Chapter 157

Jiang Yuan’s figure suddenly appeared, his face was a bit dull, and he tried to look at the sky, the golden sunlight rushed to the sky, the sunlight was dazzling, the sunlight suppressing the sun, around the sun, the surrounding gods and demons appeared. The gods and demons were trembling, obviously welcoming something that came out of the earth. This was not enough. A long stream of Star laws appeared, across the sky and the earth, vast and mighty, and the strongest was the penetration of Dao Yun Law. , In the clues of the Scarlet Law, destruction. “What a terrible sight!”

Jiang Yuan was stunned for a moment, and muttered to himself, “What the hell is it that got on the boat?”

A scream resounded across the sky as well as the earth. The sound was like a sunrise, rising slowly, getting brighter and brighter, with a trace of scorching heat, making the temperature of the sky ascending a little bit. This is just the beginning, from the sun. There was endless screaming again, singing…

Nine times in a row, every time we cried, the sun went down a little bit, and nine times at a time, the sun went dark, as if sick, lifeless, the sky and the earth darkened rapidly, ten cries meant ten downhill. Still on the sun, this was the beginning of 10 Golden Crows. Jiang Yuan was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect that now 10 Golden Crows came out. “Hmph, even though they came out of the wild, Journey to the West can all die!”. ”

With a cold roar, Jiang Yuan turned into a white rainbow light and walked towards the sun. On the sun, Sheikh was lying on a bed of clouds, with one hand in the air, looking at 10 Golden Crows chatting beside him, his pale face was filled with the sunshine of his mother, and his eyes showed a look of worship: “These are my children. !”

Sheikh’s eyes lit up and he muttered to himself: “I have an excellent Taiyi Cultivation Base since I was born. It must be of royal blood.”

“With these ten Golden Crows, even if I am not Emperor Taiyi, I will restore the Heaven Court and become the Heavenly Emperor myself, dominating the heavens and the earth.”

After that, Sheikh reluctantly placed 10 small Golden Crows on the Xiantian Spiritual Roots of the hibiscus wood, and prohibited them from exercising, allowing them to absorb the original power of the sun. The original power of the sun was integrated into the physique of 10 Golden Crows. Sacred’s sun shines all over his body, his body grows larger, and the Cultivation Base grows stronger. “Baize Lion demon god!”

Sheikh looked at the void and said flatly: “Down the Star Origin!”


In the void, several demon gods responded, and then the void suddenly lowered Star’s original ability and merged into Sheikh’s body. Sheikh’s pale and weak face turned pink, and it was also the old starlight, also called Essence of The Sun and Moon, but the power of this Star origin is more than ten million times stronger than Essence of the Sun and Moon. Obviously feeling something, Xihe opened his eyes and looked at the void: “You are finally here!”

A white light flashed in the void, revealing a white figure, all dressed in white, elegant and temperamental, it was Jiang Yuan, looking at Sheykh with some surprise, “Are you waiting for me?”.

“Yes, from the moment I ordered the slaughter of humans, I knew you would come back. I didn’t expect you to come back just like this. After a long time, even a small problem can’t be handled well. It’s a waste of a Phantom car. ”

Sheikh sat gently on his throne, calmly saying: “A little thing?”

Jiang Yuan’s face instantly turned cold. He said, “This is not a big deal. Hey, I am in a bad mood today, so I killed the Sun Temple.”

“The Sun Temple was slaughtered?”

Xie He raised his head and laughed and said, “Haha, in a big tone, Jiang Yuan, you are always so pessimistic, don’t you ask me why I am waiting for you?”

“Why?” Jiang Yuan frowned, “I want to kill you!”

Xie He said with a smile on his face: “In order to kill you, Di Jun and I have been preparing for tens of thousands of years, but unfortunately the last time we were in Buzhou Mountain, we had all kinds of scruples and didn’t sleep well.””I regret letting you run away, but I didn’t expect you to come back to America on your own. I worked so hard and it was not in vain!”

“The beautiful original array of the heavenly dynasty is out!”

Sheikh waved his sleeves, gave an order, the sky roared, and the stars in the sky appeared, shining brightly and densely, like the related Star ocean, running in a mysterious flight, the laws of the sky appeared, and the Netherworld was moved. “Boom!”

The sea of ​​stars splits, and the great Star emerges from the crack. It is vast, ancient, and vast, no more, no less. It is the more than 300 of them and the cardia, their general origin Spiritual Qi, intertwined origin laws, at this moment, The total predecessor stopped. “Essence Star?”

Nuwa, Tongtian, Guanyin, and Zhunti stood up, inspected the 300 ancient stars and Cardiac stars around the sun, showing a look of consternation.

Four Sage knows that it is Xihe and the sun without care.

The Star of Origin is one of the powers of the prehistoric world. If you advance the ability of the globe, huge drawbacks will appear in the wild world, is Sheik crazy?


Wu Clan, Xuan Ming Clan, Di Jun was rushing to persuade Xuan Ming. He seemed to feel something. He turned his head and saw the gods and monsters in the sky. Danger.”

