In the past, they used to attack human territories. Humans hid behind the city walls, and they drove human slaves and charged in front as cannon fodder.

Filling the pit and burying the moat are all things that human slaves should do on the battlefield.

But now the situation has been adjusted, and now it is the humans who are attacking their city, and they have captured the orcs as slaves and used as cannon fodder in the front.

This made the young and energetic Zhijie feel unacceptable, but although he was furious, he was not stupid.

After being stopped by his father Ao Guang before, his mind has gradually recovered his calmness.

Human armies that can swagger over dozens of half-orc tribes in the territory of half-orcs, do you think they gave them for nothing?

Or if you think that they are the same defeated men of the human empire, then you are very wrong.

The human army that can beat so many powerful tribes on the Napal grassland into the flowers and rushing wolves is certainly not for nothing.

At this time, seeing the momentum of the army on the city wall, if he rushed down rashly, he would be giving others away!

What should I do now?

Shou chant! Zhijie also participated in the Alliance Army a few years ago, and also went to the southern human empire to conquer, and participated in many battles.

Conquering countless human cities, he has rich experience in siege, and he has no shortage of experience in defending cities.

This time he wanted to see how these human armies conquered their forest city!

The walls of this castle were raised to 15 meters by human slaves, and he did not believe that these human troops could climb up.

Moreover, he had seen these battles of human forces defending the city, but he hadn't watched the siege. He wanted to see how capable these humans really were and whether they could conquer his forest city.

What's more, after calming down, he also carefully looked at the phalanx of this human army. There were only 20 or more people, and more than 30,000 people, plus the heavy squad behind, 50,000 people died.

And in his forest city, there are 10,000 elite ape tribes alone, and 100,000 people from other tribes, but among them there are elite warriors who dare to fight. There are only twenty thousand.

Adding this together is thirty thousand elite, against thirty thousand elite, but this time they defended the city and the humans attacked the city.

Looking at the humans, more than 10,000 of the 30,000 are cavalry, and the infantry is only 20,000, and he didn't see any siege equipment. He really didn't believe that these humans could conquer their city.

At this moment, a knight quickly ran out of the human phalanx, and the knight quickly rushed to the bottom of the city wall, within the range of the orcs' bows and arrows.

Originally, Zhijie wanted to shoot him Liwei with an arrow, but his father Ao Guang stopped him.

Soon the man came under the city wall and shouted loudly in lingua franca: "Listen to the half-orcs in the city wall, the death of running city led a large army to conquer the crowd. If you don't want to die, you can quickly surrender to the city. If you dare Resistance, after the army broke the city, it will not seal the sword for three days, give you a stick of incense time to consider, and give you a reply..."

The knight ran up and down the city, making sure that every orc soldier on the wall could hear his call.

Soon Zhijie heard the low-pitched commotion from the defenders on the wall, especially, these idiots, what is there to be afraid of the Death God of Running City.

What a few words will make you mess up the military's mind.

When he thought of this, Zhijie was angry. He threw away the guards around him, and drew a bow and arrow from his side. He bent the bow and pointed the arrow at the knight and shot it with one arrow.

Fortunately, the knight had been watching the movement on the city wall vigilantly, and naturally he had spotted the arrow shot by Zhijie early.

Immediately leaned over, beat the horse and turned around, and began to flee backwards.

And the half-orcs on the city wall, now that they saw that You Zhijie took the lead, how could the others hold back, they began to bow and shoot arrows to kill the messenger.

Soon the knight was shot on the road, and these moves of the orcs completely angered the human army on the opposite side, and the noise from the human phalanx could be heard from a distance.

At this moment, a dad da da sound rang from the top of their heads, and Ao Guang and Zhijie looked up to the distance, only to see a huge black shadow, from far to near, quickly approaching the city wall from the air.

Ao Guang suddenly remembered that he had heard from those half-orcs who had returned from defeat before, that the Death God of Running City had vast magical powers and was omnipotent.

Especially good at manipulating and **** skills, among them there is a powerful aerial fortress that can fly in the air.

It was a very strange long iron box that could fly lightly in the air. It was more powerful than a golden eagle, and it was faster than a golden eagle. It would make a strange roar when flying.

What's more terrifying is that this iron box will thunder and shoot lightning in the air, but none of the half-orcs hit by him can leave a whole body.

When Ao Guang heard people talk about such a thing before, it was only when that person was beaten up by that running city death **** and became insane.

But now when he saw the strange roar of the black iron box coming from across the sky, he believed it, and even his legs were weak.

