Chapter 158

Dijiang turned around and left without even exploring Zhu Rong.

Looking at the 10 Golden Crows behind him, they were painted with a real sun stove, his eyes were both guilt and love, his body was trembling, and his lips were trembling.

“My youth…”

Halfway through the conversation, tears fell like raindrops.

The ten Golden Crow looked at Dijun tremblingly, feeling the familiar breath, feeling the blood in the dark, and instantly understood the identity of this person.

Everything can be fake.

The only thing that cannot be faked is the blood relationship between father and son.


The 10 Golden Crow cheered one after another, waving their wings, rushing into the arms of the nearest father, Dijun, and shouting aggressively.

“Father, mother is dead!”

This sentence directly pierced Di Jun’s weakness. His body was trembling, full of self-blame and guilt, tears flowed like a fountain, and he held the ten Golden Crow tightly.

Di Jun forced himself to suppress his own grief, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

“Who… killed your mother!”

“I don’t know, my mother seems to know him as Jiang Yuan!”

The 9-year-old Golden Crow remembered it and spoke.

“Jiang Yuan!”

Di Jun’s eyes were red, he roared two words from his throat, and his eyes were filled with emotions and venom.

“Father, you want to punish mother!”

“Yes, punish mother!”

“Avenge your mother!”

With Emperor Jun, ten Golden Crows definitely have a backing, and they are all killing each other.

“Take revenge, you want revenge!”

Di Jun spit out a word from his teeth, so the bloody energy in his eyes could break the world.

“Retaliation? Now is the time to demand revenge.”

Observing the army controlled by Di Jun’s son, Zhu Rong’s expression was ugly. He listened to Di Jun’s words and shouted without emotion: “Di Jun, let our grievances be resolved first.”

“Your 10 sons killed many of our Wu people, hurry up and let your sons get their lives!”

There were not many witch social groups. Thousands of people have been killed and dismembered. Most of the witch’s land has been reduced to scrap iron. This is a provocation by the witch social group and a face-slap to the witch social group. .

“For Xuan Ming!”

Di Jun didn’t even turn his head back, and said flatly: “Get out!”

“court death!”

Zhu Rong was furious, and as a result, the chimney of the heavenly gods ignited beside him, and his quasi-sage late stage Spiritual Qi exploded, revealing the body of the deputy ancestor witch, and the long fire law flowed around him.

The heavens appeared, its Spiritual Qi was huge and violent, and a scroll slammed into Emperor Jun.


As a result, the sky suddenly lit up, the void erupted, and a chaotic spirit platform kept colliding, and was once again reduced to ashes by the capital’s spirit platform.


Di Jun’s face was slightly cold.

He held 10 Golden Crows in one hand, loosened the other, and tightly grasped the thorns. The thorns had the divine focus of the sun, exuding a relevant degree of aura that was just as strong as the sun.

A paw slammed into Zhu Rong’s fist.

Zhu Rong’s arm was smashed in an instant, and his whole body flew back, vomiting blood into the air, his face was pale, and many mountains were smashed into the Fa.


Di Jun’s face was very plain. He said, “Kill one more without pardoning. Don’t say that my son killed only a few people from the Wuyu Society, what if he killed the entire Wuyu Society?”

“My Dijun’s son, whoever dares to kill him, I can destroy the whole clan!”

As he said, he glanced at Zhu Rong coldly. When Zhu Rong saw the time plan in Di Jun’s eyes, he was very surprised.

A look of vanity and dominance is like a royal family.

“Only a few clans of wizards? Destroy my entire family?”

“What a huge mouth!”

Suddenly, a chilling voice came from the void.

The world was a sensation. Many figures crossed the mountains and rivers from a distance, as if walking on flat ground. In a blink of an eye, 10 burly figures walked out of the scene.

Each of them has a blood-colored halo, surrounded by a long river of laws, and they are all in the final stage of the cultivation Sacred criterion.

Except for the ancestral witch Houtu, other ancestral witches are on the scene.

The leader is not someone else, it is Dijiang, followed by Xuan Ming, his face is gloomy and terribly, staring at Di Jun, his eyes are full of disappointment, timidity and regret.”Di Jun!”

Looking at Di Jun, Di Jiang stood with his hands on his hips and said faintly: “Do you need to destroy my entire family?”

“You made a mistake.”