“Who should kill her?”

“The Demon Race just slaughtered humans, maybe it was Jiang Yuan?”

“Yes, only he can put Sheikh in danger.”

“Hehe, Jiang Yuan continues to be so barbaric, demanding that he take the initiative to send it to the door to hunt. If a Sage can’t destroy you, Origin Star can crush you to death!”

After understanding the reasons and effects, Di Jun found the sky with a sneer on his face: “Genesis Star?”

Dijiang, Zhu Rong, Gonggong and other ancestor witches found in the sky, their eyes narrowed, this demon is absolutely powerful, they will really summon the origin star, now I don’t know this hapless one, and they want to help our demon. Family in-depth inspection. In the void, the white-haired man wearing a big red robe seemed to feel something, stopped, holding a nanmu fan, spinning it gently, looking at the sky higher than his head.

“Original star?”

“Well, someone attacked the Sun Temple!”

Jiang Yuan was stunned. The good formation of the Universe could summon the Origin Star. It was incredible. This must be one of the top three formations in the prehistoric geography. As soon as the Origin Star appeared, the entire void seemed to shrink rapidly. Jiang Yuan didn’t know that he was standing on the starry sky with the sun hanging. Sheikh was standing in the sky and wanted to disarm Jiang Yuan. He happily said loudly, “Haha, Jiang Yuan, do you think I hate you?”

“It was you who ruined everything in my name, and you made trouble, broke Heaven Court, ripped Chang’e away, and created a world joke of Heaven Court in the wild.”

“Moreover, it was you who hurt Di Jun.”

“Di Jun changed his own heart, betrayed the United States, betrayed my children, and betrayed the entire monster clan, and the relative actually cherished a Xuan Ming Ancestral Witch.”

“all because of you!”

“My Little Sister Chang’e has an enmity with the US, my fellow daoist betrayed the US, and my throne of destiny has disappeared.”

“I hate Xuanming, but I hate you even more!”

“Jiang Yuan, I can not only kill you, but also slaughter humans together. No, I need humans to be imprisoned and become the blood food of my demons, haha!”

With that, Sheikh laughed wildly, with a trace of madness, and threw out a military order: “Heart Sky Star, Fall!”


A neat answer came from the starry sky, Sanbai and Benyuanyuan star orbited in mysterious flight, and countless Stars around, as if hail was coming, crashing into Jiangyuan. “Humph!”

Jiang Yuan’s face was very flat. He mentioned: “The strong words are unreasonable, and everything is up to you to turn the original us. After being injured, you come to explain us again. Your obsession is very deep!”

“Since you are a lunatic, then I will crush you all to death!”

With a wave of his hand, the purple-cyan divine light flashed, and the Death You Tianbao hammer appeared in his hand, the wind and thunder divine light circulated, exuding related endless poisonous gas. “Open heaven!”

Jiang Yuan blew it with a hammer, and the power in his body rushed to the mass. The divine light flashed, and the mass grew larger and larger, becoming 10 million square kilometers in size. He used supernatural powers and interrupted it with his own power. All the rules are gone, “Boom!”

The starry sky collapsed, and the surroundings were filled with frenzy. Numerous Stars burst and turned into Star fragments, rushing in all directions, bursting out a wave of Stars, and then evolving into a wave, almost endless. “Haha, Jiang Yuan, I have confidence in the entire starry sky, to see how many Stars you can burst, we will mobilize the stars of the Universe to come back and burst Jiang Yuan.”

Sheikh’s arrogant laughter came from the void. The flight of the original 365 Stars changed, and they followed another Star to fly. The countless Stars merged together, flying out a stream of light, this stream of light. They were all made up of Stars, blasting towards Jiang Yuan, vast and mighty. “Eyes of Broken God!”.

Jiang Yuan’s face was dignified, his eyes turned silvery white, and he saw through the illusion. On the howling star stream, there was a Star law connecting the 300 stars in the sky and the cardia origin star. The specific law made the star stream attack. “No Great Dao Emperor!”

Jiang Yuan’s profound arts began to work, and his body turned purple-gold, thinking of a Xiantian vine appeared behind him with seven Calabash of different colors hanging on it.

The good emperor’s luck filled the air, and every path in the starry sky was trembling. “Om!”

The specific laws on the specific stars have all changed, appeared in the air, stood out from the gods and demons, changed, moved closer to Jiangyuan, expressing surrender, this is often not all, the original 360 stars. A group of demon gods appeared one after another, their faces pale. If it weren’t for the guardianship of the Origin Star, they would have knelt on the ground. In the starry sky, Xi He looked solemnly at Jiang Yuan, “Nine Heavenly Emperor Qi?”

“Is this the nine Heavenly Emperor Wang Qi you simply caught in Taiyuan?”