Not only him, but many half-orcs on the city wall looked at the strange iron box, and even thought they had seen a miracle. Some guys had actually begun to kneel on the wall, kneeling against the iron box, and kowtow in prayer.

At this moment, the wing-like iron pipes on both sides of the iron box began to spray out chains of fire shining red.

Wherever this chain of fire went, there was a loud noise, and then a pit with a diameter of more than two meters appeared on the wall, and all the half-orcs within five meters of the pit appeared.

Whether you are an ape man with a bee arm and a bee waist, a pig head man with a thin water tank on the waist, or a tauren with a thick upper and lower side, as long as you hit it, all the bones will be broken.

Fortunately, those who lost their arms or had a broken leg, the unlucky ones were directly blown into pieces, or were blown into two pieces, and even some heads were blown up and scattered all over the place.

There was a scream of ghosts and wolves on the wall immediately. Some half-orcs thought it was a punishment sent by the gods. At this time, they still knelt on the ground religiously, kowtow to the black iron box above their heads.

Others were shocked by the first wave of attacks, screaming and scurrying around the city wall, trying to find a safe place to hide.

Fortunately, they quickly found an arrow tower in the middle of the city wall. This cylindrical arrow tower stood above the fish city wall. Usually it was not only a bunker for archers to shoot, but also a cave for soldiers.

It was specially designed to avoid the stone bullets thrown by the enemy from below the city. At the beginning, Ao Guang had people build it with strips of stone collected from a distant mountain. It was extremely strong.

But the arrow tower, which is usually unusually strong in the eyes of the orcs, did not play the role they imagined in front of the violent firepower output of that black iron box.

The iron box drew an arc in the air and flew slowly in front of the arrow tower. The half-orcs in the arrow tower watched the iron box flying, and under the control of fear, they madly let go of arrows at the iron box.

It is a pity that the crossbows they shot out, after hitting the iron box, bounced off one after another, without scratching any of their patent leather.

And the iron box seemed to have been tickled a few times, and the muzzle was adjusted lazily, and then a series of firelights gushed out from the rocket nests under the wings on both sides of him.

A few rockets followed very accurately, and the window of the arrow tower went directly into the arrow tower. . .

Zhijie and Ao Guang, who were hiding in the distance, looked at the three-story arrow tower built up by the strip of stone, suddenly inflated from the inside, like a balloon that had been inflated, but soon burst. Up.

After the huge explosion sound, a thick smoke floated from the city wall, gun smoke, mud dust, and **** smell mixed together, forming a very unpleasant smell in the air.

When the smoke cleared, everyone could only see the original strong arrow tower, and only a fragment of broken walls and broken arms all over the floor.

The half-orcs on the wall couldn't hold on anymore, they all screamed and ran towards the stairs. At this time, the only thought in everyone's mind was to run farther, and the farther away from the monster box, the better.

Xiao Feng drove this black shark and swept the city wall repeatedly, and finally drove all the orcs off the city wall before lighting up all the ammunition.

At the same time, the phalanx of the human army in the distance also received a signal. Driven by the human soldiers, the half orcs in front, carrying bags full of soil, rushed towards the city wall.

Along the way, they naturally helped human soldiers wade through countless traps, and finally rushed under the city wall. The first thing was naturally to fill the moat, and by the way, remove the horses blocking the road.

With these hard cannon fodder, the charge of the human army can finally speed up.

The orcs on the city wall were dispersed, and Xiao Feng asked the Bumblebee Guard to control the top of the wall.

And he landed the plane on the city wall, but the people got off the city wall, came to the door and took out the recoilless gun, and blasted the city gate indiscriminately.

After five shells were fired directly at the huge gate was finally crossed by him, and even the bricks blocking the gate behind the gate were blown to pieces.

Behind the city gate, Ao Guang and Zhijie, who did not go far, saw that the city gate was struck by thunder in succession and then exploded to pieces. This is finally a letter.

It turns out that the previous half-orcs really didn't lie. The Death God of Running City really has the ability to manipulate thunder and lightning!

"Let's go! Zhijie, take the people with you and retreat, this city doesn't need to be guarded."

Seeing the swarms of orc cannon fodder swarming in at the gate, Ao Guang said to Zhijie beside him and began to move the obstacles blocking the gate.

Zhijie was also fascinated, but he also knew that the old man was right, the city could not be defended.

Suddenly they heard the screams coming from behind, and when they looked back, they saw that there was a burst of smoke and fire everywhere in the city.

"Asshole, we took them in. It doesn't count as if they collapsed, they were burned and killed in the city!"

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