Di Jun’s face was very calm. He said: “I verbally conveyed that whoever kills my son, I can destroy his entire social group.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry, your son slaughtered dozens of members of my Witch community. I will kill them in the next few days to pay tribute to the dead Witch tribe.”

“It seems that your witch community wants to annihilate the clan!”

“I don’t know if the witch community has been wiped out, but you may die here in a few days!”

“Is that so?”


The smile on Di Jiang’s face disappeared, and he waved his small hand: “There has never been a god or devil who killed my Wu Clan and could leave, so you Dijun can kill!”

The five ancestral witches came out, revealing their true bodies as the first ancestral witches, and the long river of laws unfolded around them. They waved their fists, bombarded the void, and rushed towards Emperor Jun.


Di Jun’s face was cold, he put aside the 10 Golden Crows in his arms.

Xuan Gong ran away, and a golden imperial robe appeared on his body, so the emperor’s aura above Nine Heavens appeared, like an ancient emperor who suppressed the void, and the void trembled.

The 5 ancestor witches who rushed in, all had the strikes on their bodies, and Emperor Jun burst out a Magical Item.


A sun emerged from his mouth and roared, causing the fists of the five ancestors to explode, and they vomited blood and flew out.


Zhu Rong’s face is savage, and the laws of the Dutian Sacred Chamber and the whole body are integrated into his Magical Item. The Magical Item is easily shot out and shoots at Emperor Jun.

Di Jun’s face was very calm, and his hand rushed towards Zhu Rong like the sun.

There was a roar.

Zhu Rong screamed, and his entire body was shattered by Dijun’s Magical Item and turned into a rain of blood. The rain fell below and turned into a Sacred Dutian chimney again.

A broad stream of fire rushed into the air, and drops of golden blood flowed out.


Dijiang, Xuanming, Gonggong, so that the ancestral witches opened their eyes wide and roared in their hearts.

Zhu Rong is dead.

Was killed by Di Jun!

Dijiang, Gonggong, Xuanming, so that the eyes of the ancestor witches were very unhealthy, and their faces were very hideous.

When they were about to kill Emperor Jun again, a white light flashed in the void.

A white figure appeared, and as a result, the long fire and golden blood directly hit his arms. Looking at the things in his arms, the white figure was stunned.

“The Law of Fire, the essence of Pangu.”

“I’m going to find treasure again!”

Seeing this practitioner, the pupils of the wizard-Devil Tang’s eyes shrank.

Dijiang, Gonggong, Xuanming, and even the ancestral witches of the ten directions were very ugly, and their hearts were unspeakably fat.

Why does this plague appear here?

Nothing wise can come back from him.

However, when they heard Jiang Yuan say: “I found the treasure again.” Dijiang, Gonggong, and the other ten ancestors all felt sore in their noses.

You really have a sense of humor to choose treasures!

You didn’t get the treasure in the early stage, and you didn’t get the treasure in the late stage. Just after the ancestor Zhu Rong broke out, you came out to find the treasure.

Is this the point of discovering treasures? This is more like stealing treasures.


As soon as Jiang Yuan appeared, Di Jiang’s gaze was fixed on Jiang Yuan. He clenched his fists, his veins violently jumped, and an astonishing blood filled his eyes.

If his eyes could kill people, he would have cut Jiang Yuan into pieces.


Jiang Yuan raised his head, looked at the eyes of the enchanter who was all installed on him, and smiled: “What is our treasure, they are all looking at me, I am the one who found the treasure, so go ahead!”


Di Jun, Di Jiang, and even the ten alien ancestor witches’ faces darkened, they were so angry that they almost spewed a mouthful of blood that had just been baked.

We fight for our own life, and you find treasure on the sidelines.

What do you say about such disgraceful words?

“Jiang Yuan, to Zhu Rong’s Pangu, and then to the origin of the law of fire!”

The father-in-law was very angry and shouted to Jiang Yuan.

“I found the treasure with my own power, why should I give it to you?”

Jiang Yuan raised the relevant degree to exceed the standard.


Father-in-law’s face turned blue and purple with anger, and he couldn’t mention anything worth 0.5 yuan a day.

There is nothing wrong with Jiang Yuan’s words! “.

His strength is definitely very good. If it is someone else, he can blow it dozens of times, but in front of Jiang Yuan, they are aggrieved.

