My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 664: First news about Dragon City

Standing on the city wall, Xiao Feng looked at the burning city in front of him, and his heart did not fluctuate much.

There was thick smoke rising everywhere in the city, fires were constantly ignited, and there were bursts of crying in the distance.

A team of half-orcs got out of the building and ran into the street, and then soon they were chopped to the ground by the human soldiers who came after them.

Even if they are the tauren who can be ten, even if they are still taller and stouter than human beings, at this time they are as if they have lost their souls.

Running around aimlessly in the city, once being overtaken by human soldiers, they were either hacked and killed on the spot, or they were caught and **** and sent to the back to be slaves.

There were also groups of orc soldiers who wanted to occupy some courtyards to resist, but they were quickly surrounded by the human army who rushed in. They threw fire into the courtyard and quickly turned into pieces. Human-shaped torch.

The city has been completely messed up, even some half-orcs who have broken out, they are also robbing their houses, obviously wanting to make a fortune before escaping from the city.

It seems that military forces all over the world are the same, Xiao Feng shook his head on the wall.

He has already promised his soldiers to allow them not to seal their swords after entering the city, and naturally they will not break their promises at this time.

Most of these soldiers had blood feuds with the half-orcs, leaving aside the hatred of subjugation, almost all of their family members died at the hands of these half-orcs.

Now that there is finally a chance to counterattack and come back, how can there be any reason not to retaliate?

Xiao Feng is not a saint, and he doesn't believe Kong Lao Er's practice of subduing people with morality.

In this savage world, there is no fist to do anything. Tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye is the basic law of this world.

Although he doesn't like the practices of human soldiers, he naturally supports the human beings to return back how the orcs treat humans.

Only when these half-orcs are scared, they will consider the consequences of human revenge before they do anything bad next time.

However, seeing the human soldiers getting a little more and more excessive, the moral bottom line in his heart was still touched, and he turned around to explain to Kyle and Brumo.

"Let the soldiers, there is enough. After all, we are not beasts, and this city is still useful for us, don't destroy it all."

After the explanation, he went down the city wall, and Kyle and Bloom naturally strictly followed Xiao Feng's orders, and soon shot the messenger and the law enforcement team, went to the city to execute Junfa, and gave the order.

Finally, when it was getting late, the situation in the city was under control.

The soldiers who were out of control gradually returned to the team, found their own organization, and then, under the orders of Kyle and Bloom, began to take over the entire city.

Most of the orcs in this city have already escaped, and those who haven't escaped have also been picked up by humans, ready to be sent to the rear to become slaves.

To be honest, these half-orcs are excellent slaves if they are trained well.

In the evening, Xiao Feng lived in the General Mansion that originally belonged to Ao Guang, and saw the original owner in the lobby of the General Mansion.

Because of Ao Guang's old age and physical frailty, coupled with the early conquest of mankind, his leg was injured and disabled, so he was slow to escape, and he was caught up by human pursuers halfway through.

In order to cover his son Zhijie's escape, he led some family members to stay, and after a bitter battle, he became captives of mankind.

At this time, when he was taken into the hall, he didn't dare to get out of the air and didn't dare to raise his head, so he knelt on the ground.

"You are the guard of this city? What is your name?"

Xiao Feng looked at the ape man lying on the ground, and couldn't see how old this guy was.

Ao Guang's body shook: "Master Huiming, it's my fellow, my name is Ao Guang!"

"Well, Ao Guang, let me ask you something. Tell me honestly, and I will save you from death."

The ape man lay on the ground and nodded, seeing that he still didn't want to die.

"I ask you, where has the main army of half-orcs gone this year? I have been on the grassland for more than ten days, but I haven't seen any decent army coming to crusade. This is not the same as your personality. !"

This problem has always plagued Xiao Feng. With his years of experience in fighting half-orcs, he knows that these guys are the most simple group of racial discriminators in the world.

They have defeated humans many times in the past and made them think that they are higher-level beings than humans, so they despise humans very much in their hearts.

And with the proud temper of these guys, if they are defeated by humans, they will definitely find their place back.

Xiao Feng had already witnessed this on the battlefield many times before, unless he was beaten up, otherwise these half-orcs would not give up easily.

In the past, every time they suffered a loss on the battlefield, they would immediately organize soldiers and horses and come back to retaliate.

But this time he had already penetrated into the den of half-orcs, burned and looted for more than half a month, but these half-orcs had not come to retaliate, which made him wonder.

What are these guys planning?

