central hospital, Zangba Ba was looking at the moon high in the sky with a lot of thoughts.

At present, his Dantian is broken. He cannot exhale non-worldly energy, nor can he collect these energy for his own use. The effect of Yixin Dan will be very poor.

“Hey, it’s time to find Jin anyway.” He inquired further, knowing that it was Liu Rouer who would check Own tomorrow and whether he was able to accompany him on his mission to Jin.

“What happened here?” There was a dumb look on his face.

Is it hard? Suddenly, he thought that it was absolutely possible that the small stent in his body was doing what he was doing, so he hurriedly looked inside and was startled by the text on the other side.

This question is really interesting in the sun of the waning moon! This is a very good question.

In the past few days, it is not that he has not seen these bubbles, but there is no reason to pick them out. If there is no instrument to contain them, it is useless to find many.

What he didn’t expect was that this square four-legged boat could really absorb it by itself! This is something he didn’t expect.

Among them, the absorbed sun of the waning moon all merged on three pairs of feet, and the three pairs of feet also stood with a dark halo, blazing sunlight.At this time, Jiang Yuan was stunned to see that four bubbles suddenly appeared on his four feet, with the words on each bubble.

Is there a bubble in his consciousness? Extract the own genus by yourself? Burmanzhe’s heart began to beat wildly, and he lowered his head with a wry smile. Although he didn’t believe there was such a thing, he still tried to check it.

Ding Dong!

When he touched the air bubbles, the air bubbles instantly dissipated in Jiang Yuan’s body, making him shiver, and the feeling of cold permeated every part of his skin, even every pore.


Jiang Yuan felt even more suspicious. He bent down and bit the bubble of principle again. When this friction was weak, he felt his whole body seemed to be burning, causing him to instantly take off all his clothes and jump into the small pool.

The cold water eased, Jiang Yuan came out of the water with a wry smile, “What kind of power is this? I almost let myself be killed.”

The night was quiet, and Burmanche was troubled by people passing by and hurried to the shore. As soon as his hand touched the water, he was shocked. Is this his own hand?

White as jade, crystal clear as tears, it is even more than the latter’s dream tenth level! “.

Jiang Yuan thought of being happy, inconvenient but took a deep breath, dived into the water, and checked what was going on, only to see him surfaced without interest.

“Ahem, I think too much.” He went ashore, got dressed, and looked at a hand with a trace of disbelief. Although the strangeness of the crystal is only combined in the palm of the hand, he also carries it with him. surprise.

Thinking of what happened just now, Burmanzhe frowned and muttered: “This should be the power of rules and principles.” Diffusion changed his physique.

Through his physique, he mistakenly perceives that this ruler and principle are subtly modifying his physique. Therefore, these genus forces that cannot be absolutely absorbed are still quietly inactive in the bracket.

After this, Jiang Yuan felt exhausted and drowsy, so he immediately went to his own area to rest.

The space reserved for the chief executive of the Golden Royal Family was very spacious. Around him stood densely packed soldiers. They held long Ge, with their heads high and their chests high, their eyes pierced and majestic.

“The humble servant, Jiang Yuan, saw your glory.” Seeing Liu Rou’er wearing a dragon robe, Burmanzhe was very tall and bowed in salute.

Liu Rouer smiled and said, “You are Jiang Yuan, please stand up quickly and let me have a look.” This is the person brought back by own Big sis, and his heart is full of curiosity.

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, stood up and appeared straight in front of Liu Rou’er, with elusive wrinkles between his eyebrows. This man’s behavior was very soft, his eyes were plain and lacking an emperor’s temperament.

Seeing this majestic man, Liu Rouer smiled relievedly, and said: “Well, the warrant is the person chosen by the emperor, and his manners are not low.”

Their Chen Er, who stood by, said with a cold face, “Brother, what did you say?”, but can’t this attitude make people think?

The person standing next to her in their long cloth ornaments increased their vigilance and said angrily: “In your impression, do you find the word’middle strong’? As soon as the voice fell, the person glared. Jiang Yuan was in a posture of doing something if he didn’t agree with him.


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