Zhu Man, Tianhao, and Jiuyin were eclipsed, so the faces of the ancestors of all walks of life were pale, tense, fists clenched, and angry, but they were helpless.


Among the 10 Golden Crows, few 9 saw Jiang Yuan, recognized his gaze at a glance, and told him: “He is the one who killed our mother!”

The Golden Crow on the opposite side looked at Jiang Yuan and showed a look of emotion, looking forward to the arrival of the stove.

“kill him!”

“Dare to kill our mother and burn him to death!”

“Yes, burn him to death!”

Ten Golden Crow roared into the air, one after another, following the mysterious trajectory, re-turning into beautiful golden balls, forming a ten-day burning sky formation.

When the ten suns flew up, they were about to rush towards Jiangyuan.

“Do not do this!”

Di Jun’s face changed, and he hurriedly stopped the 10 Golden Crows.

He couldn’t beat Jiang Yuan himself, and killed him only with his son’s Burning Heavenly Formation. This was not revenge, but sent away.


The 10 Golden Crows felt inexplicable and somewhat puzzled. I don’t know why their father wanted to stop them.

Di Jun didn’t explain. Now is not the time to explain. With a cold face and a wave of his big sleeve, he turned and left with the 10 Golden Crows.


Seeing that Di Jun had gone with ten Golden Crows, Gong Gong Zu Wu Di Jiang yelled out of no effort. They avoided one by one, blocking in front of them.

“You killed thousands of young people in my wizard tribe and Zhu Rong, and you still need to leave!”

“It’s not that good!”

The ten ancestral witches, Dijiang, Gonggong, Jumang, and Zhu Jiuyin, had cold faces, and Fang Gang of Blood Qi surrounded Dijiang in the middle, so ten Golden Crows were also in the middle.

“Pangu’s real body!”

The ten ancestral witches don’t seem to be alone now, they are all operating profound arts, their own natal laws appear on their bodies, and they merge rapidly.

The 10 bodies merged into one, and as a result, the 10 long rivers of laws merged into one.

Reinventing Pangu’s true body, with a majestic, vigorous, primitive, and riding-and-shooting aura, the ten-faced god banner was resolutely reshaped into a heaven-opening axe.

“Open the world!”

Pangu Zhenjing smashed it down with his axe.

With a piercing sound, the entire void was directly split by the axe from top to bottom, as if opening up the world, shattering everything, and slashing towards Emperor Jun.


Di Jun’s long hair flew out.

A golden seal of the highest quality flew out from his body, the emperor’s mighty power, suppressing Du Tian, ​​this is definitely the seal of the Heavenly Emperor, turning into the seal of the highest quality, facing him.

There was a roar.

Hundreds of thousands of miles exploded in the void, the Heavenly Emperor seal was blown away, and Emperor Jun spouted a mouthful of blood, firmly guarding ten Golden Crows, just like his body.

“Di Jun is suffering from Death!”

Pangu’s real body once again swung Pangu’s axe in the air.

“Qi’s luck is here!”

Di Jun’s face was serious, he said loudly.

A golden aura appeared on the Heavenly Emperor’s seal, which combined with Di Jun’s body, made his emperor’s power stronger, and Cultivation Base ascending.

He urged Heavenly Emperor Yin to fight with Pangu’s real body, causing the world to collapse, celebrities to fall, and all spirits to leave.


Pangu’s true body roared angrily.

A breath of energy flew from a place higher than the social group in Wu dialect, and merged into Pangu’s true body. The original illusory body instantly solidified, as if it were pure gold.

A relevance axe swept across, a world appeared in the void, and the fierce power detonated the Heavenly Emperor seal.

He blew on Emperor Jun’s body at a constant speed, and the whole person exploded. The sky was filled with flesh and blood. Nine Heavenly Emperor auras appeared, and everyone’s flesh and blood poured out.

Recombining his physical body, Di Jun was resurrected again, his face a little pale.

“Di Jun, let’s take a look at the number of times you have been resurrected!”

Pangu’s real body smiled without emotion, and raised Pangu’s axe again.

Dijun exhausted all his energy and was no match for Pangu’s true body. In addition, he was now protecting the ten Golden Crows, and he was defeated and defeated again.

“brush!”Resurrected again, he was cut off by an axe again, and Di Jun was resurrected again. With each resurrection, Di Jun’s face became paler and his aura became weaker.