As a city guard, Ao Guang could see that his position in the Orc Alliance should still be possible, and he should know some secrets.

"My lord, in the first half of this year, the Tunkan Empire, which had been deadlocked with us for three years in the south of the Sakura Desert, finally couldn't hold on. The frontline 13 cities of the empire fell one after another. The Alliance also sent six The Great Elder, a dozen high priests, led a three-way army to conquer, and wanted to destroy the empire in one go..."

Ao Guang quickly gave an answer. According to him, it turned out to be the last empire of mankind in the south. It finally couldn't hold it and began to collapse.

Therefore, the half-orcs alliance increased the stakes and dispatched more than 70% of the army, which caused the current emptiness in the rear.

Xiao Feng didn't say anything, but waved his hand and motioned the soldiers to come and take this Ao Guang down.

He turned his head and glanced at Kyle. He used to live in the Toulon Empire and knew very well about the conditions on the Saint Sodexo Road.

"Yes, your lord is in the south of the Toulon Empire. There used to be a dozen small city-states, but they must have been wiped out by the orcs. And these city-states are further south, the Sakura Desert, passing through this The Great Desert is just another human empire. These empires were all established by the Sakuras."

Kyle gave Xiao Feng a general introduction to the situation in the southern part of the Toulon Empire, and also verified what Ao Guang said by the way.

"But don't you think there is something wrong with Ao Guang's answer?"

Xiao Feng always felt that something was wrong in this, Kyle was silent, but Bloom nodded.

"Yes, he answered too smoothly! It seems that you have known what you want to ask, and this answer is also an answer that has been prepared."

"Well, I'll leave the rest to you. The soldiers are also set up to arrest some other high-level prisoners. You can find out those prisoners, cross-interrogate them, and you should be able to get the truth. If you still can’t figure it out, call it again. I."

After a busy day, Xiao Feng was also tired and went back early to rest.

When they got up early the next morning to wash and eat breakfast, Kyle and Bloom brought the news.

It turned out that the last human kingdom south of the Sakura Desert could not hold up, but the Orcs Alliance obviously did not waste too much force on that human kingdom.

According to the answers of several senior executives in the city, there is still a part of the army, under the leadership of several generals.

Xiao Feng sneered, knowing that Ao Guang didn't tell him the truth, but he must know something.

Without talking nonsense, people brought Ao Guang up directly, he smiled coldly, and a bee egg slipped out of his sleeve.

Although Ao Guang didn't know what this bee egg was, he felt stiff all over when he looked at the white thing and got directly into his nostrils.

After a while, his expression became dull, and Xiao Feng came to him with a sneer.

"Okay, don't hide it, just tell me, you have three armies in the first half of the year. Under the leadership of General Elephant and General Lion, they went to the west. What did they do?"

Ao Guang rolled his eyes, the expression on his face became distorted, and his expression became very complicated. Obviously, he wanted to resist answering this question in his soul.

But the king bee egg in his body controls his body, making him unable to resist.

"They went to find the Dragon City under the leadership of the Peron Sacrifice!"

"What? Dragon City?"

Hearing such an answer, before Xiao Feng could respond, both Bloom and Kyle couldn't sit still.

"What is Dragon City?"

Xiao Feng asked them both, and the two rushed to explain to Xiao Feng.

It turns out that in the history of humans and elves, there is a legend. In the west of the mainland, there is a mysterious dragon city, where many ancient beasts live: dragons!

These dragons are tall and vicious, and can breathe fire. One is enough to destroy a human city, so people don't dare to provoke them easily.

But that is a legend after all. No one has seen a dragon, and that city. I didn’t expect the half-orcs to actually find Then what do you want to send someone to find this dragon city? "

Xiao Feng turned his head and looked at Ao Guang and asked, and at this time the expression on Ao Guang's face was very strange and distorted.

He even smiled Yin Yin: "Naturally go to catch the dragon, train the dragon and then come back to deal with you! You **** mage!"

Speaking of the last thing, this guy's voice even had a bit of hoarseness, and it was obvious that the bitter hatred towards Xiao Feng caused him to regain his body.

But it only lasted for a few seconds, and his expression quickly became blank again.

Xiao Feng smiled coldly: "Really? Well, I'll wait for them. But your mission has been completed, now you can go to death!"

He snapped his fingers, and this Ao Guang immediately rolled his eyes, and quickly fell to the ground, as if he had no bones all over his body, for a moment.

After a while, white smoke began to appear on the corpse, and after a while, only a puddle of pus was left. . .

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