“No, it is impossible for the nine Heavenly Emperor Qi to suppress the laws of the heavens and subdue all avenues. However, you have obtained such a powerful Dili, have you witnessed the existence of the Heavenly Emperor?”.”Although Emperor Jun has not fallen, you cannot obtain the Heavenly Emperor. This must be a connected illusion, it must be a connected illusion.”

“The origin of Star falls, blowing away Jiang Yuan.”

Sheikh was a little incoherent, and even many people couldn’t accept it. When the demon gods on the 365 origin stars urged the origin stars with all their strength, they released a roar, with craziness in their eyes, eagerly falling down, and blowing towards Jiang Yuan: “come on!”

Jiang Yuan rushed forward, his feet stepped on the star stream, as if walking on the ground, the gods and demons surrendered wherever he passed, then his face was cold, his eyes turned silvery white, and he came to the related source star. Checking the demon code above, with a wave of the giant sleeve, a golden, purple, and green light flew out, sweeping all demon. “Absorb three million feet of energy, get good thoughts, and live for 100,000 yuan!”. ”

“Inhale four million feet, the fruit of the Nile Tao, one hundred thousand yuan can live!”


All the Devils are gone. The Origin Star is retreating. A series of numbers appeared in Jiang Yuan’s mind. Jiang Yuan didn’t check it at all. He walked towards the different Origin Stars, waving his huge sleeves, and a golden, purple, and blue band appeared. The divine light swept across Devil, a bit like this, Jiang Yuan was walking in the starry sky, as if walking leisurely. After walking past the origin stars, reaping the Monster Qi, Dao Guo, and Shouyuan in the super-large space, as each origin star recedes, the origin star of the specific star is hidden, and the origin array of the sky star cannot be supported. , Turning back in an instant, countless monsters were sent into the air by the Origin Star. “what?”

“The specific big star source array is shattered?”

On the sun, Xie Hechu was taken aback for a while, his body trembled, his complexion changed drastically, and he hurriedly sent a message to the 10 Golden Crows cultivated by the United Nations organization on the hibiscus tree: “Children, follow along to find your father, Dijun!”

On the hibiscus tree, the freedom of the sun is extremely dense, including the freedom of the descending star. There are principles and rules. Principles and rules are harmonious. The rules of the star are manifested, not much worse than Sage’s preaching. After a short period of time, 10 Golden Crows gathered 3 flowers with their own Cultivation Base, and they were promoted to Nile Golden Fairy prosecutors. Before the Golden Crows had time to be happy, they suddenly heard their mother’s thanks and anxiety. Voice: “Children, follow them to find your father Dijun!”. ”

“Find your father?”

After the ten Golden Crow woke up, with some doubts, they flew towards Xi Shi’s front door, but they were stopped by Xi Shi. “Go to Buzhou Mountain and find your father Dijun in Xuanming tribe!”

With a wave of the sleeves, 10 Golden Crows were yelled and sent out to the sun, and landed on the thorns of Buzhou Mountain. The 10 Golden Crows were puzzled and a little at a loss, but finally the boss said: “Listen to mom, mom has Danger, let’s go find dad quickly!”.

“Yes, let’s go find father!”

“Find father!”

The original Star disappeared into nothingness, and the sky was full of fallen monsters. Jiang Yuan’s eyes lit up, he was so good fortune, his sleeves waved, his talent, gold, purple, and blue lights flew out, a kind of three. Body of water. Shuttle between the monsters that fell into the void, wherever they passed, each monster was turned into ashes, and a series of messages appeared in Jiang Yuan’s mind.

When the last Devil turned to ashes, the data in Jiang Yuan’s mind reached one hundred thousand. This amazing number made his talent soar. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yuan needed a look. The sky seemed to want to correct it, “Boom!”

The original Star is pale, the specific beautiful star array is curved, the countless Star Laws are broken and turned into segments of law fragments, the Heavenly Dao principle appears, and these law fragments break again, “good fortune!”

Jiang Yuan’s face was full of joy. He ran the profound arts, opened his big mouth, and became a world-shaking area, sweeping across the void, and countless fragments of laws and rivers were sucked into his mouth. The power of chaos in his body, as well as optical phenomena. None of the Tao types should play a role. They mechanically absorb the fragments of the law and refine them. The two Tao types are shining, their god patterns swell, their Tao rhyme is getting more and more ancient, their Spiritual Qi is getting stronger and stronger, and their vitality is getting stronger and stronger. ,”call!”. ”

Jiang Yuan opened his mouth, earth-shattering wishes, and greed from all quarters. He swept through the fragments of the law from the void over and over again. In a blink of an eye, the fragments of the law were spawned, and the two beautiful Dao seeds in his body shuttled back and forth. , Like a bottomless pit, greedy processing, once the last fragment of the law is refined, the two beautiful Dao seeds will stop growing. The god pattern is clear and swelled a lot, the rhyme of Taoism is ancient, as if it has endured endless years, the power is amazing, Jiang Yuan obviously feels that the power of the own chaos has skyrocketed, and the derived Taoism is even more mysterious, appearing between movements. With countless thoughts, “A good fortune!”. ”

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