Di Jun wanted to evade, but he couldn’t evade at all, and there was a look of despair in his eyes.

“Will I really die here today?”

“So reluctant!”


Puff, a red light shot out from the void, flashed quickly and silently, and pierced without waiting for Pangu’s body to react.

With a bang, Pangu’s true body god exploded, and the rain of blood scattered all over the sky. As a result, the seven ancestral witches fell from the sky and fell below, coughing up blood.

The seven ancestral witches fell to the ground severely wounded, vomiting blood, three drops of Pangu were dotted with the air, and the three laws were floating, which meant that the three ancestral witches died tragically.

This scene caused the gods and demons to overturn in all directions.

A red light severely beheaded Pangu’s true body.

This is not enough!

You must know that the bodies of the ancestors have reached the level of Xiantian religious treasures, and what reasonable weight of red light is alarming.

All the gods and demons were shocked and watched the red light fly into the void. The red light spreads, combines, and transforms into an expanded blood formation with an evil halo.

This blood-colored long sword is evil like a devil.

“This is so evil!”

“When something is evil, there must be a Devil!”

Jiang Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but he didn’t care. He came back to select treasures, and by the way, he charged a few more accounts. Why should he care about the others.

With a flick of his huge sleeve, he took back three drops of Pangu’s blood and the three laws.


Pieces of golden petals are floating in the air, moving and falling in the air, countless evil spirits fall on countless flowers and plants in the world.

A large number of flowers and trees, whether they will bloom or not, are now blooming, their fragrance is overflowing, and they are indescribably evil.

A red figure slowly fell from the air.

An oversized red dress was fluttering, white hair hanging on his shoulders, long sleeves dancing, indescribably charming, and a masculine air of riding a horse radiated from it.

The fragile Spiritual Qi and the resulting masculinity are completely combined, a bit like Deva unity, so the whole world is eclipsed and it is considered to be gone for her.

The white hair was flying, revealing a jade face with a national beauty and heavenly fragrance.

“The One?”

Seeing this face, although it has an irresistible shape, it still has a hazy look of the past, and countless gods and demons in the world recognized this surprised cry.

Isn’t Taiyi dead?

Why is he reborn again, become so charming and plump.

“The One?”

Nuwa, Jiuying, Zhunti and Tongtian four sages also exclaimed and stood up.

They thought they were mistaken!

When they used their supernatural powers and took a closer look, their destiny had not changed. They were indeed real Taiyi, but the charming makeup made the four Sage’s faces dizzy.

However, has Taiyi already become a woman?

Di Jun believes that this day is about to become a climax.

He didn’t expect that a bloody formation would suddenly break through Pangu’s true body and kill 3 ancestral witches, but he was curious how they killed them.

He thought he would be grateful, and then he looked for it.

He saw a face in a huge red dress, no, it should be a huge red palace costume. The gorgeousness of this red dress is definitely different, and Di Jun’s heart is trembling.

“Virtuous brother!”

Di Jun’s soul roared and was heard.

Taiyi, dressed in a red palace attire, fell on a flower, like the lord of the flowers, with a high spirit, and turned around when he heard the voice of Emperor Jun.

“Big Brother!”

Seeing Di Jun, Tai Lihua smiled faintly. She was so charming and charming. She gently gave Di Jun 1,000 blessings, and gently opened her red lips, saying: “Long time no see!”.

The voice was very soft, clear and melodious, and there was a slight heartache.

“Virtuous brother…”

Di Jun’s body was trembling, his lips pursed slightly, and his heart was very bitter. He said, “How can you take this form?”

He is like the real Taiyi.

Because their Dage was trained and born at the same time as him, he knew that it was very good, very strong, and very straight. It should be impossible to become like this at the moment.

“Does it look bad?”

Taiyi giggled, smiling very charmingly, her eyes wanted to look at Jiang Yuan, she said: “Hey, I want to be like this too, I thank you very much, Jiang Yuan.”

“It was you, they, who created us, felt the principles and rules of Heavenly Dao, Deva resurrected, everything is healthy, this is the highest Realm created.”

Jiang Yuan was puzzled, and when he saw Taiyi Zhenren, he remembered the undefeated East.

No, the Eastern Unbeaten is much worse than the real Taiyi.

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